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Goodwill Reception Part 4: To Ice Water

Posted on Fri Apr 5th, 2024 @ 1:17am by Lieutenant JG Thivi & Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant Commander Maxun Spello & Chief Petty Officer Nevan Kayto

1,365 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Artifact or Artifiction
Location: Deck 10, All Purpose Room
Timeline: MD 6, 1430 Hours After Part 3

Nevan finally made his way into the reception, much later than he had planned. He'd spent the last while finishing up some last minute changes in the cargo bay layout for the Atrans, helping out Cormus and Grexx. Due to the extended hours both of them had put in recently, he sent them back to their room to take the rest of the day off and had changed into a less formal dress uniform, one he liked to use for when he participated in other governments legislative functions and began meeting a number of the Atarans. It was vital that he get that facetime in to help them feel more confident in the decision they were making and the guidance that his team was providing.

It didn't take long however for him to see a young lady that looked familiar to him standing aside to her own device. If there was one group the he hadn't engaged much with since they'd woken up the Atarans, it was the teenagers. He could only imagine how they'd felt with everything going on. Being that age was tough enough, but to be 2500 years in the future, was unfathomable to him. So he walked over to her and introduced himself "Good evening, I'm Nevan, part of the Civil Operations team. Whom might you be?"

Jheva narrowed her eyes at him with her arms folded, less so judging him than studying the man from head to toe. "You're one of those types that can read minds and emotions, aren't you? Betazoids, the ship's computer says? The eyes give you away, but of course you know that." She stated, raising an eyebrow. "I'm Jheva. I'm one of the kids you people plucked out of our cryo-pods. Happy to be here in this century - oh, sorry. Millenium. No, really, everything is so much better." The ginger-haired girl quipped. "So, Nevan. I assume since you're from Civil Operations, whatever that is, you'd like to check in on me and see how I'm doing?"

While Betazoid's weren't the only species with black eyes, he moved past her initial statements and questions. His race being a subject for discussion wasn't the reason he'd initially approached her and so he moved past it. "Nice to meet you Jheva. My team is responsible for helping to coordinate everything you and your people are going to need in order to get settled. We also helped setup your temporary accommodations in the cargo bay. I know they're not the greatest but we wanted to do our best to give you all your own privacy and time to adjust to things around you with the support of one another. Have you heard yet where your new home is going to be?"

"New Sausalito. Funny how you people name your planets. But the rest are going - I'm not. Probably. I talked to the Commander earlier; I'm going to do a prep course for potential Starfleet Academy cadets, so I might be staying here. Not that I mind staying here, this ship of yours is nice. Tell me, though." Jheva raised an eyebrow. "What's going to happen to Brunel and Muriel and every other kid with no parents who you people woke up? Are they going to be adopted? What if no one wants to adopt them?"

"We're not in the business of separating people from their societies, that's a question better posed to your elders. We have certain rules about non interference into other societies, that's something you'll need to be well versed in if you want to join Star Fleet. But considering you are interested in joining, I know of some things that could help improve the odds of your application getting accepted. Even with a line officers signature, members from non Federation societies face an uphill battle. Interested?" He could sense the eagerness from this young lady to go off on her own path in life.

"Tell me more." Jheva's dark brown eyes glittered. "I am prepared to fight this uphill battle till I come out on top - though ways to make it easier are always appreciated."

"Well, I'm not sure what your studies and background may be, but my team does need someone with a close finger on the pulse of your people and sensitive to your social situation. Also someone that is going to give us a more unfiltered answer and can help with those closer to your age group. Let's face it, the young adults are what's going to keep the colony going as the years go on and will be doing a lot of the work as they get started. Help me and my team out in getting things off the ground for your people and I'll make sure to write up a report of your practical experience in your area of study as well as helping to establish a small scale settlement. I'll also add my recommendation to the application, that is, if you agree to serve as a direct advisor to Civil Operations. You'll be integrated as part of the teams planning processes and operations. I have two young men not much older than you that you'll work more closely with and will more likely get along with in the long run." Kayto hoped his sales pitch would be enough to get the young woman to accept. In the long run it would be a small trade off for what would be a rather shining bullet point on her application.

"Me. Of all the elders who know tons more than me about everything that has to do with our people, you want me." Jheva raised both eyebrows. "You're either mad, or desperate, or both. What exactly do you need me to do, be a youth ambassador or something? Because I feel like that's what this is also about. That being said?" Jheva raised an eyebrow. "I'm in. So long as it helps me get through."

"The elders are worried about playing politics and saving face among their peers. Young adults such as yourself typically are not. So I'm more likely to get the unfettered truth from you. I'll have Grexx and Fletcher reach out to you and officially welcome you onto the team, explain your role and whatnot. Meanwhile I'll take care of all the red tape to get you an official status as an advisor for us, that way you have additional resources and protections in place. Part of that will be a standard pre screening which the other two will conduct when you meet them." Eyeing the bar off a bit, Nevan found himself a bit thirsty. "Do you have any more questions at the moment for what you've agreed to?"

"I would ask what to do first, but knowing you people I'll have to wait another few days before I hear a single peep. Fine by me. You want drinks?" Jheva stabbed a thumb at the bar behind them. "Shame I can't get a lot of the drinks there, but it's fine."

"That's what the initial briefing with Cormus and Grexx will be for." Considering what felt to him to be a level of brashness, it was probably a good thing they wouldn't serve her any alcohol. "I was looking to get some water actually, if you were looking at heading over there as well."

"Fine by me." Jheva stalked through the crowd and sat at the bar counter. "Get me two glasses of water, one with ice." She requested of the bartender.

"Make that two with ice, please. I've always missed that stuff since my last tour, I can never get enough of it now." Nevan added.

Jheva ordered their drinks and took a long sip from hers. "Ice water? You can't get enough of ice water?" She raised an eyebrow at him. "Can't you starfleet types replicate it anytime you want? Why would you miss it then?"

"Not in the field, warm water from ration packs aren't quite the same. Drink enough of those for a few weeks and you miss the small stuff." A moment later their drinks were placed in front of them and he lifted his up.

"To ice water" Nevan said.


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