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Down to Brass Tacks

Posted on Sat Mar 30th, 2024 @ 12:51am by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant Commander Maxun Spello & Chief Petty Officer Nevan Kayto & Petty Officer 3rd Class Grexx & Petty Officer 3rd Class Cormus Fletcher

3,176 words; about a 16 minute read

Mission: Artifact or Artifiction
Location: Conference Room Suites, Deck 2, Astrea
Timeline: MD 4, 1100 hours

Commander Johansen stood next to Lieutenant Spello and Officer Kayto when the delegates from the Ataran people beamed aboard. She bowed her head slightly in deference. "Welcome to the Astrea. I believe most of you have met Lieutenant Maxun Spello, and Officer Nevan Kayto. Our conference rooms are just this way. We've prepared some food from our various worlds if you care to try any."

The surgeon, Dreke, one of the first group to have been revived stepped forward. "We accept your hospitality. We are eager to hear what information you have for us. At the risk of sounding rude, may we begin?" He asked. Truth be told the people were incredibly anxious, but not wanting to display the anxiety any more than they already had to these people of Starfleet.

Malada cleared her throat and, in the Atarean language, told Dreke to calm down. However, Vila was the first of the Starfleet people to begin.

"Please do," she said, warmly. "Why don't you begin while we walk?" She said, indicating to Nevan that he should lead the way. "We are eager to hear," she said. At least, she was.

Regardless of the language barriers and any other differences that may have existed, the anxiety was clear. Kayto gave a nod to the delegates before walking forward and leading them to the large suite they had prepared. There were several comforts that had been considered and a very detailed presentation they could easily navigate should the need arise or certain questions be made. As the double doors opened ahead of them, he stood to the side and motioned for them to find a place to sit around the large table that was available. "Please."

Remy lingered in the doorway while everyone got settled in. "Vila?" Remy said looking to her first officer, at least as far as this mission was concerned. "Why don't we check in on the progress in a few hours. But we're both available if you need anything," Remy stated looking at the room. She gave a firm nod to Officer Kayto indicating the trust she was placing in him with this turnover.

Vila smiled. "I should, uh...head down to Medical. Need to speak with the CMO anyway," she said, stepping out of the room.

Kayto gave a nod "Thank you Captain." He turned to see Grexx and Cormus standing on either side of the table to greet and assist as needed. They were both smiling and doing their best to put on the show they were here for. Their goal was to help the Atarean's.

Grexx stepped up to the surgeon first "I am Officer Grexx, is there something I may get you before we begin?"

Dreke eyed an orange beverage in a pitcher on a table. "What is that?" He asked.

The Bolian grinned "This is a traditional drink from my home world, made from the nectar of a flower. It has a light sweet taste and we use it for celebrations and to mark new beginnings. Would you like to try some?"

Dreke cleared his throat. "I might like to, yes. If you don't mind."

After pouring the man a glass, Grexx recommended what he thought to be the chair with the best viewing angle for the briefing.

Vestin watched the interaction between Dreke and this Starfleet officer. He was blue, not a color he recalled seeing among sentient species in his time. It was a wonder to be able to be alive so far into the future to see what the universe had become really. He had many questions, but he minded Dreke's initial admonitions, to try to speak less and let Starfleet speak first.

Cormus followed suit and approached Malada "I'm Officer Fletcher, would you care for anything before the start here? We do have PADD's with copies of the briefing we have prepared as well.

Malada shook her head. "No, but your hospitality is appreciated," she said. She spoke more formally when she was nervous, a habit that, apparently, hadn't died in two thousand years. Truthfully, she could use a strong cocktail, but she didn't know anything about the Earthican's alcohol.

He gave a nod in return "Of course, I'll help you find your way to your set then and we can get started? I'm sure you are interested in hearing what we have prepared for you today."

Malada nodded. "Yes, sir, I am," she said. "My first question is...where will we be sent? I just want to ensure that people call them...Romans? No...Romulans? Will not be close by," she said. "Our peoples do not...get along," she said. In fact, they'd been at war for several decades...before. "Especially the children," she said.

It was an interesting question, one that Fletcher had expected to be honest. "The Romulans are a fair distance away from one of the options we are recommending although they may be a little close for comfort. The other location, they are a long ways away and will be almost no worry. Mr. Kayto will go into greater detail to help put those concerns at ease."

Maxun made his way to the conference room. While he had learned some things about their guests, there was still something about them that he couldn't quite put his finger on. He decided to simply do what his people were known for. Listening.

