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Goodwill Reception Part 3: Getting to Know You

Posted on Fri Apr 5th, 2024 @ 1:47am by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters & Lieutenant Jules Mundy & Lieutenant Commander Maxun Spello & Lieutenant JG Thivi & Civilian Brunel Winters
Edited on on Thu May 2nd, 2024 @ 1:52am

2,675 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Artifact or Artifiction
Location: Deck 10, All Purpose Room
Timeline: MD 6, 1430 hours After Part 2

Mundy entered the room, picking up a drink from the bar. Then he casually walked around the room.

Maven, one of the engineers from the Ataran ship recognized Mundy from a tour she had given him. That and he'd been over there quite a bit helping with repairs. She approached him seriously. "It's Officer Mundy, correct?" Maven had trouble remember their ranks and the little circles on their shirts and what they meant.

Jules remembered the engineer from the Ataran ship. "Lieutenant Jules Mundy. Operations. Is there something I can do to help you?"

"You seem to be honest and forthcoming. Not as political and carefully spoken as some of the others," Maven started. "Would you say that is a fair assessment?"

Jules smiled. "Yes, that is fair assessment. But to be honest, most of the crew will let you know honestly what's on their minds, and I'm one of them. Are you enjoying the party?"

"It's quite... something," Maven said looking around. "Does Starfleet do this sort of thing all the time? It seems like a lot of trouble."

"When we make contact with a new race, or civilization, we want to make them feel at ease. What better way than to have a party or celebration?" Jules replied. Jules looked around, and saw his brother taking to Dani.

"So what do you think will become of our people?" Maven asked. "Will the Federation share technology like they have said?"

Mundy shook his head. "The Federation will share some technology with your people. You and your people will be given a planet to colonize. You will be under the protection of the Federation until you can protect yourselves." Jules looked at Maven. "We'll show you how to produce more food, give you some advanced medical items and communications, unless you wish to be left alone, then we will honor that as well."

"We realize that we are vulnerable, and our small numbers make us even more so," Maven said sadly. "Everything that your people has told us, it seems too good to be true. There have been some mumblings. Wondering what the price will be in return."

"The Federation will not force you to share knowledge, it's not the way we do things. We offer friendship, protection and a sharing of our knowledge. If you want to share with us, then so be it." Jules replied.

"Conscripted service?" Maven pressed, "A tax on the food we produce, or some other form of currency?"

"Any of your people will be free to join Starfleet, no one will be forced to serve. And we don't tax food or income. And we don't use currency." Jules responded.

Maven shook her head in wonder. "I suppose we're lucky that you found us, and not someone else. Thank you for taking the time to talk to me tonight, Officer Mundy," Mavin stated in firm gratitude.

"You can call me Lieutenant Mundy, or just Jules if you prefer. And maybe we were meant to find you." Jules took a sip of his drink.

"Do your people believe in such things? Destiny or a higher power?" Maven asked. "I haven't heard anyone talk of it, nor have I seen anything resembling a religious token.

"Many people in the Federation believe is a 'high power'. The Bajorians believe in the 'Prophets' that live in 'The Celestial Temple', most people call it a wormhole and that aliens have lived in that wormhole for centuries." Jules paused. "A faith, or religion, is a personal thing and some like to share it, while others prefer to keep it to themselves. A million worlds, with a million faiths, or maybe no faiths."

"And what about you?" Mavin asked. "What do you believe?"

"I'm one of many who believe in nothing but life. Enjoying life. Living life. I don't begrudge those who believe, and I hope they don't begrudge me."

"Our people have no deity. We do live by certain principles, and believe in self-reflection and daily meditations," Mavin explained. "The galaxy... it was less crowded you might say in my time. It was easy to be a peaceful people. There was plenty of space - or so we thought. No need to interfere or go to war until one day it happened."

"Anyway, Lieutenant Mundy. I shouldn't take up any more of your time. I'm sorry to bore you," Mavin said apologetically. "There must be more people that you'd like to meet" Mavin smiled at the operations officer.

"It was not a bore. I am always happy to speak to people who ask about the Federation. And I am always happy to speak to new friends." Jules smiled back.

"It just seems difficult to find much in common with anyone when you've been in cryosleep for so long that millennia have past, and you missed out on all of it," Mavin said with a light blush.

Mundy looked at her. "You and your people have been given a gift...the chance to start new. Enjoy it. Embrace it. You now can make up for all the errors that happened in the past."

