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Diplomatic Threat Assessment

Posted on Mon Jun 3rd, 2024 @ 8:38am by Ensign Lindsy Amano & Chief Petty Officer Nevan Kayto & Petty Officer 3rd Class Grexx & Petty Officer 3rd Class Cormus Fletcher & Ensign Wrenleigh Reed
Edited on on Mon Jun 3rd, 2024 @ 8:47am

3,117 words; about a 16 minute read

Mission: What We Do With Second Chances
Location: Deck 2, Diplomatic Board Room
Timeline: MD10 - 2000 Hrs

With the promotion ceremony out of the way and having changed back into his regular duty uniform, Nevan had returned to his office and resumed working, along with Grexx and Cormus. He was surprised to see Lindsy as well, so late in the evening. While the offer to head to the pub and celebrate afterwards had been tempting for all of them, they knew what was at stake and had opted to return to their offices after dinner.

One thing that had come to mind however that everyone needed an update on was the situation with the Atarans. Grexx and Cormus had first hand knowledge and while it had been somewhat discussed with the 2 officers, since they would soon be participating more in operations, they would need to be brought up to speed to defend themselves should the need arise. An inherent element of danger had shown it's face and he wasn't going to fail in ensuring everyone knew the status and what everyone else's capabilities within the department were.

The Chief stuck his head into the meeting room and saw the two young men already at the table with a few pads and their drinks, ready to go. Cormus looked up and gave a nod "Ready when you are Chief."

"Ya but I think we're still missing folks, I'll be right back." In truth he wasn't worried about Wren, it was more Lindsy he knew would be the issue. She still hadn't spoken to him since she had come on board. Something he'd rectify shortly.

Making his way to her office, he gave a knock on her door frame and waited for her to acknowledge, considering her door was open.

"Enter Chief" Lindsy replied, not looking up from her screen.

Taking a few steps in, he spoke next "Ensign Amano, we need you in the board room, the situation with the Atarans has escalated and Petty Officers Fletcher and Grexx are going to bring us up to speed. Considering we'll all be down on the surface here soon it's best we go ahead and take this opportunity." He did his best to remain relaxed and give her the chance to heed his word professionally.

"I can't, I'm busy trying to get my station in order right now." She still hadn't bothered to look up.

"Ensign, let me make this clear. I'm not asking you to a participate in this briefing. I'm directing you to. Don't let the fact that you're an officer blind you to operational procedures in Star Fleet. Or did you think I forgot our previous conversation? And if you need more of a reason, there are several regulations that require staff to remain apprised of threats and tactical situations. I know you've only had that pip for about a week so I'll cut you some slack. Board room. Now." He'd moved forward and was standing in front of the woman's desk. Nevan had reached his limit of playing games with her, and dealing with her shit. She wanted to be an officer, and behave the way she was. So he'd address and correct her behavior, which was his job as an NCO, especially a senior one.

She finally looked up to meet his gaze and held it for a moment before shutting off her screen. "I need a break anyways. I'll be there in a moment, now if you don't mind." She looked at the door to indicate he could leave.

In truth the man wanted to roll his eyes at her childish antics but knew better. He simply turned and made his way out, stopping by a nearby replicator for some water before retuning to the boardroom and taking the seat at the head of the table.

Wren had gotten the call to go to the boardroom and looked at the desk she'd been working on: there were multiple data padds full of various missions she was analysing, battles she was reviewing, and diplomatic cases where something had gone wrong that she was looking over to get a better understanding of. As much as she wanted to tidy it all up before she leave the office, she knew it would all be there when she came back. It was her organized mess.

Heading to the boardroom next door, Wren waved over the chime to go in and saw Nevan already sitting there, "Hello Chief, reporting as requested," She hadn't met the other two already sitting there but assumed they were Grexx and Fletcher.

He returned a smile and motioned to the other two "Ensign Reed, this is Petty Officers Grexx and Fletcher, both assigned to the Civil Operations team. They're also our official designated marksman team and who you'll be training with when you choose to join us. Once I have the training schedule together I'll make sure it's posted out front."

A moment later Lindsy walked in with her own mug of coffee, finding herself a seat across from Grexx and Cormus and smiling at Wren. "It's good to see you again."

Wren nodded to Grexx and Fletcher and with a smile said, "Nice to meet you guys. I'm looking forward to working with you both." Then she turned back to Lindsy with a slightly bigger smile, "Good to see you too, I hope you're settling in just as well."

Amano took a sip before responding "For the most part, I'm almost caught up on everything from what I mentioned the other day. I really appreciated our lunch by the way."

She then turned to Nevan "Are you going to introduce me Chief?"

The Betazoid let out a quick sigh and motioned to his two subordinates once more "Petty Officers Grexx and Fletcher, Ensign Amano. Our Diplomatic procedures officer."

