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Away Team Meeting

Posted on Thu May 2nd, 2024 @ 7:44pm by Lieutenant Commander Maxun Spello & Lieutenant Chrysanthe Capulet & Ensign Dani Harper & Ensign Charlotte Dawes & Petty Officer 3rd Class Grexx & Petty Officer 3rd Class Cormus Fletcher

1,640 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission Interlude Starbase 76 & Serenity
Location: Serenity
Timeline: MD 7, 0800 hours

The next morning, after doing his morning workout in his cabin, Maxun got cleaned up and dressed. He then left his cabin and made his way to the small conference room that the Atarans has set aside for the away team to use. When he stepped inside, he saw the rest of the team, having breakfast and talking amongst themselves. "Morning everyone."

"Good morning, boss," Dani said when Spello walked in. Like everyone else, she was anxious to see what the next few days would be like.

Charlotte perked up at the sight of Lieutenant Spello. That meant they could start the meeting and she could learn her orders for the next few days.

Ensign Shakal Anith was sitting at the table with Ensign Dawes, sipping on Tem mug of Mielcelovo nectar, when Tey noticed the Ensign's attention turned toward LtJG Spello. Shakal had Tem security equipment with Ter, and was ready to go at a moment's notice. Tey spoke to LtJG Spello, "Ensign Shakal Anith greets LtJG Spello."

Maxun nodded to each member of the team in turn. After grabbing a cup of coffee, he moved to the central table and sat down. "I hope everyone slept well?" He himself hadn't slept at all, as he didn't require the same amount of sleep as the rest of the team.

Grexx and Cormus entered together next, each with a stack of PADD's and looking refreshed. Fortunately the pair had done a fair amount of prep work on the Astrea and knew what they each would be managing and be asking of each of the officers and their teams. The pair sat down on a long side of the table and acknowledged the brass before them. Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen."

The Chief of science entered and slid into a chair. "Sorry was trying to get more language samples."

Maxun nodded to Chrysanthe as she moved to sit down. "Now that everyone's here. First things first. I'm don't know if the rest of you feel the same, but I'm starting to feel that the Atarans are not telling us the whole truth about themselves. As my people have a history with them, I've already sent word to then, asking for any information they can give. However, it's going to take a while for that information to get back to me. In the meantime," he said with a small sigh, "I want each of you to keep your eyes and ears open. If, at any point, you feel there is danger, of any kind, notify me immediately. If you find any concrete proof that shows the Atarans in a different light than they've presented themselves to us do far, let me know right away. Your safety is my number one concern here. Should the need arise, the Astrea can be to us within an hour." He took another breath, before asking, "any questions or comments so far?"

Grexx and Cormus were a bit confused as they hadn't heard of any issues or concerns so far, but they weren't going to shy away from any either. "In that case Sir, we'll make all of our reports are available to the team immediately, in case there's something that someone can pick up on. We'll go back through everything as well," Cormus said.

Maxun nodded to the two NCOs. "Good idea." He then looked at the rest of the team. "Anyone else?"

"I assume despite all of this, we're still moving forward as planned for the colony?" Charlotte clarified. "Do we know what we're dealing with there as far as what's going to be needed from us?"

Maxun nodded as he replied. "Yes. We continue as originally planned. Don't do anything to give the Atarans any clue that we are looking closer at them and their story. As I said, right now, it's just a feeling and some...oddities that require explanation." He paused to take a breath, the replied to the second part of Charlotte's question. "As far as the colony goes, it's an agrarian moon, so the Atarans will have plenty of fertile land to start growing their own food. Other than that, I don't know. As we get closer, more information will be provided." He then looked around the table again, seeing if anyone had anything more to add.

Cormus decided to take the question from Charlotte and run with it as well. Chances are that she had asked what most folks were thinking and it was also the answer that he and Grexx had been putting together, contained in the stack of PADDs they had walked in with. Looking over at Grexx, he gave a nod a stood up, handing one to everyone that was seated.

