Department Head Meeting
Posted on Sat Mar 30th, 2024 @ 12:53am by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters & Major Clay McEntyre III & Lieutenant Jules Mundy & Lieutenant Chrysanthe Capulet & Commander Maxun Spello & Lieutenant JG Ta'Feel Anith Usskik
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Artifact or Artifiction
Location: Bridge Conference Room
Timeline: MD 5 1100 Hours
Remy had been receiving numerous reports from her department heads and from Starfleet command over the last few days as what was supposed to be a simple exploration and scientific undertaking had turned into a rescue and ultimately a First Contact mission. A plan was starting to form, and there were several other announcements that needed to be made, so she had called a meeting for all department heads to assemble in the conference room at 1100 hours. Given the hour she had fruit plates and small sandwiches available as she knew that most of the officers were barely taking their scheduled breaks to sleep, much less eat.
Shelly, being the new Chief of Security after being transferred to this position, was wearing her new uniform and she arrived in the conference room. She did not require a whole lot of sleep, just only a few hours at most. But, she was a bit hungry and she said, "Greetings Captain."
"Hello, Lieutenant. Have a seat and make yourself comfortable while we wait for the others to arrive," Remy said, gesturing to the table. She took a seat herself and poured a glass of water.
Shelly took a seat and poured some water for herself and took a sip of water. Shelly obviously was not tired and it showed. But, she was in deep thought about a whole lot of things.
Commander Winters was the next to arrive. He found a seat next to Lieutenant Guevera and also poured himself a glass of water. He nodded and greeted Johansen. “Captain, Lieutenant. Looks like congratulations are in order. I look forward to working with you.”
Shelly replied, "Thanks, sir. I look forward to working with you. I have some methods that I plan on implementing which will be an unorthodox way of doing things and I hope you will approve some of them."
Jules Mundy walked in, and picked up a plate and grabbed a couple of sandwiches, fruit and a glass of water. Then he moved to a seat, turned and looked at the captain, "Captain." then sat down.
Next in was Maxun, busy reading a PADD, which contained more information about the history of the Atarans. He greeted those present with a polite smile, "Morning all, morning, Captain."
"I know it's protocol, but don't get too used to calling me that. We're about three and a half days from rendezvousing with the real Captain of this ship," Remy reminded them. "How's everyone feeling? I know you've been pushing yourselves pretty hard. Feel free to replicate something else if you like."
“I thought you were the real Captain,” Nash said, almost out of nowhere. “I don’t understand why your status as Acting Captain couldn’t be made permanent. We all know the work we’ve done so far and the things this crew has accomplished. Remy…Captain, we don’t need another commanding officer.”
Shelly was nibbling on some fruit and a sandwich and she did not like the idea that a new Captain was going to be on board in 3.5 days from now. That idea made her shiver all the way down to her bones, but, she was good at hiding most of her feelings and emotions to most people.
Nevan entered next, a mug of raktajino already in hand. He'd been woken up in the middle of the night when a misunderstanding between a couple of engineers and medics had ended in a mass of confusion. So in order to complete the work assigned, they reached out those that gave them the directions in the first place. It seemed that Grexx missed a few notes in his order and he'd be having a conversation with him about it later on. The dark liens under his eyes were near impossible to hide, and being tired definitely caused him to be much more sensitive to the feelings of others in the room.
"Good morning everyone, Captain." He found himself a spot towards the far side of the table and sat down before making a few notes on his own PADD.
The hulking Clay McEntyre, the gruff Caitian Tactical Officer was the next to enter, ducking under the top of the door as he entered. His armor flexed as he did, with each large step before he sat near the head of the table, leaning back. The chair groaning but supporting the large Cat person.
"Captain," He greeted Remy with his ruggedly smooth Texan accent.