Nevan made note of Vestin by himself and approached him, not wanting him to be left unattended as well "Is there anything you may like before we start? Or any questions you may have?"

"Oh, I have many questions. I don't quite know where to start," Vestin replied. "It's quite a wonder. We're here to listen to what you have to say first though."

"Of course." There was a sense of cautious nerves from these people, which was to be expected in their situation. Delaying the briefing longer wasn't going to help with that at all. So instead he made his way to the front of the room and waited to make sure everyone was seated and that Grexx and Cormus found their places on either side of the table to assist any of the delegates or to answer questions.

[Open Tag]

While he hadn't practiced much, Nevan had a lot of experience giving briefings so this wasn't anything out of place for him. "Good morning everyone. I want to thank you for your patience these last couple of days. We know you've had many questions as you've been woken up and held in a contained area after being woken up after a very long time. We have been working to release as much information to you as possible about the current situation of the quadrant as it's become available, our computer has been taking time to complete the translations. Furthermore our medical staff have been working diligently to ensure the health and safety of all involved. And in the midst of such a whirlwind we have been working to narrow down what we believe to be the best immediate options for your people to live on and settle at. We have found a couple of systems that provide a lot of opportunity for everyone involved."

The Betazoid paused for a moment and took a drink of water from a glass on a small nearby table before turning to the screen and bringing up two systems, side by side. He had planned on giving a brief synopsis for both and then describing the one in detail first that they seemed more interested in before going on to the other.

He moved to the right directed everyone's view to the first image "The first planet, not far from here and close to our Federation Capital of Earth, New Sausalito is a planet with a colony from Earth that settled a long time ago and has been well established. You would be sharing a world with them, likely on the southern continent but could choose to engage with them or not at your leisure. I also want to note that the star system for the Vulcans is not too far from this location, so there may be some concerns with that but there is a steady supply line and several ships available in the vicinity for aid should the need arise."

Moving to the opposite side, the Petty Officer continued. "The other choice for consideration is known as the Muratas Star Cluster, a series of planets with a hand full available that you could settle on and have as your own, that are part of an interplanetary consortium that would be welcoming of you to take part in and work to trade with and help each other out. So there may be some obligations involved as part of the membership but you could also have your own space and opportunity to rebuild your culture and your people. You would also be a considerable ways from the Federation Capital but there would still be starships visiting and checking in on you and support available, it would just take longer to reach you. Either way you'll still be in Federation space and under our protection."

Taking a moment, Nevan decided to try and get a read on the room. "Is there one system versus the other you would like me to go into more detail on first?"

Malada nodded. "Please. Tell me about the Murals star cluster," she said. "It seems...familiar somehow, but I can't place it," she said. Perhaps they had traded there. Or perhaps it had been a home to an enemy. She simply couldn't remember.

"There aren't many of us," Vestin pointed out. "Not hardly enough to hold our own and defend ourselves if there really are so many worlds interacting with one another as you say. Having our own space may sound appealing, but if the location is in the middle of trading sector, we have nothing to offer. We should also hear what it might be like living near the ... humans?"

"There are six other individual species in the Cluster, each of them were looking for a sort of home and group to join for help so they are quite aware of the struggles in getting settled and the challenges that come with them. So they have a system established to work with others that choose to participate within their group. Everyone does give up some independence but is given equal representation within as well. The first group settled there about seven hundred years ago and the others have joined along since." Nevan decided he'd answer Vestin next.

"Most of the trading happens internally between the planets, they typically contribute to the groups needs as a whole so everyone works to produce or mine for resources needed as a whole. I know they do have a timeframe for helping to get new worlds established before the requirements for contributions begin, but more of the specifics in these agreements are something we'd have to engage with their local government about. As for living around humans, I wouldn't be surprised if there are some there, chances are there's a wide variety of species. Just like everyone else, you get people that are good and people that are bad. But that would be one of the perks of having your own planet in the cluster. However if you lived on New Sausalito, the colony there does have specific rules about the engagement of other groups as they are a bit more bound by Federation law. If you want to engage with them, you can. Otherwise aside from more genuine curiosity, they are more likely to leave you and your people to yourselves. They would engage with you as much or as little as you wish, but also have no obligation to either which would include the trading of materials and resources." The Betazoid took a step to the side and picked up his glass to take a drink, looking over at Grexx and then Cormus before waiting for more questions.

Dreke looked at Nevan, the one who seemed to in charge of this meeting. "And when will we know our status with this Federation? It seems a positive relationship with them is crucial to our protection. Must we be a member to be protected? And if we did decide we wanted to be a member, how likely are they to even accept us?"