Wren noticed the exchange between Nevan and Lindsy and raised an eyebrow but neglected to comment on the matter. Instead, she went to take a seat near Nevan and pulled out a small data padd so she could take some notes on this meeting.

Since everyone was here and looked to be ready, Nevan stood up from his chair and made his way over to the large display screen, activating it. "As I'm sure everyone here knows by now, with the Atarans we've discovered a previously unknown threat. They're slavers. Part of the society that we awoke is now likely going to be the colony that will inhabit the planet, and presumably anyone not wanting to assimilate into said society will not be welcomed. But the primary objective at this time is to free the slaves away from their captors and work on rehabilitating them and providing them with services and education to allow them to lead independent and stable lives going forward."

Pulling up what was a presumed roster of those needed freed versus those believed to be captors, the majority of Atarans where targeted to be rescued. "We have to remember that some of them may still be loyal to help their captors because that's all they've known, and we still don't know the full extent of their technological capabilities which makes them extremely dangerous because there's a high likelihood that they are going to put up some kind of fight."

He continued, "For my team going forward we'll be tactical condition 3, which will include phaser pistols, rifles, defensive scanners around the operations center, and transport boosters as well. To include additional first aid equipment. We don't know what may or may not happen, and my team will be ready. In addition they will maintain deployment of their TR-119 MK XIII sniper rifle with lethal, less lethal, and non lethal ammunition available. This order will remain in place until the operation ends. As for myself, while I won't be employing any advanced weapons platforms, I will have advanced communications systems on my person and my gear harness, so if there are issues with our comm badges there will be some backup options available, to include some small intermesh drone networks."

Pausing for a moment, Nevan then looked around at everyone "I'd like to ask everyone go around and give a brief on their capabilities in the field so that the team knows who to go to for what and whom may need help the most on the event something does happen."

Wren had recorded all of what Kayto had just explained and then cleared her throat, "Given that my family has been heavily involved with diplomatic and ambassadorial relations for a number of generations, my skills are more centred around negotiations with years of knowledge about various past and present conflicts, and I am proficient in multiple languages. I'm pretty average at hand-to-hand combat, unfortunately, as I prefer to win my fights verbally rather than physically, I'm afraid."

Grexx spoke up next "Formerly I'm a medic by training and my parents were both doctors so I have a lot of fringe experience in the field there as well. I've been attached to the Marines previously and seen combat. As the Chief stated I'm the rifleman for the designated marksman team. And I'm a Civil Operations Specialist."

Cormus continued "I'm a former maintenance pilot, I can fly most small craft and have a base level 2 pilot certification. I am skilled in rock climbing and the spotter for the designated marksman team. I also am a Civil Operations Specialist."

Nevan went as well "I previously was a Communications specialist in Engineering, so I have extensive knowledge in communications procedures. I've been in Civil Operations for quite some time and have participated in several missions, I have advanced training in evasion and survival as well as am an instructor on the rifle platform that Grexx and Fletcher are employing."

Lindsy realized it was her turn and figured she'd get it out of the way "I don't have any previous tactical training personally other than a series of hand to hand training and basic hand phaser training so I'm not much use in a fight. Similar to Wren, I'm much better use in getting out of a fight with my words than my hands or weapons. I don't have any sort of survival training personally. I have several years of experience in diplomacy, brokering agreements, and assisting in developing training programs, to include Civil Operations."

Wren had been listening to what everyone was skilled with, and it got her thinking out loud, "I would be open to the idea, like I've mentioned to you previously, Chief, that hand-to-hand combat and survival courses would be beneficial for the both of us," She motioned towards Lindsy as well, "Or whatever would be ideal so that both of us can be more beneficial to the team. It is up to your discretion, of course."

He returned a nod in agreement "As part of improving the teams readiness, I've put together a series of courses for both hand to hand and survival training. You both are welcome to join us for those sessions at your discretion. I'll make a note when those courses build off of previous sessions so you are aware of when it is best to participate in succession to build upon what was previously learned. Otherwise the majority will be an individual focus or discipline or skill so they can be done one at a time. I was thinking something along the lines of some escape and evasion as well as a few Klingon and Vulcan forms of Martial arts, since they don't focus on strength alone but more the movement of oneself and using their opponent's aggression against them."

"Thank you, Chief." Wren nodded her thanks, also noting that down. "I do have a question about the Atarans though. In the event that we do get those who wish to be freed to safety, do we have policies put in place in terms of extradition to protect them and the Federation from any repercussions? What about when it comes to medical, health and counselling etc. going forward? I've read about situations in years past regarding freed slaves where that's all they've ever known, similar to prisoners who are serving life sentences, and they don't know how to integrate into a functioning society, so they end up not being able to conform into society."