"Yes, I hope we can enjoy it as you say. I'll be going back to Serenity tonight. We start our journey to our new home shortly after this reception. I'm eager to get started with out next adventure.

"Actually. you'll see me on the Serenity. I'm part of the Astrea team going back with you." Mundy replied.

Alex Mundy stepped into the room and got himself a drink and something to eat. He noticed his brother speaking to one of the alien officers.

Dani Harper arrived to the event wearing her dress uniform, her hair pulled back into loose curls. Even though she had spent quite a bit of time on the Ataran ship, she had not had the opportunity to meet any of them yet. She knew there would be some opportunity as they traveled to Starbase 76 over the next couple of days, but she didn't want to miss out on tonight's event. She noticed Jules talking to one of them, but she didn't throw much attention that direction. She had told Jules that it was important to her that she make her own reputation here, and not be carried along by his.

Dani didn't know Alex. Jules hadn't even told her he had a brother serving on the ship. Yet she inadvertently stepped to the bar near him when she went to order her own drink. "Amaretto sour," she said to the waitress, smiling. When Dani smiled, her whole face smiled.

Alex took one look at the Orion officer and smiled. "Ensign Alexander Mundy, at your service."

Dani heard the Ensign announce his name and leaned back a bit in surprise, then looked up over. "You aren't related the the Chief Operations Officer are you? It's his last name Mundy?" She asked playing dumb.

"I guess you can call being his younger brother 'related' then I guess I'm guilty." Alex smiled. "Have you worked with my brother?" The way he said 'worked' sounded like he was asking if they were dating, or seeing each other.

Dani narrowed her eyes at Alex. "Why do you ask it like that?" She asked curiously, leaning in to him a bit and giving him a coy smile.

"My brother rarely speaks to me these days, so I don't know what he does in private." Alex smiled when she leaned closer to him. "You fit the description of what he looks for in women.....beautiful and exotic."

"Why is that?" Dani asked more seriously. "Did the two of you have a falling out or something?

Alex took a sip of his drink. "We had, what could be called, a disagreement. Since then, we hardly ever talk. He didn't know I was coming here. Command assigned me here."

Dani leaned against the bar. Alex was telling her more in just a few minutes, than Jules had over several hours and multiple days. "Care to share what the two you had you disagreement over?" Dani pressed. "Must be weird getting assigned to the same ship, especially if you aren't even talking."

"It was stupid. I was having a fight with parents about staying out late. I was 14 at the time. Jules walked over, grabbed me by the collar and kicked me out of the house. I apologized next day to our parents, but Jules never forgave me." Alex answered. "And I guess he doesn't have to talk to me unless he gives me an order...and I've requested a transfer to another ship."

"Your brother hasn't talked to you since you were fourteen!" Dani exclaimed. "You were just a kid. What is wrong with him? What about your parents?" Dani asked,

"They stayed out of it, always saying 'you boys need to solve your own problems.' So, would you be interested in having a late dinner sometime?" Alex asked.

Dani flinched and shook her head in disbelief. "A late dinner. What even is that? I'm sorry, I'm not really... well I started something with someone and we're seeing where it goes." Dani was realizing that she'd played this charade a little too long and was starting to get uneasy. "Anyway, sorry for being so nosy. Nice to meet you. I see one of the Ataran scientists I've been meaning to catch up with. I'll see you around."

Dani flashed an awkward smile before making her way to a small group of Atarans. That was what this reception was about. She still couldn't shake the sinking feeling of guilt in her stomach... or the likelihood that she was going to get caught.

Alex watched her walk away. "Involved with someone else...the story of my life." Alex carried his drink and started walking around.

Jules watched as Dani walked away from his brother, leaving the brother with a frown on his face. He muttered to himself, "Shot down again."

Once Dani had felt she had spent enough time making appropriate small talk, she made her way toward the door. Her chance encounter with Alex Mundy had her rattled, and she could use the time to check over her bags before leaving for her trip with Serenity's crew.

Shelly and Andrea got a second round of their beers. After they got their beers, Shelly tipped the bartender 4 stripes of gold pressed platinum.

Malada and Galvin a married couple who had been revived from the cryostasis unit walked in with their children, Lilo their 11 year old daughter, and Faram their 13 year old son.

Shelly and Andrea replied in Unison saying, "Hi." Then Shelly said, "I am Shelly Godfrey Guevera and this absolutely gorgeous woman is my precious fiancé Andrea Marie Mitchell in whom I am so madly in love with." Andrea blushed when Shelly said that and said, "Greetings." Then, they took a sip of their very cold beer which had an 8.3% alcohol content.