Vestin and Malada bore grave expressions on their faces as they waited for an answer. They wanted to make a show of strength, but in reality they knew that they were vulnerable in every way.

Nevan cracked a light grin towards Dreke as he answered, hoping to put the man at eases. "In either of these locations, you will be within Federation territory. If you place a distress call, we'll respond. Depending on your location the response time may be greater to one place than the other. Your status in being a member or not has no bearing on the urgency in which we respond. If we get the call, we show up as soon as possible. As for your status with the Federation, you can apply for an emergency provisional membership which will grant you certain privileges sooner based on your situation, but will have an expiration date. During that time however you can also apply to become full fledged members of the Federation if that is what you so choose. But know that we do have a policy to respond to distress calls and work to help in conflict resolution as soon as we are able to."

Grexx took note of the other members and how they looked, almost as if they were realizing how big of a galaxy they were returning back to after such a long sleep.

"What other organizations like yours exist?" Vestin asked. "Are we being given the entire picture here?"

"Similar to the Federation itself? None. There are other governments and organizations such as the Romulan and Klingon Empires, the Orion Syndicate, the Dominion. But none are anywhere near as focused on scientific pursuits and exploration such as we are. If you would like more time to decide in applying to become a member you certainly may take it, and still settle within our territory without obligation. Your citizens will not have representation in our matters and decisions however, but you may live in safety and under our protection." This time it was Grexx that was kind enough to answer. Nevan had motioned to him after the question was asked to step in and handle this next part of the briefing while he stepped aside and whispered something to Cormus.

"Is there a concern with the Vulcans on New Sausilito?" Dreke asked. "You have several on this ship, they are a member world. And of the more influential member worlds, they seem the ones most inclined to not interfere with other societies. Is that a fair assessment?" He continued. "I press because it seems that this New Sausilito, although shared with humans may still be the best opportunity for privacy. For us to ease into this new world order in our own time."

The Bolian continued "Yes, the Vulcans are very strong in their resolve to follow the Prime Directive and follow the rules of the Federation. They only respond in the event of distress and as members of the Federation would be bound to help in the event a call was sent out. To my current knowledge, any past transgressions would have to have been cast aside as part of their agreement when signing the Federation charter to become members. There are very specific non aggression pacts that they would be bound to just as everyone else. New Sausalito would make an excellent home for you and your people. And again, unless invited, it is more likely that the human colony there will leave you alone to see to your own society."

Vestin began to stir in his seat. "And the humans, they are like you. Willing to exchange ideas with a scientist like me?"

"Yes. One of the biggest strengths we pride ourselves on is the exchange and sharing of ideas. The scientists and likely engineers would more than likely be happy to sit down with you and share anything they are allowed to. There may be limitations on certain data until you are Federation members but anything in regard to survival and civil infrastructure will be readily available to you."

The Bolian had found his stride, Fletcher was impressed as he stepped off to the side and keyed in a series of commands to transmit the newest set of data translations to the PADDs of the delegates there.

Nevan made his way back to the front and placed his hand on Grexx's shoulder to let him know he was relieved and could return to his spot. "I know there's a lot for you to consider, I just want to reassure you that if after a time you and your people choose to resettle elsewhere or find another organization that you better align with, the Federation will not stand in your way of leaving. Our main goal at this time is to help get you settled in and adjusted to the current timeline. I am sure as leaders, your people are asking many of the same questions to you as we've heard so far today."

"We should take what you've told us back to some of the other elders," Malada suggested. "Are you saying that the Federation will give us land in either of these places?" She asked verifying that they were understanding correctly.

"Yes" Nevan replied. "We've identified space in New Sausalto and there are several open plants in the cluster we can work to chose from should you decide to go there. We'll help you establish structures and supporting utilities as well."

"Can we take this to the others and come back to you later today?" Malada asked, receiving a nod of approval from Dreke.

"Of course. I trust that if you or any of the others have questions, you know how to reach myself or any of the senior staff? If you tap one of the wall consoles you can request the computer to contact us and we will respond immediately. I appreciate all of your time and questions so far today, and we are looking forward to helping get all of you settled." The Betazoid gave a smile to the delegates before standing back and giving a nod to those before him.

"Thank you, very much gentlemen. We'll be in touch soon. We just need to talk to our people," Dreke said, standing up, giving Vestin a stern look to do the same.

Vestin stood and simply nodded. "Yes, thank you."

Kayto and the rest of his team shook hands with those that wanted to as they parted, happy with the end state of their briefing. Hopefully the information they provided would help the Atarans decide on their new home.



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