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Waking Up

Posted on Sat Mar 16th, 2024 @ 4:06pm by Captain Remy Johansen & Civillian Samuel Wynters

1,300 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Menagerie: side stories & mischief making
Location: Remy's Quarters
Timeline: MD 3, 0530 Hours

Remy jumped at the sound of her alarm waking her up at 0530. She hated being awake at this time of day. but there wasn't much choice when your ship was sitting on a project like the one the Astrea was currently assigned. It was just a few hours ago that she and Sam had even come back to her quarters, she certainly didn't remember falling asleep.

Still laying in Remy's bed, Samuel smiled softly to her. "Good morning, love. How did you sleep?"

"Apparently I did, but there was no way it was for very long. How about you?" Remy asked, she tucked her hair behind her ear and gave him an apologetic look. "You can stay, get some more rest. I'm going to have to run out though."

Watching Remy getting ready, Samuel replied, "I don't sleep. My species doesn't require the same amount of sleep that yours does. Certainly, we rest from time to time, but any true sleep we get, comes during our rastalla."

Remy stopped what she was doing and peeked her head out of the washroom. "So, what, you were just hanging out after I fell asleep?"

Seeing Remy stick her head around the corner as she did, caused Samuel to chuckle softly. "Oh, don't get me wrong. I rested my mind, meditated some, and enjoyed seeing your true face when you were finally asleep."

"Fantastic," Remy commented dryly before disappearing again. Taking someone to bed who never slept wouldn't be awkward at all. When she came out again Remy had a towel wrapped around her body, that she used to keep partially covered until she was somewhat dressed.

"Someday you'd have to tell me what a 'true face' is," she stated breezily as she stepped out of the bedroom to get a cup of coffee. "Can I get you anything?" Remy called from the other room.

"You mean, other than you, back in this bed with me?" He called out, a flirty grin on his face as he interlocked his fingers behind his head.

Remy walked briskly back into the bedroom, a large travel mug of coffee in one hand. She took a large sip of the too hot coffee and immediately regretted it. The sting hit the back of her throat and made her eyes water. She stopped walking for a moment and fanned her fingers in front of her mouth as if it could provide some sort of relief.

"I can't even remember the last time I had a morning to just relax in bed for a few more minutes," Remy commented once she could talk again. "I think I've been on the go for the last four - five years now." She started to take another drink, but changed her mind when the hot air hit her mouth. Remy grabbed a uniform top out of the closet and started searching for her boots.

Releasing his fingers, Samuel sat up in her bed. "Perhaps, once this mission is concluded, and you are made the official captain of this great vessel, you could put in for a little r and r for you and your crew?" His eyes never left her face as she moved about the bedroom.

Remy put the coffee mug down as she slipped her left arm into her uniform top, and started looking under furniture for her boots. She found the right one under the bed and put it near the nightstand while she hunted for the other, temporarily struggling to wrap the jacket style top around so she could get her right arm through the sleeve.

Once that was situated, she went to the living space to look for her left boot. "Two problems with your plan," she called out from the other room. "Found it!" She came walking back into the room with her other boot and placed it next to her right one.

"First, I'm not up to be Captain of anything, much less this ship. I'm sure when and if I am ever promoted it will be something much less glamorous," she stated as she zipped her uniform. "Second, unless this mission takes six months, asking for shore leave would just look lazy. We've not even been launched a full week."

Remy stepped into her boots and walked over to where Sam was relaxing. "I knew what I was signing up for when I went Command. Go big or go home."

Looking up into her beautiful eyes, Samuel smiled. "Don't second guess yourself, love. I see great things in your future. A promotion and a command of this vessel being two of them. I'm sure HQ will see how you are handling this mission, a first contact for your species and the Federation." He climbed out of bed, the sheets falling away, revealing his nude skin. "I have faith in you, Rem."

Remy shook her head dismissively and reached for Samuel's pants and handed them to him, then she paused for a brief second and took a breath. "Thank you. It was good to take the mask off for a while last night." Remy leaned in and kissed him softly.

Taking his pants, then accepting her sweet kiss, Samuel then chuckled softly. "Do you mind if I use your shower? Or would you rather I did the full walk of shame?" He gave her a flirty wink as he finished speaking.

"Help yourself. Stay as long..." Remy stood up and scanned the room and saw where she had left her coffee. "Okay, gotta run. Um... talk to you later then," she said grabbing her coffee and walking to the door. She turned around one last time before leaving. "Sorry to run out like this."

He gave her another charming smile, while he stood there, nude, holding his pants in one hand. "Duty calls. I understand. Have a good day!"

Remy lifted her hand in a half wave. "You too," she responded as she scurried out the door. Bridge first. She oddly wasn't tired, the adrenaline from her evening with Samuel sending thoughts racing through the back of her mind. All of which she'd have to process at some point later as she went to get the status report from the night shift.

After she left, Samuel got himself cleaned up, recycled his old clothing, then replicated a new set. Once dressed, he set about cleaning up Remy's cabin, insofar as to the mess they had made during their fun time. After the bed linen had been changed and the rest of the cabin looked presentable, he replicated some paper and a pen, and wrote an actual letter to Remy.

My Dear Remy,

Last night was wonderful, in every way imaginable. I'm very glad that we met, and I hope you feel the same. While it is too soon to put any labels on things, I am curious to see where things go between us. If you are as well, then you know where to find me. As I recognize you are very busy, I won't pester you for attention. Please feel free to reach out to me, anytime you want company. (I might even start to stock extra bottles of Chianti, just for you ;-) ).

Until I see you again, my love, you will be in my thoughts.



After finishing the letter, he replicated a vase of wildflowers, then set both on her dining table, do she'd see them when she came home. He then had the computer lower the lights, and left her cabin. He made his way back to the lounge, where he'd have some breakfast, before getting things ready for the next shift.


A jp by:

Commander Remy Johansen
Commanding Officer
USS Astrea


Samuel Wynters
Paddy's Loft
(NPC of Lt Maxun Spello)


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