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Posted on Tue Jun 4th, 2024 @ 3:14am by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant Commander Maxun Spello

1,219 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Side Plots
Location: USS Astrea
Timeline: MD 10, 1400 Hours

Remy and Maxun stood together in Transporter Room 3, prepared to receive new operations crew - a department that was woefully understaffed. The new crew members had travelled to New Sausalito with the Arcadia. The crew had been made aware that Lieutenant Spello was assuming the role of First Officer, but the official ceremony wasn't scheduled until later this afternoon at 1800 hours.

While they waited, Maxun spoke quietly to his Captain about the situation with the Atarans. "I should be getting an official response from my people's government later today concerning the Atarans. Minister Reela is the Royal Historian for Queen Hamina. She has been keeping the El Aurian history safe for nearly twelve-hundred years now. It is rumored that when the Queen passes, Reela will be elevated to the throne. If she says that what we discovered on the Serenity is true, then it's true."

"Two to beam over, Captain," the transporter operator announced.

Remy nodded, "Go ahead."

Remy turned back to Maxun. "There are still jurisdictional questions. General Order 1. Just because Alexandra told Brunel about Asylum requests, doesn't give the rest of us free reign to go announcing that it's an option."

Before them the two transfers appeared. Lieutenant J.G. Nala Zh'Stalish, an Andorian female with platinum hair that framed her face, and Petty Officer 1st Class Phyllis Porter, a human with thick red hair that spilled into soft curls down her back.

"Welcome aboard," The Captain announced at the sight of the new crew members." I brought Maxun Spello down to meet you, he's recently accepted an appointment to the position of First Officer. His official promotion ceremony is this evening at 1800 hours in the Main Shuttlebay. We would have done it sooner, but he's been out on assignment."

"Thank you, sir. It's an honor to be aboard the Astrea." Phyllis was nervous, this was her first space assignment. "Congratulations on your promotion, sir."

Maxun gave Porter a pleasant smile, then stepped forward, offering his hand. "Thank you, Petty Officer. And welcome to the Astrea. We will certainly be keeping you both busy. I'm sure you've read that we haven't even had a proper shakedown cruise yet?"

Phyllis took the offered hand. "No shakedown, sir? I thought by now you would have taken care of that." She wasn't that concerned.

The Andorian female looked at the outstretched hand with some trepidation, but shook it as was expected. So many human customs that others were all expected to follow.

"We have some other promotions to acknowledge as well. It's not mandatory, but would be a good opportunity for you to meet the crew," Remy suggested.

"I understand, Captain," Nala responded. "You can expect my presence."

"We can walk you to the the main operations center, and then swing by the Bridge if you're up for it," the captain suggested. "While we talk, we can brief you on the current situation out here, or if you have already had a chance to read the briefings, field any questions."

"I have been fully briefed," the new Andorian operations officer responded. "However, it would be useful to understand your perspective on the current situation, Captain."

As they walked Remy started talking, "Commander Spello had a team travelling with the Atarans on their ship to New Sausalito, to be frank I'm surprised they allowed it given what was found," the Captain began. "Our medical and science officers who were around when everyone was being brought out of stasis noticed that they'd only seen a small number of the Atarans since boarding - the same people over and over. At least one had tried to talk to Commander Spello, but was worried about finding a private time."

The Captain continued, "The chief science officer, Lieutenant Capulet took the other science officer and nurse to some lower levels where they found what could only be described as a slave, who had been punished to the point of a mangled hand among some other injuries. The physicians don't remember anyone coming out of stasis in that condition, though some did have evidence of past injuries."

Maxun walked along, quietly remembering what he and the team had seen on Serenity. "They appear to exist with a caste system, where those on top treat everyone they deem being below them as servants. There is even evidence that they practice a form of Eugenics, by eliminating any fetus that contains any form of disability. We have a young boy, Brunel, who was born without the ability to speak, who has requested asylum on the Astrea. Apparently, his parents protected him from being killed, but now they are both gone and he fears for his safety."

"That's terrible, sir. How is he doing otherwise? And sir, I thought I was going to be assigned to the quartermaster area."

"He's doing well," Remy responded. "Yes, you are. Quartermasters are part of the Operations Department. The main operations center is actually the closest station to the Main Shuttlebay and adjacent cargo bays. There are other stations down near the docking rings, and Stardrive Shuttlebays as well. You'll get to work in different parts of the ship depending on where you're assigned, but everything comes from the main Operations Station, even if you aren't reporting there that day."

"Remy and your department is going to be busy the next few days. We have not relayed the child's request. The situation is tenuous at the moment, which is why the Arcadia will be sticking around for a few days. At the moment, everyone but for a handful of delegates are on board the Serenity, and until we can figure out for certain how many are enslaved and how to get them off of the ship and into safety, we don't plan on letting them know everything that we have uncovered."

"Here we are," Remy said leading the new crew members into the main System Operations Suite. There was a bullpen of work stations in the middle a large room, and the wall to the far right of the door was one large work station, good for mapping out ship-wide projects.

Remy walked past the bullpen, "You can see to the left there you have a small conference room, and back here against the back wall are the offices for the department and division heads."

"Lieutenant Zh'Stalish, as we are currently between missions right now," Maxun spoke up. "Feel free to take some extra time to catch yourself up on the current projects while we're stationary. Ops is one department that needs to be running smoothly."

Remy added, "There's a project with engineering regarding the slip stream drive being set up to pull power from... interesting sources. We're considering taking the drive offline for now. The Chief Engineer has some ideas, we just haven't sat still long enough to take a look."

Maxun spoke up. "We know it's a lot to take in. However, we have every confidence that you both will ensure Astrea runs smooth." He gave the officers a confident and friendly grin.

Phyllis looked around the space. She had trained for this for years, and now an opportunity, operations officer, was coming to fruition.

Captain Remira Johansen (& Nala)
Commanding Officer
USS Astrea


Lt Cmdr Maxun Spello
Executive Officer
USS Astrea


Petty Officer 1st Class Phyllis Porter
USS Astrea


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