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Check up

Posted on Wed Mar 6th, 2024 @ 4:20am by Lieutenant JG Ta'Feel Anith Usskik

1,188 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Menagerie: side stories & mischief making
Location: Medical
Timeline: MD-04

Vila made her way from her office to Medical. She had a few reasons: she figured she may as well set the example and report for her yearly exam, as she hadn't bothered when they were at Jupiter Station. She was also ensuring that she and Dr. Beckett were safe. They didn't need any surprises, and besides, she was too old for that nonsense, anyway-not physically, but mentally. Bajoran women were fertile well into their sixties but she had Benny. One was enough.

She entered the sickbay and spoke with the Nurse behind the desk, explaining that she had an appointment, She settled in when the nurse confirmed, and told her that one of the doctors would be right with her. She hoped she didn't pull Malcolm-it would be just her luck, though.

The duty nurse entered Dr. Ta'Feel' office and let Ser know that Commander Lorut was here for her scheduled appointment. Ta'Feel thanked the nurse, picked up Hir medical tricorder and a PADD, and entered the the reception area. Sei looked down at the petite Bajoran and, after a quick blink/speak, announced "Dr. Ta'Feel welcomes Commander Lorut."

Vila stood up. "Doctor," she said. "Thanks for seeing me," she said. "Can we chat in private?" She asked Hir.

Ta'Feel responded, "Certainly. Please report to my office." The Dr. stood up and motioned toward Hir office, then followed her in, responding, "Please sit where you would like." Sei went to the other side of Hir desk and, after Vila sat down, sat down Hirself. "Please feel free to speak freely, Commander Lorut."

Vila followed hir to the office. She took a seat. "Thank you. I am....well. I've started to see someone, and I not have any surprises," she said. She felt herself blush a little. She wasn't ashamed, was weird. She outranked him (which, truthfully, she would ANYONE except Remy. Remy didn't swing her way, though), and it could be a THING. "It's one of your...people," the XO said.

Ta'Feel paused for a moment, then responded with several questions. "A member of the Anith family unit?" This would be one of the four members in Hir family unit. "A member of the Usskik tribe?" This would be one member of many family units of the Usskik tribe. "A member of, to use a Terran term, foreign tribe.?" Sei was intrigued by the fact that someone would be interested in a member of the .Chix'alk species. It fit right in with Hir wanting to help integrate the species with other species.

Vila chuckled. "The foreign tribe. I meant that it's one of your staff," she explained. "Dr...Beckett," she said. "Though I am sure your people are very...romantically inclined," she added hastily, hoping she hadn't offended anyone. "Anyway...Bajoran woman are fertile well into our sixties and I' to avoid anything that would put me under scrutiny. At least for now," she said.

Another short pause, then Ta'Feel responded with a few statements. "Dr. Ta'Feel apologizes for the misunderstanding." "I now understand you mean one of my staff." "I cannot think of any reason for you to not pursue this relationship." A short pause, then, "Is there anything else that I may have misunderstood?"

Vila nodded once. "It's ok, I wasn't clear. It's difficult as the Executive Officer-I have to maintain professional behavior at all times. All I need is a recommendation for adequate birth control. I have not had any sexual partners in awhile, so I think I am safe's been a year," she said. Things in between her divorce and changing postings had been CRAZY. She'd been shuttling back and forth as a relief officer, filling in where ships and stations needed a Chief Scientist until they got their own or promoted from within. It had been a whirlwind. Somewhere in there, too, she'd watched Benny join the Academy.

Dr. Ta'Feel replied with a few responses, "Dr. Ta'Feel understands about the behavior." "I will prescribe an adequate birth control and authorize the replication in your living quarters." "Is there anything else I can do for you, Commander Lorut?"

Vila shook her head. " That's all," she said. "Thank you. Do you have anything you want to ask of me? I know that medical isn't always the best place for that kind of thing but since we're both there anything I can do to make it easier for you and your family to settle in? I know that Starships can be very overwhelming," she said.

Ta'Feel did a couple of blink/telepathic conversations with Hir family members, then responded. "My spice[OOC: Ta'Feel is still referring to Hir multiple spouses as "spice", not knowing that it should be "spouses." You can feel free to correct Ser.] have indicated that they are ready for assignment. I am not sure if you are the one to posit this information, or should I converse with Commander Johansen?"

Vila smiled lightly. "I think you mean...spouses? Perhaps? That's the Standard word for married partner," she said. "But yes, I can do that. I will look into it right away," she said. "You can also bring it to Commander Johansen separately, or the two of us together, but I can pass it on," she said. "Since we're without an official Captain, Johansen and I have had to step into roles we weren't originally prepared for, and I fear a few things might be behind. I will put it as a priority to have them both-it's two, correct?-assigned by the end of the day, so they can begin as early as tomorrow," she said. "I will have all of the information sent to your PADD and a personal note dropped off," she said.

Dr. Ta'Feel responded, "Dr. Ta'Feel appreciates Commander Lorut's assistance in correcting my grammar." "My other family members, of which there are 3, are also considered my spouses." "All four of us agreed that placing them in active duty would seem to be helpful in the current circumstances." "Nallee Anith has had training in the Engineering and Guard fields, and will take Scientist type training when possible." "Shakal Anith has had training in the Guard field, and will take Scientist type training when possible." "Zetchurl Anith has had training in the Scientist field, but, due to Eir position in the family hierarchy, will not be taking any further training." "I will be taking Guard and Scientist training when possible, to fulfill my position in the family hierarchy."

Vila nodded. "Alright!! I will coordinate with the heads of those departments and we can fit you in somehow, I am sure!! Thank you, doctor," she said. "I have nothing else. I will ensure I come by for my regular checkup later on. Thanks again," she said, standing up to scoot. She still didn't do super well with medical; her time in the labor camps and such had really put a monkey wrench in her trust of doctors. Still, she worked hard to overcome this.

Commander Lorut Vila
Executive Officer
USS Astrea
LtJG Ta'Feel Anith Usskik
Chief Medical Officer
USS Astrea


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