Grexx began speaking "As everyone here knows, our mission is to go and help setup the Atarans on their new home. I know that a lot of us have already been helping to provide initial support and re acclimation to them and their people these last number of days, but we're going to be shifting phases in our plan to get them setup. As a whole, Civil Operations will be responsible for overseeing the setup of their colony and the implementation of their services and what Star Fleet is providing them. However we do not posses the knowledge or expertise in several of the fields that you officers do and are here to provide. As the subject matter experts we are asking you to assist us in helping to setup each of your assigned areas. Once the Astrea arrives, the engineers will start sending down construction materials and equipment for the permanent structures to start being put in place. Once they are in place, we'll need your help in setting up their equipment and training them respectively, as well as assisting in your fields for anything such as medical or security."

Once Cormus finished handing out the PADDs he returned to his seat and picked up were Grexx had left off. "In the grand scheme of things we'd like all of you to focus on more of the implementation and training portions of your assignments. If there are scheduling issues or changes that are requested by the Atarans, or problems that come up, give them to one of us and we'll take care if it for you. Let Civil Ops handle the planning and coordination, as well as any emergency escalations, so that you can focus on what it is that you do best. I myself will be assisting Security which we are asking Mr Spello and Shakal to handle. So setting up a security force, training, potentially a detainment center if need be. A judicial system as well depending on how they operate. I'll also be taking point on the sectors strategic situation for planetary security and also coordinating any flight traffic through the system."

Grexx spoke back up again next "I'll be working with medical and science, so Lieutenant Capulet, Ensign Harper, we'll ask that you help with soil samples, prepping them with farming, planetary surveys and the like, or whichever else they may ask for. Ensign Dawes we'll ask that you help in setting up their clinic and training their personnel as well as providing medical assistance."

Cormus chimed in to continue. "Once we arrive, I'll be setting up an operations center which is where they can bring any issues up to us and also where Grexx and I will be housed, so there will be someone available 24/7. Also there will be terminals there for each of you or someone from your respective departments to work out of. We can also work to setup temporary billeting for you as well if you don't have plans to be housed elsewhere until the Astrea arrives and provides a more permanent option. Remember at the end of the day while we are responsible for operational control, Civil Ops is here to support and serve you, so anything you need, bring it up to us."

Maxun listened to the presentation and skimmed through the information loaded into the PADD. Whe both NCOs were finished speaking, he let out a soft breath before speaking himself. "This is some impressive information you have here, gentlemen. While there are only we few currently on the Atarans's ship, I'm sure we can all still work together for the common goal." He paused, then looked around the table, asking the question, "If there is nothing else?"

"I've never been involved this early in the process of establishing a new colony before," Dani said. "That gives me some idea of what I could be looking into while we travel. Thanks for the presentation," she said nodding to Cormus and Grexx.

Chrys nodded "It definitely helps." She said softly.

Dr. Parks subspace notification went off and she pulled it from her duty belt and looked at the message. She looked up at the table. "Nothing serious, message from Dr. Beckett. If you'll excuse us, Nurse Dawes and I need make a few rounds. Apparently the Atarans are missing an enzyme needed to break down alcohol. Some on Astrea became ill. It's a simple solution, we'll just need to see if anyone is ill."

Dr. Parks stood up from the table, and Charlotte followed her lead.

Maxun nodded as he responded. "Good idea, Doc." He them looked at the rest of the team. "Alright people, each of you has your assignment. Let's finish breakfast then get to it."

_ _ _

Lieutenant J.G. Maxun Spello
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Astrea

Lieutenant J.G. Chrysanthe Capulet
Chief Science Officer
USS Astrea

Ensign Dani Harper
Science Officer
USS Astrea

Ensign Charlotte Dawes
USS Astrea

Ensign Shakal Anith Usskik
Security Officer
USS Astrea

Petty Officer 3rd Class Cormus Fletcher
Civil Operations
USS Astrea

Petty Officer 3rd Class Grexx
Civil Operations
USS Astrea


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