Dr. Ta'Feel followed quickly behind the Tactical Officer, noticing him ducking under the door, and, being 6" shorter, did not have to duck. Sei was carrying Hir PADD, ready, and almost anxious, to attend Hir first official Department Head meeting. Noticing the table loaded with various edibles, Ta'Feel decided it might be a good idea to have something with Ser to take to the table. Sei walked over to the replicator, did a quick blink/speak, then waited until a glass filled with dark amber liquid appeared. Sei took the glass, walked over to an empty chair at the table, did a couple of blink/speaks, and announced, "Dr. Ta'Feel greets Commander Remy." "Dr. Ta'Feel greets everyone else at the table." Sei then sat down in the chair, placed Hir glass of mielcelovo nectar and PADD on the table, and looked at Remy.
Shelly smiled at Dr. Ta'Feel with kindness remembering the pleasant conversation she and Andrea had with Ta'Feel.
Chrys slipped in just as the doors closed behind the person before her. She was brand new and was very quiet as she stood at the back.
"Lieutenant, grab something to eat and have a seat. You're just in time," Remy encouraged, gesturing to the few open seats.
Chrys gave a nod but only took a seat, she was not hungry and her stomach churned really.
"It looks like we have everyone here, so I won't take up too much of your time," Remy announced. "For those of you who may not have heard, Commander Lorut has taken a new position, and is busy being debriefed on her new assignment so she can set to work immediately, so she won't be joining us today."
"First off, excellent job everyone. I'm still a bit stunned myself at how much we have been able to accomplish over the last four days. Because of how far we've come with the Atarans, Starfleet is hoping that we can have a plan in place to get a move on it so to speak and start taking steps toward getting our new friends some place a little more permanent."
"Officer Kayto, have the Atarans shown any concerns about settling on New Saucelito?" Remy asked. "Admiral Freshour wants to dispatch the Covina on a supply run, so that work can get started."
"Other than the usual apprehension, nothing currently. I think that once they settled on a location it helped us to provide them a lot more details. As long as we have enough structural material delivered as well we can get the building and infrastructure setup for them that we spec'd out. I'll personally be conducting oversight as the project manager with Grexx and Fletcher assisting. I've already sent out my resource requests to each of the department Chiefs as well. So at this time they're as confident in the move as their going to be until we get there." Nevan took a sip of his coffee and sat up a bit straighter, realizing he'd been slouching some.
"Lieutenant Mundy and I have already discussed having Serenity set a course directly there, rather than stopping to rendezvous at Starbase 76 with us. They have limitations on their ability to travel at comparable speeds, so this would enable their ship to get to the planet sooner," Remy explained.
"Starfleet wants us to bring a delegation of Atarans with us to the Starbase. You know, everyone wants their hands on First Contact. And we should send some of our own to go with the Atarans on the Serenity. Any recommendations on who might be interested and suited for the extended away mission on board the Serenity?" Remy asked, opening the floor to anyone.
Kayto spoke up again "If need be I can send my two along, I'm sure they'll keep each other in check and help the Atarans with anything they'll need on board. I'm sure they'd prefer to be away from any sort of dog and pony shows as it is."
Maxun spoke up. "I'd like to volunteer to go. As my people and theirs have such a close history, it might help having me there, as a face to a people they recognize and apparently trust."
Shelly said, "Captain, I will join adding security to the Serenity, but, I will have to wear my dark glasses as the bright light does hurt my eyes."
"Lieutenant Spello, thank you for volunteering," Remy responded, nodding in approval. "I know many of the Atarans were comfortable with you from the outset. You can coordinate with who Officer Kayto would like to send over from Civil Ops. I'd like at least one of our own medical officers in case there are any issues with our own people. And there is space for us to have one of our runabouts on board."
The note of the runabout brought something to mind for Nevan as well. "Captain if I may, I also would like to place a requisition for a specific runabout variant. I could see it being useful in the future for us and I'm not sure if we have the space for an extra Danube class at the moment or not so there may be a requirement to change out another craft, if approved. I can submit my requisition through the Quartermaster accordingly but wanted to bring it up first. It just so happens they have one at Starbase 76 as well...."
"Please do," Remy responded. "Lieutenant Williams has been working on a list of other upgrades to our shuttlecraft as well, bring that one directly to me, and I'll make sure it get some priority and not lost in the midst of other requests."
