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Posted on Sat Jun 1st, 2024 @ 1:34pm by Lieutenant Commander Razka Kas & Lieutenant Commander Maxun Spello

907 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: What We Do With Second Chances
Location: Conference Room
Timeline: After Senior Staff Briefing - Ataran Update

Kas entered the empty conference room he looked out the windows at the stars, ‘Yes the star should bear witness to a proper palaver.’ The Hybrid thought. He waited for Commander Spello, his people had always had a great deal of respect for the El Aurions.

The doors slid apart again, and Maxun strode inside. "Mister Razka. You wished to speak with me?" He moved to stand on the other man's left, a friendly look on his face.

“Yes Sir, I would like to offer your people the aid and support of my people the Quath’Mar.” Kas looked him in the eye. He reached up and pulled down the collar of his uniform to fully revealing intricate tattoo work on his neck and clavicle.

“Among my people, I have the rank of Seeker, if I message our Elder Council about this situation they will offer help. My clan is not in this area, but there are others nearby.”

Maxun nodded as he listened. "I've heard rumors of your people," he admitted. "Although, nothing concrete. While I can't speak for the Council and their decisions, I will relay your offer of assistance to them."

"That all I ask," Kas said. "My people have suffered greatly at the hands of slavers. When I was young some Orions captured some of my friends we got them back, but they were never the same. I'll do all I can to put a stop to slavers."

"Within Starfleet and UFP laws, of course?" Maxun may have several faults, breaking his word was not one. "Be careful before you answer. I meant what I said about my oath, during the staff meeting. While I don't agree with the slavers, and want them stopped, I am a Federation citizen and Starfleet officer. My oath of loyalty to both bodies is unbreakable. As is my oath of loyalty to this ship and her commanding officer."

“The Quath’Mar are the children of the stars.” Kas stated. “We call ourselves ‘the life in the void’. In our language the word void refers to the vacuum of space or death. It's used interchangeably in that way. We are surrounded by death. So our philosophy of life is often harsh. We make no apologies for that, we also honor our agreements with others.”

Kas paused before he continued, “I am a Starfleet officer, my loyalty is to the Captain and yourself. My actions will fall in line with the Federation law. My people will not break the treaties they have made with the Federation.” Kas smiled. “My people have taught me everything I know about loopholes, this knowledge has served me well.”

Maxun arched an eyebrow. "And if the Captain tell's you to do nothing against the Slavers? How would you react?"

"I will obey," Kas said with a neutral expression. "The cosmos is patient, retribution comes in many forms."

Maxun grinned softly. "It certainly can be. And I've seen more examples of that than most. The Goddess always balances the scales of justice."

Kas pondered on the Commander's word for a moment. "In my youth, I fancied myself an instrument of justice. Now that I'm older and a father, I've learned more about how complicated these situations can be. I won't do anything that will dishonor you, the Captain, or this crew. I'm also mindful of my daughter's need for her Papa."

He offered Maxun his hand, not in the usual human gesture. His hand was at shoulder level as if they were going to arm wrestle on an invisible table. It wasa gesture of respect between warriors of his people's clans.

Not aware of the significance of the gesture, Maxun tried to mirror it, out of respect.

Kas clasped Maxun's hand. "I believe we've reached an understanding." The Hybrid released his grip and stepped back with a bow.

Maxun returned the bow, then replied. "Yes, I believe we have." He gave the other man a friendly grin.

"I will contact Til'Terkom, his vessel is in range," Kas explained. "He's Shaman, he well respected. He'd have a seat on the council if he wanted it. If he speaks to the elders on our behalf they will support us in any way we can."

Maxun nodded. "I've heard of Terkom. He is an honorable man from what I've heard. I'm glad to hear that he is doing well."

"When I was sixteen, I stole a Federation shuttlecraft to save some of my friends from Orion slavers," Kas looked out at the stars. "My people banished me for ten years for stealing from an ally. During that time no Quath'Mar could have any contact with me, Terkem got me in contact with some Starfleet officers who got me into the Academy. He was the first to welcome me back when I returned. He helped find Keena's mother."

Maxun nodded as he listened, absorbing everything that was born said and not said. "He means a lot to you," he said softly.

"Yes," Kas didn't look Maxin in the eye. "He's been my mentor, at times when others weren't there for me."

Maxun nodded and grinned softly. "Well, I certainly look forward to meeting him one day."

Kas nodded, "You may someday, I'll have Til'Terkom contact your people."

Maxun nodded his thanks. Afterwards, the two men left, going their separate ways.


Lt Cmdr Maxun Spello
Executive Officer
USS Astrea


Lieutenant Commander Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Astrea


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