Malada and Galvin paused, Malada flinching a bit at being addressed in unison such as they were. But they were here to get to know the aliens. Their children stayed at their sides, watching, neither with fear nor overly curious notions.

"Hello, I'm Malada, and this is my husband Galvin. He is a mechanical officer on Serenity. I'm a medic. Pleased to meet you," Malada stated,

"Yes, and these are our children. Lilo here is 11, and Faram is 13. I believe our years roughly correspond with human ages," Galvin added.

Shelly and Andrea replied in unison saying, "It is a pleasure to meet you." Then, Shelly said, "Most of the time, we talk in unison since it is part of our genetic make up and when we are not speaking vocally we both telepathically speak to each other in 1's and 0's."

"Ones and Zeros, really?" Malada asked in wonder. "That is fascinating. I'm having a hard time imagining how that would even work."

Andrea said, "Well, somehow, it was written into our quadruple helix DNA Chromosomes. You have to admit though that Human Biology isn't our strong suit." She lovingly looked at Shelly and said, "It is instinctual." Andrea said, "And, Shelly and I can be up to 42 decks away from each other and we can still communicate telepathically."

"Do you find that more efficient? Ones and zeros?" Galvin asked curiously.

Shelly and Andrea replied in unison, "Yes. All of our thoughts and emotions and feelings for each other, etc, makes it a whole lot easier plus telepathically sending our love to each other every nano-second of the day and night." Then, they looked at each other and then asked, "How about we all get a table and sit & chat for a spell?"

Malada looked at Galvin who said, "Sure that sounds interesting."

Faram tugged on his mother's arm. "Can we go play with the other kids?"

Malada smiled, "Yes, but don't leave the rooms, okay, both of you."

The children nodded and scurried off. "And no running," Malada called out, but it was too late.

Shelly and Andrea found a place to sit at and took a seat. Andrea asked, "Would you both like something to drink? Shelly and I are going to order a bottle of 100 year old Chivas Whiskey."

"What is, Chivas Whiskey?" Malada asked, stumbling over the new words.

Shelly lit up and said, "Oh my God! You never heard of Chivas? That is really good stuff. First off, Chivas is the brand name of the Whiskey and Whiskey is a hard liquor made with water, grains, barley and yeast and fermented in Oak Barrels between 12 & 100 years. Now, it is best enjoyed neat, straight up." Andrea motioned a waitress over and ordered the 100 year old Bottled Chivas Whiskey with 4 glasses.

Galvin smiled, "I suppose it's been a while since I've had a good a drink."

Malada rolled her eyes. "It's not funny. We could have died. Lilo and Faram. How could things have gone so wrong."

Galvin put a comforting arm around his wife's shoulders. "I know, but we're okay now. If we can't make a joke every now and then we'll never move on.

Soon the whiskey arrived and Shelly tipped the waitress a handsome 20 bars of gold pressed latinum and she poured four double shots of whiskey in the glasses and Shelly said, "Here you go, you sweet friends. Since you two have not had real whiskey before, I recommend you drink it really slow. Andrea and I are used to it, though."

Malada and Galvin raised their glasses, each taking a small sip. "It's different, Malada said, taking her first swallow. I can see why you would suggest to drink it slow. The alcohol content must be strong."

Galvin took the time to smell the whiskey and take note of the distinguishing features in the drink before he took his first sip. "It remind me a bit of something we had. The flavors are different. The sentiment is the same."

Shelly and Andrea replied, "We are glad you like it. The whiskey is 40% alcohol by volume, in essence, 80 proof." They simultaneously took a sip of their whiskey and loved it. Then, Shelly and Andrea said, "Please, tell us more about yourselves."

"Well, Malada is a medical officer, and one of the smartest people I know," Galvin gushed. "Me, I just fix things."

"Oh stop," Malada said bashfully. "He's flattering me, and just being modest. He's a mechanical engineer. His job became pretty important when, well the trip was taking longer than it should have."

Shelly replied, "Well, we will keep that in mind, especially when we need medical attention. There are somethings you will need to know about us, but, a hugely strict medical confidentiality must be maintained at all times."

"As all medical information should be," Malada responded. "That was an important part of our oaths as health care providers."

Shelly replied, "Good. I do not trust any medical information about us going to anyone, including Starfleet Command at all." Andrea could tell Shelly was tensing up and Andrea was comforting her with pure love.

> > To Part 4 > >


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