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Captain Johansen's Private Party

Posted on Mon Jun 3rd, 2024 @ 1:42am by Captain Remy Johansen & Civillian Samuel Wynters

2,967 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: The Menagerie: side stories & mischief making
Location: Remy's Quarters
Timeline: Day 9, 2100 Hours

Remy tried to put away some of the clutter before Samuel arrived. They were set to arrive at New Sausalito in a little over four hours, so she didn't have a ton of free time tonight. She'd been burning the candle at both ends without a command staff, and was eager to get everyone in place and into some sort of routine.

A few minutes after 2100 hours, the doorchime rang suddenly.

"Come in," Remy called out, triggering the doors to open, doing a once over of the quarters again as she went to greet Samuel.

Standing out in the corridor, leaning his left shoulder against the door frame, Samuel looked up into Remy's eyes and smiled that smile that was only hers. "Hey, beautiful," he said softly, a handsome grin on his face as he spoke.

Remy let out a relaxed sigh when she saw him, the "Captain" part of her brain that was running a kilometer a second shutting off, if even for a brief moment. "Why are you just standing there?" She said reaching out her hand to him.

Reaching out to take hold of her hand, Samuel allowed Remy to pull him into her cabin. "A gentleman never enters a ladies boudoir uninvited," he said with a sultry grin.

"Well there's a few steps still before we'd get there, and I did say to come in," Remy said wrapping her arms around his waist. "How's your day been?"

Returning the embrace, Samuel bent his head down slightly and kissed Remy on the lips. "Good, for the most part. Better now, though."

"What's for the most part mean? Something not go well," Remy prodded, swaying back and forth as she looked at him, her hands still wrapped around his body.

"Oh, nothing major enough to bother the ship's Captain about." He leaned in and kissed her again, inhaling her soft perfume as he did so.

Remy returned the kiss, then pulled away gently, and shook her head. "No, if this is going to work, I'm not the Captain in here. You don't get to not tell me about your day."

Samuel smiled warmly, then nodded. "Fair enough, my love. But first, how about a drink?" He released his hold on her and made his way over to her wet bar. "What can I make for you?"

"A Shirley Temple? I'm on the Bridge in four hours, and don't know what to expect. "Actually maybe a vanilla macchiato with an extra shot of espresso," she said walking over to the replicator. She passed her hand lightly over his back as she walked by. "So you don't have me for long. Better make the most of it." Remy winked at him as she ordered her coffee.

Looking over at her, a look of hunger flashed through his eyes. Then you had best drink quickly, my dear, for I intend on giving you a rigorous workout."

Remy carried her coffee over and put it on the bar. She braced her hand against the counter and straightened her arm, positioning herself in front of Samuel, narrowing the paths around her. "Is that all you think about? Rigorous workouts?"

Shaking his head, he replied with a cheeky grin. "No, I also think about curling your toes." He chuckled softly, then said, "I do think of other things, it's just difficult to do so while you are looking at me like that."

"Don't pretend like you didn't start this. Orion mafia didn't give you enough of a run around on the holodeck today to wear you out?" She asked teasingly.

Smirking slightly, Samuel moved closer to Remy, until his lips were right next to her left ear. "I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you." He then kissed the side of her neck.

"I saw you with those holograms, but I can be pretty scrappy in a fight," Remy quipped back. "You sure you could get to me?" Remy relaxed her head to the side, leaving her neck more exposed to Samuel.

Smiling between kisses, Samuel whispered in reply. His hot breath, playing over her exposed flesh. "I'm sure I could, my lady. Once I have the scent of something I want, I am unstoppable." He slid his hands down to her butt and squeezed, lifting her up off her feet.

Remy wrapped her arms around his neck and giggled. "Why are you always picking me up and throwing me around?"

"Because I'm a savage caveman, and you are my woman." He grinned happily at her as he gently kissed her lips, as he slowly lowered her back down to the deck."

"Curious. What are your other savage caveman ways?" Remy asked, still hanging herself by her arms that she had wrapped around him.

Samuel grinned hungrily, as he replied. "Well. I could just throw you over my shoulder, carry you to bed and have my way with you."

"Or I could just drag YOU by the collar and have my way with you," Remy said narrowing her eyes. She dropped her hands from around his neck, and moved them to either side of the bar, pinning him against the table.

His eyes filled with excitement at the prospect of her threat. "That you could, my love. And I would go willingly. Well...almost willingly. I would put up some measure of resistance. A prize is far more satisfying if it's worked for, afterall."

Remy looked behind him. "When did I get a wet bar?" She asked momentarily distracted.

