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Better Company, A Short Tour

Posted on Wed Mar 6th, 2024 @ 4:15am by Captain Remy Johansen & Civillian Samuel Wynters

2,007 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: The Menagerie: side stories & mischief making
Location: Deck 13
Timeline: MD 2, Getting Close to Midnight

As they left the lounge and began strolling through the corridor, Samuel replied. "I was at Jupiter Station, in between ships and an Admiral friend of mine mentioned your ship being pulled out of the Reserve Fleet. As I've never been on a Galaxy Class starship before, I figured why not? I put in a request with Starfleet Civilian Personnel Management, and filled out the service contract. And here I am, walking with you, enjoying your company." He gave her a soft smile as he finished speaking. He then asked, "How about you? Did you request this assignment, or was it more Personnel stating needs of the fleet?"

"The second officer on the Luna was ready to move up, and 'the fleet' thought it would be a smoother transition for him to stay there, or at least go to an established ship rather than having the added project of meshing a new crew. Asked if I was up for the challenge," Remy stated raising her eyebrows. "When put to me that way, well..." Remy shrugged her shoulders and smirked as she let go of Sam's arm and opened the door to a jeffries tube near the turbolift and climbed in. Alongside the wall was a large tube of water, cetacean ops officer's access to their corner of Ten-Forward.

"You good with climbing down a few decks?" She asked as she stepped down, giving him room to enter.

Samuel nodded as he joined Remy in the Jeffries tube. "Two of my hobbies is free climbing and parkour."

"We don't have anyone in the Cet Ops crew yet, but are expecting a couple of new graduates this spring, and we'll hopefully get a few seasoned officers before then, but right now there's not much going on in that space," Remy told him as she descended the ladder toward Deck 13.

As they continued their decent, Samuel replied. "While I've been on a few Starfleet vessels in my time, I've never seen one that took aquatic crew into account. Was Astrea built specifically for the inclusion of them, or was the system a major retrofit?"

"Galaxy class starships have always had a set aside location on Deck 13 for aquatic crew, though they were rarely used until maybe 10-12 years ago?" Remy answered. She balanced a foot on the platform to the door on Deck 13, and opened it, stepping through, holding the door for Sam. "The Astrea has expanded on the original design significantly. Their space takes up a little more than half of Deck 13, and they have a recreational facility and private quarters on Deck 14 as well - that's new, along with the access to 10-Forward and several other locations on the ship."

"Honestly, with the old design, I'm not surprised that we didn't attract many aquatic crew members." When they stepped onto Deck 13, the smell of marine saltwater filled the air. Not unlike a beach, though absent the breeze and scented sunblock. "This is the main control area," Remy explained pointing to terminals both above water and under. There were also nearby locker rooms for non-aquatic crew to shower and change into appropriate gear before going into the water.

"There's an observation area back that way," Remy pointed. "A view of the stars, and a place for the humanoid crew members to interact with the cetacean crew."

Nodding as he listened, Samuel was impressed by what he saw. "I wonder why there aren't more vessels in the fleet with these accommodations. Was it simply an experiment in design that never gained merit?" It would be surprising, to him, being how accepting and all inclusive Starfleet was to Federation citizens.

"There are now," Remy said. "When the California class was designed, there was a lot more thought put into giving the Cetacean crew more of a living space and access to the rest of the crew. Thanks to that design, we've been getting more interest in the positions. This ship was a dreadnaught for the Dominion War - the Imperator back then. Basically gutted for extra fire power. It actually gave the redesign crew more to work with when they did this recent refit."

"Do you want to see the observation area?" Remy asked. "Or we could put on wetsuits and go for a swim."

Samuel was glad to hear that Starfleet hadn't become nearsighted to only have ship designs for those that lived out of water. When he heard Remy's question, he gave her a soft grin.

"Your ship, lady's choice." Of course, he would be lying if he wasn't curious to see her firm in a tight wetsuit. However, he was a gentleman, so he would keep those thoughts to himself. For now.

"Come back this way then," Remy said taking him forward from the Jeffries tube, near where they had stepped onto the deck. She led him to the observation lounge, directly below were Ten-Forward sat on Deck 10. The best seats of the house were in the water, an open pool, as well as submerged platforms creating shallower spaces. But on either side there were comfortable seats on land as well - small couches, chairs, and side tables. There was also a swim up bar that was also accessible from the dry deck, though it obviously wasn't open for business yet.

Looking around at the setting, Samuel nodded in approval. "Looks very nice. I may have to see if I can increase my lease agreement so I can add service down here." He looked over at Remy and commented, a playful smirk of his face. "Did you bring me down here so you could see me in a pair of swim trucks, young lady?" Playful mischief and flirting glittered in his eyes.