Lindsy raised her hand to make an offer "If I may Chief?"

Nevan motioned towards her "Go ahead Ensign."

"Typically those that are extradited and willing to abandon their previous ways are granted protection from persecution in exchange for more minor penalties, depending on the offenses. Those that were slaves themselves won't face any punishments and will be under focused routine observations from teams that will follow up to check up on everyone and see how things are going. We're going to have ensure we have medical teams on standby to provide the services you mentioned, both medical, counseling, and life services for them. Chances are a lot of these people are going to have to re learn to how to live given the current situation." Lindsy paused for a moment to take a drink before she continued speaking.

"For continued services, that is something that we may have to write up to see if Star Fleet can look at providing for an extended period of time for those that require it once the Astrea completes her mission. Otherwise the Federation will have to consider other options for how to help those individuals to lead functional lives." She hoped that she answered her colleagues question accordingly.

Wren nodded to Lindsy in understanding, making even more notes on the matter, "And what becomes of the slavers in question, how will they pay for their crimes?" She shifted in her seat slightly, "As they're not part of the Federation, will it be up to the UFP to dole out punishment, or what?" She knew she probably sounded abrasive but she just wanted to make sure she got all of her facts straight.

"If we can help it we'll detain them" Grexx blurted out "uhm, sorry ma'am. Our primary objective will be to save those under their thumb however. If we do manage to detain them then they'll be tried accordingly under Federation law considering they are actively participating in such acts within our territory at this time, whether they understand they are breaking the laws or not."

"But these will be things for legal to decide, Mr. Grexx" Lindsy cut in. "While it is a terrible situation and I have little doubt we all want to see some form of justice served, there is also the consideration that these people were doing this long before we ever found them, or the Federation even existed. So legal will have to look long and hard into what they will choose to charge them with, and I'm sure at the end of the day there will be someone that doesn't agree with their decisions, but it's the nature of the game."

"Ya, and then we'll have the vigilante El-Aurians go and murder them all anyways" Fletcher added. "Sorry, Chief, ma'am's." His tone while seeming short was genuinely intending to be professional. He was just as tired and as frustrated as everyone else was.

Taking in what was said by everyone else, Wren piped up, "While everyone is correct here, my opinion lies in line with what Ms. Amano has said: legal should be the one to be handling this, not us. Yes, we should be having some sort of an input, but ultimately, this goes way above our heads."

"I wish that others outside of this room would keep that in mind as well and enforce it with the same strength in opinion you have, Ensign Reed" Chief Kayto responded. "But I fear that's not the case. However as always we must remember it's our duty to report anything out of the ordinary or any sort of threats we may hear of to Federation procedures so we can ensure integrity is maintained. If anyone hears anything more about the El Aurians or anything or anyone else wanting to get involved in the situation with the Atarans, make sure everything is documented and reported accordingly. And not just through standard channels, but through diplomatic reporting channels as well. We never know who may try to stick their hands in the honey pot."

Taking a moment to pause, Nevan allowed what he'd said to sink in and wait for any additional comments or questions.

"And if anyone needs guidance on how to report that information or is maybe unsure about it, reach out to me and I'll assist you" Lindsy said.

"Anything else?" Kayto asked.

Wren shook her head, "I've got nothing, Chief." Based on the information provided in this meeting, she had all the information she needed to form her own opinion going forward.

He took a look around the room at the other 3 but got nothing more back in response. "Very well then. If anyone needs anything you know where to find me. Thank you for taking the time to be here, dismissed." Nevan looked down and began to gather his PADDs and his drink, looking to make a hasty exit with the work that needed to be done. He knew Cormus and Grexx would be going to make preparations to return planetside when given the order and he wanted to make sure he was ready to conduct inspection before they went back down.

What caught him by surprise however was the hand that he felt on his shoulder as he began to turn.

"Chief, do you have a moment?"

The voice was one he wasn't expecting. It was Amano. The last person he really wanted to talk to at the moment all things considered, but his rank and position forbade such avoidance.

"Of course Ensign, what can I do for you?"

"Mind if we go talk in my office for a few?" Her demeanor had softened. It was weird. Almost as if it was some sort of trap, but she held out her hand to motion in the direction. "Please."

The Chief complied and made his way out.

Grexx and Cormus stood there, surprised to say the least. "Where the heck do you think that's going?" Cormus said.

"I don't know, but I think the human expression is 'cats and dogs?'" Grexx answered. "Maybe we should be on standby with phasers on stun in case something happens. We don't want the new Chief getting demoted his first day.

The pair could only shake their head in disbelief of what they had just witnessed as they walked out following Ensign Reed. With the Ataran situation going on, there were plenty of other things to worry about aside from the back and forth of Ensign Amano.


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