He gave her a roguish grin as he replied. "I had it put in today. Every starship Captain needs his or her own private wetbar in their cabin." He winked at her as he finished speaking.

Remy pushed against the table top as she pinned him tighter against against it. "Criminal trespass in the Captain's quarter's, that's a serious offense. Since you confessed, I may be inclined to show you mercy."

"I never confessed," he growled playfully, the heat and hunger building in his eyes. "And who's to say you'll be showing mercy to anyone?" In a flash, he had her hands pinned behind her back as he growled again, "Who's to say that you have any say as to will happen to now, my lovely little slave?"

Remy's expression changed suddenly. She dropped her hip to the right, swinging her right leg around his left leg causing his kneee to bend, and rolled her way out the grip. She walked over and grabbed her abandoned coffee and took her cup to the couch and sat down.

after he recovered, Samuel chuckled. "Nice move, sweetheart." he moved over and knelt down between her legs, causing them to spread as he lowered himself in front of her. "Allow me to work for your forgiveness?"

"Forgiveness for what? Do you even know?" Remy shook her head. "Maybe it was a bad idea to hook up with someone 10 times my own again. We're from different times where you think it's cute to joke about slavery." Remy gazed into the far wall not looking at Samuel as she talked.

Realizing he truly had messed up, the grin dropped from Samuel's face as he sat back on his heels. "Forgive me," he said quietly, all playfulness gone from his voice. He then stood up and moved a few paces away. "If you wish me to leave, I will. No insult was intended."

Remy stood up and walked over to the window and took a drink of her coffee. It was starting to cool down. She preferred it scalding, so that it was almost painful to drink. No, she didn't want Samuel to leave, but after running nonstop for the past few weeks she didn't have the energy to spell out why she was so on edge.

"Slavery is an actual problem. A war we're still fighting, you know," she commented, walking over to the recycler and chucking her barely touched coffee. "I just don't think it's something to play around with."

Nodding where he stood, Samuel crossed his wrists behind the small of his back. "I was not referring to an actual slave, merely a little role play." He dipped his head respectfully. "Again, I apologize."

Remy shook her head. "You don't have to keep apologizing, I'm just on edge. I'm sorry." Remy walked into her bedroom and took her boots and socks off and unzipped her jacket, throwing it over a nightstand.

Samuel, not knowing what to say in that moment, merely nodded quietly, though he remained where he was. Though he felt that she didn't want to leave, he also didn't want to err again and make assumptions.

Remy walked back to the doorway and stepped into the common room and leaned against the wall. "Are you going to stand over there all night?" she asked.

The ghost of a smile crossed his face as he moved to stand in front of her, planting his hands on the bulkhead, on either side of her head, above and in line with her shoulders, as he looked down into her eyes. "What did you have in mind, young lady?"

Remy tugged on his shirt, pulling him toward her before letting go and wrapping her arms around him. "Can you just hold me a minute?" She asked, the side of her face already buried in his chest.

At her request, Samuel instantly softened, gently wrapping his arms protectively around Remy. "Of course, my love. Anything you need." He didn't try anything this time, simply giving her all the support she wanted from him in that moment.

Remy closed her eyes, the comfort of Samuel's arms taking some of the tension away from body. She let him hold her like that until her breathing evened out and slowed. "I wish I could just tell you what's bothering me. That would make things easier."

Remy pulled her head away from Samuel's chest so she could look him in the eyes.

Looking down into her eyes, Samuel smiled softly. "Don't think about it too much, my love. Just talk. Think of me as the computer that's recording your personal log. What ever you tell me, will go no further. You have my word."

"I know, but how can I tell my crew to keep things to themselves, if I can't hold myself to the same standard," Remy responded offering an apologetic smile.

She moved her arms from around his back, so that her hands were at the nape of his neck. "That exchange... I don't even think you would have said... if you realized what I'm working on this week." She looked at him and gave him a barely noticeable nod.

"Anyway..." she looked at him with soulful eyes. "I'm sorry. I don't want to push you away. I guess I need some thicker skin for this."

Reaching up with his right hand, Samuel gently moved some errant hairs behind Remy's right ear. The look on his face was warm and loving as he responded. "While it may seem the ship's Captain has to be this unbreakable hero of old, even they need someone to turn to, in those few private moments when they can take off their armor and become vulnerable." He softly kissed her forehead. "I'm here for you, whenever you need me."

"I've made a life out of not needing anyone, you know..." Remy commented. She started to restlessly shift her weight.

