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Random Drinking Buddy

Posted on Fri May 31st, 2024 @ 8:10pm by Lieutenant Commander Maxun Spello & Lieutenant Chrysanthe Capulet
Edited on on Fri May 31st, 2024 @ 9:27pm

1,771 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: The Menagerie: side stories & mischief making
Location: USS Astrea, Paddy's Loft
Timeline: After the away mission and debrief

Chryanthe needed socialisation and thus made her way to the 10 forward lounge for a drink. She dressed in one of her favourite outfits of a long flowing multicoloured skirt and a dark blue off the shoulder top and on her feet were beaded sandals. She took a seat on a bar stool and ordered a cocktail.

After a few minutes, a tall, handsome man stepped up to the bar to Crysanthe's left and ordered another drink for himself. While he waited, he glanced at Crysanthe and gave her a friendly grin. "How are you settling in, now that we are back aboard the ship?"

Chrys gave the executive officer brief smile as she accepted her cocktail, a fruity concoction with pineapple slices and a paper umbrella. "I am going well." She said. "Finally finished unpacking my cabin." She had, had to move cabins after being granted the Chief position and had, not had time to unpack before the away mission. "Just taking a break and socialising. How about you?"

Maxun nodded as he replied. "I'm still getting used to the larger quarters myself." He signaled to the bartender and requested a drink. When it arrived a few beats later, he thanked the young Bolian and asked Chrys, "Would you like to get a table?"

Chrys considered it. "Sure, sounds like an idea." She picked up her glass. "So as Executive officer, I guess you will be requesting status reports from my department soon enough." she said as they walked to an empty table.

When they reached the table, Maxun pulled out the chair for Chrysanthe to sit, he then moved around the table, and sat down across from her. "Once I get everything sorted, then yeah, I'll be reaching out to all the department heads, so I can get a better feel for how the crew works together. It definitely helps that I was only of those departments heads for a few months already."

"Hmm well I will try to keep the explosions down in Science." She quipped as she settled back in her chair. "I have an ensign who seems to think that an experiment is not working unless there is... explosive reactions."

Maxun chuckled. "I'd appreciate that. Last thing we need is for some science experiment blowing a hole in hull!"

"Believe me, it is extremely low on my list of things I wish to experience. Science will maintain its proper regulations around experiments, even if I have to force feed the rules to that Ensign." Chrys sipped her cocktail. "It is nice to have some down time though."

Maxun nodded as he sat back in his chair some. "It certainly is." He took a sip of his drink, then continued. "And now, no more talk of work, no more ranks. We are just two people, enjoying a relaxing evening together."

Inclining her head Chrys nodded. "okay then, you choose the first topic." She suggested.

Maxun nodded and smiled softly as he replied. "Alright. Tell me about yourself. Who is Chrysanthe Capulet beyond what I can read in your personnel file?"

Her lips curved slightly. "I am a professional pick pocket," she said calmly. And without an inch of embarrassment.

Maxun was silent for a few beats, though no judgement seemed to cross his face. Finally, he responded quietly. "And how long has your family been trying to pull you back in?"

She didn't flinch or react in anyway. "Since I left," she replied without issue. "And they won't succeed."

Maxun nodded, his eyes not leaving hers. "That's good to know. And, as both your executive officer, and friend, if they do try to reach out to you, I hope you will let me know immediately. " He shook his head as he continued. "It's not an order, yet. Just a request. Of course, should you feel like you may be in danger, then I expect that you will raise the alarm."

Chrys considered it. "Ok. But they are not likely to try stuff while I am on a ship. They'll wait until they think they can get me alone."

A slow grin crossed Maxun's face. "Well then, we will just have to make sure you are never alone."

She raised an eyebrow at him. "Oh? And how do you want to ensure that?"

His handsome grin grew slightly more charming as he replied. "Quite simply really. I'll just have to spend all your free time with you."

Chrys tilted her head to the side. "Hmm interesting but it might get boring Sir, I am not that interesting."

"I find that highly unlikely, Chrys. And we are off-duty. No sir stuff." He signaled the waiter over. "Want to get something to eat?"

"That sounds like an idea. Any recommendations?" Chrys asked. She was curious about where this was going to go.

"To tell you the truth," he replied th a grin, "I hadn't eaten here yet, so, it's new to me too. Why don't we just see what sounds good and go from there?"

Nodding, she tapped the holo emitter on the table. "Menu please," she said to the mini hologram.

