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Vulcan Doctor, Romulan Recovery (Backpost)

Posted on Fri May 31st, 2024 @ 10:39pm by Lieutenant JG Malcom Beckett M.D. & Attaché Phesg Tel'im & Lieutenant JG Jason Williams III & Sakor

1,280 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Side Plots
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD 8 0400 hours

T'lenn & Jason followed the medical team into Sickbay and took the time to answer any questions that they had about the device that Tel'im and other officers had been exposed to while on the Serenity. She had sent the specifications and diagrams ahead of time, and the physicians had access to all of the officer's reports, but as is the Vulcan way, while Dr. Sakor assessed Tel'im's condition, the other two physicians questioned T'lenn on her knowledge, involvement, personal decisions, and command's decisions regarding the device for nearly an hour.

Dr. Sakor was a physician with the Vulcan Medical Institute currently on exchange with Starfleet Medical precisely to treat conditions such as this. Typically the anticipated patient was Vulcan. There were differences in how Romulans and Vulcans evolved over the millennia, but a telepathic device had caused damage to the patient's neuro-pathways, and Vulcan medicine had certain technology and practices that were in a unique position to repair such damage.

Dr. Sakor also happened to be T'lenn's brother, and it was not by coincidence that he was the physician who arrived to treat Tel'im.

After a reprieve from being questioned, T'lenn had taken a seat out of the way, while her brother had set to work on her friend. When T'lenn entered the room he had already placed a metallic device on the right side of Tel'im's face. Extending from the device were four strips, each connected to a node, meant to connect and transmit impulses back and forth from Tel'im's brain. The device worked reconnect broken synapses, much like one could do with a mind meld, but because there was not another individual exploring the patient's memories, it was considerably less invasive and protected the privacy of the patient.

Out of respect, Jason stayed along to periphery near where T'lenn was sitting to stay out of the way of the physicians. When they stepped back out, his PADD chirped in his pocket. After pulling out the small device, he cringed as he read the message. He then moved closer to T'lenn and whispered so only she could hear him. "I'm sorry, my love, duty calls. The Captain in charge of overseeing the shuttle handoff just called for me to report to her office, over on the station." Ensuring no one could see, he reached out and gently squeezed her right hand. "I'll get back as soon as I can." It was clear, from the look in his eyes, that he didn't want to leave her side.

T'lenn looked at Jason calmly. "As I mentioned earlier, it was not necessary for you to accompany me today. There is no need to apologize for leaving."

Jason chuckled softly. "Is it too difficult for you to recognize that you are very special to me, and that I will do whatever I can to support you, in any way that I can?"

"No, it is quite obvious," T'lenn stated.

Seeing that they were still alone, he reached out and gently took her right hand in his left, as he looked deep into her eyes. "Then simply accept it, okay?" He gave her a soft grin, his eyes full of warmth for her.

"I never claimed to not accept it," T'lenn responded. Though the change was subtle, her affection for him softened her typically severe expression. "Now, you should report for your duties."

Nodding and grinning softly, Jason replied. "Then I'll see you later. I'll let you know when I'm done with everything." Then, without thinking about it, he leaned in and gently brushed his lips across her right cheek, before turning and heading out of sickbay. Before T'lenn could say anything, one of the nurses stepped around the corner. "Is everything alright, Lieutenant?"

"Of course, I'd like to remain with the patient if it is permitted," T'lenn requested.

Dr. Sakor worked patiently for several hours adjusting frequencies based on the responses he was getting from the readings. T'lenn didn't move from her seat, so as not to disrupt her brother's work.

Rose entered Sickbay, two cups of tea in hand. "How is she?" she asked the Vulcan who wasn't a doctor, offering her one of the teas. "I thought you could use a little something--you've been sitting her for nearly seven hours. No, I don't have the exact minutes." Rose sat, looking at Tel'im. "Damn," she muttered softly.

"Thank you," T'lenn said, taking the extra cup of tea. "The device that Dr. Sakor is using has made some progress. Using this technique to repair neurological damage is a lengthy process that must be performed methodically. In another hour the protocol is to pause the neurosynaptic stimulation and monitor the patient to see if the pathways have been sufficiently regenerated to begin healing on their own."

T'lenn turned toward Rose. "Hopefully Tel'im's scans will show continued improvement during this phase.

"Hopefully..." She mustered up her courage, then said in Vulcan, "Are you curious about our resident Romulan? I could give you insight, if you wish it?"

T'lenn raised an eyebrow curiously at Rose. "I do not wish to pry into her personal affairs. We shared a pleasant exchange in ten-forward and had several occasions to work together," T'lenn explained. "I was present when the incident that caused this condition occurred.

She felt... Surprising calm... No, calm wasn't it... Numb, perhaps? So much, so much destruction... So much, that had reduced a civilization to dust... So much fanaticism, so much... Power.

The Void stretched before her, formless yet with form. She felt herself on a flat, square surface--no, how could she know it was square? Who was she? Was she even she? Was she not still on the bridge of the Shra'Vek, pursuing the fools who fled the inevitability of their capture? Why should they not surrender, and avoid unnecessary bloodshed? They would all fall or convert--there was no other choice.

A wisp struck her--like the faintest trace of snow that herald's the coming of winter and the Year-Fading. That, like the taste of white, was familiar. "Love? ... How..."

"Sleep, my dear... You are Tel'Im, whom I love... You are in safe hands. Those that take your life upon themselves care. Look to your sister's-son lover--she will advocate until I come... Sleep... Fear not the powers of past ills. You are Tel'Im, Whom I love."

Rose perked up her ears. "She's speaking... That's Romulan... I'm still learning, but that's definitely Romulan... Milat Dialect..."

"Vret Hath'e'm, neh-helik shan" came Tel'I'ms voice. Rose leant forward.

"She's calling out, calling for aid..." She listened.

"My love, my love, upon the Raptor, in the Raptor's womb"

"I think she's remembering when she and her wife were first together..." The human woman studied her future aunt-in-law. "What are you dreaming about, Tel'Im?" she asked.

The Vulcan doctor continued working, too focused on his present work to entertain the conversation behind him. The screen before him showed an active cerebral cortex, yet Tel'im was only beginning to show signs of consciousness.

After working for another twenty minutes, Dr. Sakor paused his active methods. "It is my understanding that before today, the patient has not spoken for several days. Now would be an appropriate time to pause the synaptic relays, and attempt to communicate with her to see if her synaptic pathways begin to make any connections on their own.

"You seem to have more of a history with her. I can give you privacy," T'lenn said respectfully as she took her leave.

Attache Tel'im (& Rose)
Mission Advisor
USS Astrea

Lieutenant J.G. T'lenn (& Dr. Sakor)
Science Officer
USS Astrea

Lieutenant J.G. Jason Williams
Squadron Leader, Starfighter Wing
USS Astrea


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