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J.M. Session One

Posted on Fri May 31st, 2024 @ 10:32pm by GM Nicole & Lieutenant Jules Mundy

966 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Security Alert: These Bugs Again
Location: Dr. Porter's Office
Timeline: MD 11, 1000 hours

Dr. Porter's desk faced the far wall, so that she would never be sitting behind it when a patient came in for a session. She had a few season options, a standard guest chair, a chaise lounge, and a larger plush chair that had the option to recline. She was expecting Lieutenant Mundy this morning, and was curious to see how the session would go. Mandatory sessions were always unpredictable. Not that any counseling session could be considered predictable.

Mundy arrived at the counselor's office. Before pressing the chime button, he took a deep breath in, let it out slowly, then pressed the chime button. He didn't want to do this, but it was mandatory.

Helen walked over toward the door as she called out "Come in," so that she could greet Lieutenant Mundy in the center of the room.

"Good morning, Lieutenant. How are you feeling today?" Dr. Porter asked casually.

"Same as I have been feeling since that thing was taken out me.....tired and pissed, doctor." Mundy responded.

"That's understandable," Helen responded. "Why don't you take a seat somewhere so we can chat for a little bit."

Mundy sat in the standard chair and looked at Porter. "I know is this mandatory, but let's be starship captain will trust a security officer to safeguard the ship and crew if he can't take care of himself. Someone from Starfleet will arrive, probably a senior security officer, with him will be a security officer, probably a lieutenant commander or above, they will relive me of duty, putting that other officer, take me back to Starfleet HQ where I will be drilled on what happened, then I will receive a general court martial and released from Starfleet. So if you want to waste your time with this, then so be it."

"Why would you think you would be subjected to a court martial?" Dr. Porter asked.

"A security chief, or an acting security chief, main job is to protect the captain, crew and the ship. Once I was compromised, that put everyone on this ship at risk. It wasn't even anything I could fight! I have no memory of when that thing entered my body. Everything from when I arrived here, to when it left my body, is a blank. I can't even help with trying to tell them where and when it happened!" Replied Mundy. "The best thing I can do now, for the safety of this ship and crew, is to resign, have me tossed in the brig, and wait for someone to come get me and take me back to Earth."

"You aren't compromised now," Helen pointed out. "Why do you think you should be in the brig?" She asked.

"Because I was a threat to the ship, counselor." Mundy leaned back in his chair. "I had the computer track my movements before and after the parasite. I watched as 'me' walked around the ship. I marked everything where 'me' came into contact with any console. I found that 'me' accessed computer terminals searching for intel on critical systems on the ship. I advised the security officer of the intel. He's not allowed to discuss any findings that he detected," Mundy took a deep breath. "I also found that 'I' became involved with a female junior officer, sexually. 'I' broke up with this officer but tried to become involved with another female junior officer. How should I inform these people of what happened to me and would they accept my apologies?"

The counselor looked at him pointedly. "Let's focus on one thing at a time. We'll start with the security threat since that's what you brought up first. You're speaking in past tense, and you're talking about actions that the personality behind the bluegill performed, not Jules Mundy. Why should Jules Mundy be placed in the brig now? If one of your junior officers were rescued from a similar parasitic organism, would you punish them for actions the organism performed?"

"Yes, I would, until I am sure that the officer is no longer under the influence of the alien." replied Mundy.

"Until you were sure they were no longer under the influence. Do you think you are still under the alien's influence?" Helen asked.

Mundy got very agitated. "How can I be sure that I am not still under the alien's influence? No one knows if it left something behind when it left my body!" He was next to tears. "I don't even remember my brother transferring to the ship!"

"Medically, there has been no indication that a host remains under any influence from the parasite after it has been removed," Helen stated. "Psychologically, realizing that you've lost a significant amount of time, and were not in control of your own actions during that time can be very traumatizing. That's why we're talking - to get through this part."

"How long do you think it'll be till I'm back to myself?" Mundy asked.

"It's difficult to put a timeframe on it. Everyone is different," Helen said gently. "But right now - for the first 24-72 hours your body still hasn't purged itself from all of the fight or flight chemicals that it produced when you first realized what was happening to you," she explained. "It's really important to go easy on yourself these next few days while your head clears."

"Are we done for today? I need to do some exercises to get rid of this tension."

"I'll see you tomorrow. And how about we find some exercises that don't involve hitting anything," Helen suggested.

"See you tomorrow, counselor." Mundy walked out and headed to the gyn to do some light exercise.

Lieutenant Jules Mundy
Chief Security Officer
USS Astrea

Counselor Helen Porter (by GM Remy)
Commanding Officer
USS Astrea


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