Maxun did the same, then looked it over. "Seems to be mostly pub fare, with a few large plate options added in. Do you see anything you might like?"

She considered the menu. "Yes, I think the Chicken Alfredo will do me." she said as she found the pasta dish on the menu.

Nodding, the young Bolian waitress looked over at Maxun. "And you, Sir?

"I keep hearing about the shepards pie dish. I've never had it before, so I'd like to try it, please."

The waitress nodded again, then asked them both, "Would either of you care for fresh drinks?"

"Just a lemonade please" Chrysanthe replied. She was not a big drinker.

"Pineapple juice for me, please," Maxun replied when the waitress looked at him. She then smiled at them both and left to put their orders in. "So, what do you enjoy doing in your free time?" He asked Chrys when they were alone.

Chrys wondered if she could shock this guy. "I often hack the ship's computer." she said calmly as if talking about the weather.

A small grin crossed his face. "I know." He paused briefly to let it sink in. "Did you forget? I'm El Aurian. I've forgotten more about computers and hacking than you'll ever learn. Plus, I was the Chief Intel Officer on this ship. Do you you really think I don't already have alarms in place for any potential threats?" He grin grew slightly. He suddenly realized that he had grown quite fond of this young woman already. He was curious where their new relationship would go.

"I found them." Came the calm reply. "I have access codes from Starfleet Intelligence but I rarely use them."

He grinned a bit more. He was finding this young woman more and more fascinating as the moments ticked by. "You're right, it is difficult to put really good, hidden alarms in the computers that Starfleet uses. However," he sigh, "they do get the job done."

"Well that depends on the job." She said as she settled back in her chair. "Most races have similar codes."

Nodding, Maxun responded. "This is true, my people refer to it as the "Bipedal Equation." While each species is dissimilar in many ways, simply due to the fact of similar evolutions, they are all much more alike than they know."

"Math," Chrys said. "Works everywhere." She smiled. Their meals arrived as she finished speaking. "these look good."

Maxun nodded. "Indeed." He raised his glass in a toast. "To new friends."

She touched her glass to his with a smile. "New friends"

As they ate their dinner, they continued to talk and get to know each other better. Soon, they realized that the pub has become very quiet. Looking around, they realized that they had been there do long, enjoying themselves, that they were now the last ones there.

"We should probably go, so the staff can go home." Maxun said with a smile as he stood, offering his hand to Chrys.

Chrys nodded and let him take her hand. "Yes we better not stay longer," she agreed.

As they left the pub, and started to stroll the corridor, Maxun looked over at Chrys and asked, "Would you like to go do something else, or are you tired? Forgive me," he said with a blushing grin. "As an El Aurian, I don't need as much sleep as other beings, so I sometimes don't realize how late the day the day gets."

She let her lips curved. "Hmm a man with experience." She teased lightly. "Unfortunately it is late and I have a staff meeting early. May I take a rain check?"

Maxun nodded his head and grinned as he replied. "Of course." He then chuckled softly. "As for experience, I'll say that I'm always willing to learn something new."

Chrys stopped at the turbolift. "Which deck are your quarters on?"

"Deck two, with the rest of the senior officers." He then asked, "What about yours?" Though they both knew that, as the Executive Officer, he could easily look it up, it was nice to ask the question.

"Well, same now. But I only just finished moving in." She turned as the lift arrived. The doors opened and Chrys stepped in.

Maxun followed her inside. After the door closed, he said aloud, "Deck Two." The lift then started to move toward their desired destination. "And? How are you enjoying your new cabin?"

Chrys shrugged. "No Roommates is always a good thing." she was going to continue but the lift stopped at their deck. She exited it and then glanced at the corridor. When he joined her in the corridor she motioned down one way, away from the Executive officer's cabin. "I am this way," she said.

Feeling drawn to her, Maxun nodded, as he said, "Lead the way."

Her lips quirked slightly and then she walked down the hall. She stopped outside a cabin that had [Chief of Science] written on the plaque beside the door. Chrys looked at him. "Do not expect much," she advised and then opened the door. As the door opened, she stepped up to him, slid her arms around his neck and pressed her lips to his.

Inhaling deeply as she kissed him, Maxun slid his arms around her waist, kissing her back, as he walked them into her cabin, the door sliding closed behind them.

Lieutenant JG Chrysanthe Capulet
Chief Science Officer
USS Astrea


Lt Cmdr Maxun Spello
Executive Officer
USS Astrea


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