Senior Staff Briefing, Ataran Update, Part 2
Posted on Fri May 31st, 2024 @ 7:22pm by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant Commander Razka Kas & Commander Maxun Spello & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters & Lieutenant Commander Eirly Andersen & Lieutenant Chrysanthe Capulet
2,415 words; about a 12 minute read
What We Do With Second Chances
Location: Bridge Conference Room
Timeline: MD 10, 0300 hours, After Part 1
< < < Continued from Part 1 < < <
“As you are well aware, Sara and I are hoping to become permanent guardians of Brunel, the young Ataran orphan. As long as he, my family, and this crew are not placed in direct harm, your people can do what they want. The ship and crew are the priority. I don’t presume to speak for the Captain, but….Remy?”
Remy straightened her posture, as she put her elbows on the table and pressed her fingertips and thumb together. "Commander Winters, and everyone else, as it stands, the Ataran people, their ship, and the proposed colony site are all within Federation jurisdiction. The El Aurian Council is not authorized to enforce Federation laws. That is what Starfleet is for," Johansen reminded everyone. "Our first goal, get the enslaved people off of the Serenity safely."
Feeling that Remy was wanting to end the discussion, Maxun didn't say that the Council would be enforcing Federation laws, but their own. And as the Atarans were not Federation citizens, they were not, by those same laws, possessing of any rights to protection. However, out of respect to his commanding officer, and the society that he had sworn to protect, he would relay a coded message to the Council, urging caution. So long as the Serenity was in Federation Space, that is.
Kas looked Maxun in the eye, "You have my word; your people's secrets are safe here. I would like to have a word with you in private, once this meeting is done."
Maxun looked the other man in the eye and nodded silently.
Remy eyed the two men suspiciously. She knew exactly what Kas was capable of, and was beginning to realize that the more she learned about the El Aurians the less she felt like she understood.
Being the ranking diplomatic officer in the room at the moment, Nevan absolutely took issue with the projection of Maxun toeing the line for both sides. Especially in front of his subordinates. However, as always, he would take the appropriate approach in addressing the situation. "Regardless of how the El Aurians or anyone else may personally feel about the situation at he moment, I'll simply remind everyone that the only thing that matters here is the application of Federation Law, Diplomatic and otherwise. Everything here is to be done by the numbers. Anyone found to be complacent in the application of that, even in a passive manner, risks suffering the consequences of it. By sharing the carnal knowledge of the El Aurians plans, you've just now compromised everyone in this room should something happen inside of Federation territory, Commander. You are correct in the fact that we cannot control what happens outside, but I hold no oath or loyalty to your people or such decisions. They may deny all they want, but I cannot allow the careers and lives of everyone here to be at risk. And even so they risk their relationship with the Federation in taking such action. Long gone are the days of the only option being smiles and handshakes to resolve a disagreement. The time and resources for such luxuries are at a premium, and we all know that. Incursions of Federation territory to assassinate people under our inherent protection will be taken as a serious violation under Federation policy. And any officer in this room that fails to report such possibility is failing to uphold their oath. There also seems to be a serious presumption that the slavers will not be held accountable by the Federation as well. As far as I have heard, there has been no talk about releasing these people. For the time being I have to strongly recommend that the focus be on rescuing the slaves and providing services for them to learn to live on their own and work through their traumas. They're also going to have to learn how to run a society on their own, which is what we're working on setting up for them."
As Grexx and Cormus listened, the pair gave a few silent nods here and there, finding little to disagree with. From their time in training and the situation they found themselves in at the moment, the humanitarian effort should remain the primary focus as well as the integrity of Federation security.
Maxun nodded as he listened to Nevan speak. When he was finished, Maxun responded. "I fear that I have not made myself clear. The Council is not threatening to enter Federation space to assassinate anyone. They merely stated that they will uphold the oath that was given long before any of us were born. As for whether anyone here says anything about what is said in a senior staff briefing, which carries its own level of confidentiality, is certainly up to that individual. As I have stated, I will obey and uphold all Federation laws, even if they go against those of the people of my birth. It has been stated that no action will be taken, so long as hostages are in danger. Also, as they won't act in Federation territory, it is safe to guess that, if the slavers ever leave the safety of that territory, then action would be taken. Of course, what that action is, I have no idea."
The Chief certainly felt different in the situation, that it was more a matter of what was implied versus what was spoken, and that there was nothing that was made unclear. On top of it, such information was not something that fell under the protection of privacy in senior staff briefings. He would however be having a further discussion with Grexx and Cormus about things later on, but certainly not tonight. "I'd like to have Officer Grexx take a moment to give us a quick status update of everything on the ground, he and Officer Fletcher spent some time getting the site setup." He motioned for them to step forward real quick. "Go ahead."
Grexx cleared his throat and looked at Cormus before speaking "Ladies and Gentlemen, I am happy to report that we do have the Civil Operation center is setup and all workstations are online, we've had a couple officers onsite already to conduct some quick initial assessments before returning to the Serenity. Otherwise everything on site is stable. No wildlife threats, no geographic activity detected, and temperatures are remaining within expected ranges. Other than needing some sleep, all sensitive items were recovered before our return on board."
"Well done, gentlemen," Remy stated, acknowledging Fletcher and Grexx's accomplishments. "Over the next couple of days let's put together a report for Starfleet on an Ataran-specific plan for rehabilitation of those who have been enslaved. If the people want to stay here, it will increase the likelihood that the Federation will still allow it."
"We won't have a solution tonight unfortunately. I want everyone well-rested for tomorrow. Your counterparts on Delta shift can handle a few extra hours so that you are all at your best over the next couple of days. Consider than an order," Captain Johansen stated.
Maxun nodded. "Aye, Captain."