"Which is why the Goddess brought us together. No one can survive alone. Not for long, anyway. We are all designed to be with someone else, to spend our lives with, share our secrets, our pains, our souls with. You may not need My love and support, but you do deserve to be care for and loved."

"The Goddess, you say?" Remy asked playfully. She continued to shift her weight back and forth from left to right, but was now putting her upper body into it as she hung by her arms from Samuel's shoulders.

A hungry smile slowly filled Samuel's face as he saw the change in Remy's demeanor. Moving his hands to slid over her back and ass, he replied, his voice a husky whisper, "And we mere mortals should never go against what the Goddesses put before us." He leaned in closer and started to nuzzle and nibble the right side of her neck.

"I suppose we can save the spiritual debate for later," Remy murmured, realizing they were short on time they had together this evening. She pulled away so that she could turn and brush his lips against his, lightly at first, but then more deeply.

As she kissed him more forcefully, Samuel growled deep in his chest as he wrapped on arm around her, the other hand, he slid up behind her head, into her thick hair, taking a firm handful of it as he returned her kiss with equal passion.

Remy reached around her back, taking a hold of Samuel's hand, spinning away from his hold and pulling him by the arm into the bedroom. She stood next to the bed and put her hands on his chest and looked at him coyly. "Love me," she whispered softly, almost under her breath.

His eyes were full of the desire he held for her. "With every fiber of my being." He then started to remove his clothing, starting with his shirt, revealing his well-maintained physique.

Remy pulled him closer toward her, letting her hands caress his bare skin. "Computer, lights," she called out bringing the darkness in around them as she pulled him down into bed with her.

===a few hours later===

With the soft light of the stars outside the ship being their only illumination, Remy and Samuel lay together in her bed, he on his back, with her curled up against his left side, her head on his chest. He gently ran his fingertips up and down her spine as they enjoyed the afterglow of their lovemaking. "Where have you been all my life?" He murmured happily as he kissed the top of her head.

"Um..." Remy responded. "How do you want me to answer that?" She asked somewhat dryly as she lifted her head off of his chest, a bemused smile on her face.

Chuckling softly, Samuel grinned down at her. "You know what I mean, babe." He hugged her against him, then leaned his head closer to hers and kissed her lips softly.

"I'm going to have to go to the Bridge soon," Remy announced. She flipped on to her back and angled her body slightly, so that her head was still on Samuel's chest for a moment as she prepared herself to get up and get dressed.

"I hope your shift will be a quiet one, my love." Samuel responded, the fingers of his left hand gently running over Remy's bare chest, though he was careful not to tease her...too much.

"I have a feeling that it will be a while before quiet is in my vocabulary," Remy responded. Samuel had a way of making her forget about her responsibilities for a little while. It was always right about now, when it was time for her to go back to work that she questioned if this was even the right time in her career to be doing this.

"I should get ready," she said apologetically, half turning over to give him a kiss before standing up and getting out of bed. She didn't bother to cover her slender frame, which moved as a shadow in the darkness as she reached for a fresh uniform.

Watching her move away, Samuel smiled at the sight. Once she was in the bathroom, he called out to her. "How about spend the next few days focusing on what you need yo do, then, over the weekend, you take a couple days off. We will spend them doing whatever it is that you want to do?"

"Weekend?" Remy poked her head out of the washroom. "I've forgotten what that is."

She stepped out just a couple of minutes later, her shoulder length red hair, pulled partially back from her face. "Thanks for stopping by," Remy said with a soft sigh as she pulled her boots on. "Plans for the night?"

Interlocking his fingers behind his head, Samuel replied honestly. "That depends on you, love. If you'd like some company, I am always eager to be by your side. If not, I'll probably be working at the pub."

"Mmm, I wish. But, I have absolutely no idea how long this will take," Remy said apologetically. "You should not try to work around my schedule."

"Why not?" He asked softly. "It really is no trouble to do so. Besides," he smiled at her, "I enjoy being your retreat from your troubles. As I've said watch over all of us and do everything you can to keep us safe. You deserve to have someone who can do that same thing for you, my love."

Remy shook her head slowly. "Because it could be hours. And this lowly human needs to sneak in about six hours of sleep somewhere, you might be forgetting."

Samuel sat up and put his feet on the deck. "I would love to be your pillow, if only to be near you. I do know how to behave myself, afterall." He smirked playfully as he finished speaking.

"If you're here when I get back, I won't be disappointed. It will be a while though. Now, I really gotta go." Remy said sternly. She leaned forward and took his head in her hands and planted a quick kiss on his lips. "I'll talk to you later."

[OOC - Final, post?]


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