Dr. Ta'Feel spoke up. "Dr. Ta'Feel's family has two members, Ms. Shakal Anith and Mm. Zetchurl Anith, that may be of assistance aboard the Serenity."
Remy tapped her PADD, "Lieutenant Guevara, it sounds like if you need crew, Ensign Shakal may be interested.
Remy looked toward Capulet, who would had just inherited a great deal of extra responsibilities with the impending departure of Astrea's second officer and head of the science department. "Lieutenant Capulet, you've been quiet. There is an ancient language on the Serenity that we've barely tapped into. If you want to join Lieutenant Spello's team, we will be alright without you for a few days."
The science officer's eyes lit up, her passion was languages. "Thank you captain, that would be great."
Remy nodded. "Consider it done. Same thing I said to Shelly. It sounds like Dr. Ta'Feel is volunteering Ensign Zetchurl for the science team."
Ta'Feel responded, "Dr. Ta'Feel is allowing Ensign Zetchurl to join the science team.
Maxun looked over at the new Chief Science Officer and tipped his heading recognition. Though they hadn't spoken yet, his natural senses were telling him that there was more to this woman than met the eye.
"We'll send a couple of our own medical personnel as well. I know both Dr. Beckett and Dr. Parks worked quite a bit with the Atarans, during the process of reviving them and getting them activated. It should probably be one of them, Remy added.
"If all goes well, our ships should be ready to part ways by 2100 hours tomorrow evening, immediately following the standard goodwill reception that we're having in the all-purpose room starting at 1630 hours," Remy reminded them. "Any questions or comments about that."
The Betazoid remained silent at her inquiry.
Shelly made a notation and in her mind, she was coming up with plans mentally that she needed to sort through rather quickly.
"If I could offer, with the region being what it is at the moment, I would suggest a Starfighter Escort for the Serenity? As an added defensive measure for them?" The Caitian commented.
Nevan raised an eyebrow, he hadn't realized things were quite so rough. For a moment it made him question offering his two junior enlisted out on their own without being there to take care of them if anything happened, but he was going to have to learn to be comfortable with trusting them to look out for one another, and remained quiet.
"Precautionary," Remy confirmed. "It's not a bad idea, the Serenity's defensive capabilities could be taxed by what we know is a finite power source. I don't think we're expecting any issues, but they would also be able to scout for any potential threats before they became one," Remy agreed. "Commander McEntyre, coordinate with Lieutenant Williams after the meeting. You can help him coordinate with the USS Arcadia. They will be delivering supplies to the planet, so they need to know we'll have scout ships in the area."
"Aye Sir"
Clay nodded before leaning back in his chair once again, picking up his PADD to write down notes and things he needed.
"Let's take a go around the table, anyone have anything else before we adjourn?" Remy asked.
“Captain, if I may…I’ve taken some detailed scans since returning with Nostromo. As much as we can tell, because those crystals have a limited life span, Serenity won’t be fully operational. There’s not a full ship’s complement, so my team has diverted power to essential areas only. Life support, propulsion, navigation all in working order. As long as power is not pulled from those sections, the ship should be fine for the rest of their journey. If you like I can brief the Ataran crew when ready for departure,” Commander Winters reported.
Remy nodded, "Yes, there should be a debriefing on that, and perhaps other items as well. You and Lieutenant Spello coordinate and run lead on information needs to be relayed from all departments, so we aren't overwhelming them too much information or too many meetings."
Shelly decided to make a mention and said, "Captain, I can have my 1st wife Ensign Lori Grimes go over my shuttle, Nostromo and she is available to help out in other areas as well, if necessary."
"I appreciate that, Lieutenant," Remy responded. "I'll get a roster together of who should be accompanying the Serenity based on this meeting, and get that out to all of you in the next few hours to see if we need to make any changes or amendments. Once our recommendation is finalized, Commander Winters and Lieutenant Spello you will need add that to the items to go over with the Serenity crew."
"Unless there is anything else, meeting adjourned. You all can be dismissed."
Shelly got up and headed to the bridge and she saw her gorgeous wife at the flight controls and smiled at her while she went to her new security station to get updated on security matters.