"Thanks everyone, you are all dismissed," the Captain stated looking around the room. "Lieutenant Capulet, Commander Spello, a moment of your time though."
Hearing his name, Maxun stayed behind, curious as to what Remy wanted to discuss.
Chrys stood and waited off to the side. She was curious.
Once the room had cleared the Captain turned to Lieutenant Capulet first. "While you were on the Serenity, you were approved for a promotion to full Lieutenant. Congratulations," the Captain said with a smile. "I know some people don't like surprises, so I didn't want to spring it on you at the promotion ceremony without talking to you first."
Chrys nodded after a moment. "Thank you Captain." She was honest in her thanks.
"Would you like to be pinned tonight with the others, or would you prefer it be held somewhere else?" The Captain asked for clarification.
"With everyone else is fine" Chrys assured her. "Thank you again."
"Thank you for stepping up as Chief, and for your work over on Serenity. I know some tough calls had to be made," the Captain responded. "We'll see you later today, after some rest.
Chrys nodded and headed out with a smile.
"Mr. Spello..." Remy stated as she watched the doors behind Chrys close.
Maxun looked at his Captain, "Yes, Ma'am?"
Remy took a deep breath before speaking. "Why were you and your team on board an alien vessel - one with a clear potential for hostility - without a shuttle, while two petty officers had both shuttles you were sent with down on the surface?" She asked.
Maxun knew this question would come up. In as respectful a tone as possible, he replied. "We were unaware of the full danger prior to the Civil Ops using the shuttles. Then, as time went on, it seemed a more tactically sound decision to remain where we were, gaining more intelligence on the situation. Plus, I felt, had we made a scene of rapidly departing, it would have made the situation more dangerous, Ma'am. Ultimately, I felt it safest, for my team, to stay where they were, until you arrived."
"That really doesn't explain why one of those shuttles didn't end up back on Serenity with your team," the Captain challened. "You could have managed your goal, but still left yourself with a resource. There was a reason I sent the team over in two shuttles. It was an unnecessary risk."
Maxun considered her words for a moment, then nodded. "I do recognize your point of the situation, Ma'am. However, had we held back one shuttle, thus slowing the transfer of the transfer of materials to the planet's surface, it would've seemed suspicious."
"Is this going to be how it is between you and I? I point out something that could have been done better, and when one excuse doesn't fly you deliver another until I'm exhausted talking about it with you?" The Captain asked, her tone taking on more of an edge.
She continued, "Petty Officer Grexx could barely fly that shuttle back into the shuttle bay without crashing it into the side of the Astrea, which means at least one officer with better piloting skills than he has beamed back to the ship rather than bringing that shuttle back. In the meantime some kind of interference prevented the safe use of transporters in this area. If you want to play fast and loose with your own life, Starfleet's not a big fan of that, but you look your way, I'll look mine. But if you are going to be a commanding officer on this ship, your decisions have to be more well thought out when they involve other members of this crew. You had five other lives with you that you were responsible for. I'm not questioning how you planned your day. But when that last group came back to the Serenity, a shuttle should have come with them. I have not heard a solid reason yet why two people had two shuttles, and six people had zero."
Maxun frowned slightly as he listened. When Remy was finished, he shook his head, remaining respectful. "No, Captain. I will never say or do anything but give you my best. That is what I swore to you when you contacted me about this promotion, Ma'am. I will never apologize for doing my duty, as I feel is best, when on an away mission and the lives of the team are in my hands. As you know, Ma'am, the best laid plans of action and orders never survive the first encounter with the opponent. If you feel that I failed in my duties, then I will accept whatever punishment you deem worthy." He stood with his hands at the small of his back and waited.
Remy gave him a look. The one that women have had perfected for years where they seem to be looking down at you even if they are the same height or even shorter than you are. "I am not punishing you. Nothing of the sort. And I have in no way accused you of failure, Mr. Spello. However, the shuttle decision - it was a bad call. When you go through command protocol training you'll go through a hundred scenarios that you won't be able to win, and each time you'll be asked what could you have done better," the Captain stated.
"If you justify every single mistake you make along the way, you won't learn a damn thing. And maybe in the moment, you weren't thinking about what could go wrong when you decided to leave both shuttles down there. But in hindsight, I'd hope you wouldn't have stranded yourself and your team like that if a similar situation came up in the future," Remy said. "I asked you to be my number one because I recognize and value wisdom, and insight, and appreciate an officer who doesn't mind coloring outside the lines. I'll never have the life experiences that you've had, but that doesn't mean that I don't have things that I could teach you as well. I'd hope you would appreciate that."
Maxun nodded as he listened. "I do appreciate that, Captain. I also recognize that, even with my long life, there are many things that I do not know. I thank you for your patience and your leadership. I know that there will be things we could teach each other." His tone and expression were both completely respectful of her rank, position and command experience.
"Very well. Thank you for your work the last few days, and keeping everyone safe. We wouldn't have been able to verify the information coming in if it weren't for your team," the Captain stated. "We'll all regroup after the senior staff has had some rest. That's all I have for now."
Maxun dipped his head respectfully, then turned and left the observation room, leaving the Captain alone with her thoughts.
Captain Remira Johansen
Commanding Officer
USS Astrea
Commander Maxun Spello
Executive Officer
USS Astrea
Commander Nash Winters
Chief Engineer
USS Astrea
Lieutenant (JG) Eirly Andersen
Assistant Chief Tactical Officer
USS Astrea
Lieutenant jg Chrysanthe Capulet
Chief of Science
USS Astrea
Lieutenant Commander Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Astrea
Petty Officer 1st Class Nevan Kayto
Civil Operation
USS Astrea
Petty Officer 3rd Class Grexx
Civil Operation
USS Astrea