Remy flashed him a playful glance back then stepped toward the window, looking out at the stars. "I just knew it would be quiet here." She turned around to face him. "I didn't realize you'd be so fascinated by the design and history."

Taking in Remy's beauty with the backdrop of the star behind her, was very alluring. Samuel stepped closer and looked deep into her eyes as he replied softly, a growing desire clear in his eyes. "Believe me, I'm becoming more and more fascinated by you, m'dear." While he wanted very much to kiss her suddenly, he paused to see what her reaction to his words would be.

As Sam stepped into her space, Remy could sense the chemistry between them. It was something she had been deliberately keeping at arms length until she was caught off guard in this moment. Her eyes met his briefly, then she broke her gaze by letting her eyes shift their focus down and to the right. "You must have seen a lot of things in so many years. There is certainly nothing so fascinating that I could do in my short life to draw your attention." She was guarding herself in this precarious moment where logic and emotion were at war with one another in her mind.

Lifting his left hand up, Samuel gently lifted Remy's head back up, by placing the side if his index finger under her jaw and his thumb lightly on the the tip of her chin. When their eyes met again, he felt a zing run up and down his spine. It was something he had never felt before in his long life. He wondered if it not to rush into thinking that yet. Instead, he let out a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding and stepped even closer, feeling the heat of her body radiating through both of their clothes. "Don't be so sure, Remy," he replied softly. "You are far more fascinating than you give yourself credit for." That said, he leaned in and kissed her gently on her lips, savoring the sweetness of them as he breathed in her soft perfume.

Remy closed her eyes as Sam's lips met hers. The excitement of a fist kiss, gentle and sweet triggering butterflies in her stomach. Her mind was screaming at her that she was probably a game to him, her entire life would be a small blip on his. She'd grow old and feeble while he'd still be youthful and vibrant. But in this moment she ignored the voice telling her to walk away and chose the sensations from the drug that was Sam's touch, his kiss.

Remy pulled away slowly and took a small step back. She let out a breath and looked up at him. "I don't understand."

Allowing her the space she needed, Samuel stayed where he was standing, still smiling softly at her. "What's to understand? We are both adults, both clearly attracted to the other, what else is there to be concerned with?" His voice remained gentle and caring as he spoke to her.

"Is that what's so fascinating? That you'd be attracted to someone from such a young and fragile race as the Humans?" Remy retorted somewhat cheekily, though she offered him a playful wink before spinning back around to face the stars.

Samuel grinned at Remy's cheekiness. When she turned away from him, he took a moment to admire her backside. Then, carefully stepped up behind her, sliding his arms around her waist, hugging her back to his chest. Leaning in slightly, he whispered softly into her right ear, "I'm not interested in all Humans....just you." He then started to gently kiss the side of her neck, up behind her ear.

Remy let him take her into his arms. In her mind his words were too smooth to have much play with her, but she didn't mind the attention. She tilted her head just slightly, exposing her neck further, letting him know the kisses were welcome.

"Well that may only be true because you know so very little about me," Remy responded. "If you had a glimpse into the real Remy, you'd want to walk the other direction."

Hearing her words, Samuel paused kissing Remy's neck. Gently, he turned her around to face him. As he spoke to her, she would be able to see in his eyes, that he was being nothing but honest with her. "I shall tell you this about my people. When we give our word about something, it is a sacred oath. One that is kept true down the generations." He paused a few beats to let that sink in with her.

He then took a breath and continued. "On my honor, Remy Johansen, I will never lie to you, nor will I ever judge you for your past. Whatever you did or didn't do, shaped you into the beautiful, intelligent, brave woman standing before me." He took another breath, before adding, "I want to know who you are. Not the you that you show the world. I already like her. Who I want to meet, is the woman you are, when you are all alone and at your most raw."

"I'm selfish, Sam," Remy stated. "I always have some other excuse - career, research, betterment of our society, protecting people against the inevitable. But I don't think any of that was it." Remy shook her head for emphasis. "Not really. It was self-fulfillment, self-gratification, the adrenaline rush, my schedule, my time." Remy smiled sadly. "I've been ordered to do questionable things, but never questioned them. So, I may be the pretty red head with the pips, but I assure you that there are better people on this ship to get to know."

"Speaking of, how many El Aurians are planning to get themselves assigned to Astrea? You're the second I've met today. I don't know why, I wouldn't have expected to run into two on the same ship. In the same day..." Remy added, quickly changing the subject. She walked over to one of the couches and sat on the armrest, watching his reaction.

> > > To Better Company, A Room With a View > > >

Commander Remy Johansen
Commanding Officer
USS Astrea


Samuel Wynters
Proprietor, Paddy's Loft Bar and Lounge
USS Astrea


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