
Graduation Ceremonies

Posted on Wed Mar 27th, 2024 @ 8:24am by Lieutenant JG Ta'Feel Anith Usskik

368 words; about a 2 minute read

[OOC: This log chronicles the completed and future studies of the Anith family, part of the Usskik tribe of the .Chix'alk species.]

The .Chix'alk species have very strict protocols that they adhere to, all of which are based on their hierarchical status in the family unit, which is based on gender.

A Hermoncipi (similar to a Teran Hermaphrodite) is considered to rank ŷ (first) in the family unit. This rank has to be able to consult with any lower rank in the family unit, which means they have to be educated in all four areas of avocations: Medical, Engineering, Security and Science.

The Virtrempi (similar to a Teran Male) is ranked Þ (second), and is required to be educated in Engineering, Security and Science fields.

An Inestado (similar to a Teran Female), ranked ŋ (third), is required to be educated in Security and Science fields.

Finally, the đ (fourth) rank in the family, a Posento (similar to a Teran marsupial), is only allowed to be educated in the Science field.

Mx. Ta'Feel Anith, a Hermoncipi, ranked ŷ (first) in Hir family unit, had completed Hir major in Medicine during Hir first attendance of Starfleet Academy, with a grade of ŋ, or 96%. This round of education was for Engineering, which garnered with a đ, or 94%. According to .Chix'alk protocol, Sei had two more majors to complete: Security and Science.

Mr. Nallee Anith, a Virtrempi, completed Vis major in Engineering (with a grade of ŋ, or 96%), and had two more majors to complete: Security and Science.

Ms. Shakal Anith, an Inestado, completed Tem major in Security, with a grade of đ, or 94%, and had one more major to complete: Science.

Mm. 'Zetchurl Anith, a Posento, completed Eir major in Science, with a grade of ŋ, or 96%. This is the only area E is allowed to be educated in.

The Anith family had been in their quarters for only a few days after graduation ceremonies when they learned of their assignment to the Astrea. Although they had been together as a family unit for over 11 years, they had decided not to have any offspring until they were satisfied with their assignments.



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