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Freeing the Atarans Strategy Session

Posted on Mon Jun 3rd, 2024 @ 1:29am by Captain Remy Johansen & Commander Maxun Spello & Lieutenant Commander Eirly Andersen & Ensign S'Niri & Ensign Wrenleigh Reed

1,549 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: What We Do With Second Chances
Location: Diplomatic Affairs Conference Room
Timeline: MD 11, 0830 Hours

Captain Johansen started the meeting with a simple statement, and it was one that they all had been thinking. "Clearly, we are going to have to be more proactive to come up with a way to convince the Ataran ruling class to let the enslaved off of their ship. And really, we need them to get everyone off, and a way to ensure that no one is left behind, or injured in the process."

"Has anyone had any ideas on this?" Remy asked the group.

Nevan sat towards the other end of the table, next to Lindsy. Ironically enough he'd asked her to join him in the meeting. The evening before the pair had, to say the least, quite an interesting conversation. While it didn't entirely clear the air between them, the Chief also knew that all best possible advice and resources should be available to the Captain and while the newly minted Ensign was no better than a bull in a china shop, she brought a lot to the table in this situation that could help make sure they stayed within protocol.

"I think our best bet to start getting folks off ship is to convince them to move forward with the process. Continue as if we have no concerns with the way they operate. Get them to star sending people down to the site to start setting things up. We know the leadership won't want to get their hands dirty so eventually all of the enslaved should be sent down. That'll buy us time to come up with a more intricate plan, we also have the claim that they'll be on Federation soil and aren't risking trying to infiltrate a sip with unknown alien technology and hazards. We should be working to keep the trust we have with them for the time being. Additionally if there are any of those that don't agree with their current way of life, it gives them a chance to come forward in private safely and protects the image of Star Fleet as well." Leaning back in his chair for a second, the Chief reached for his drink before taking a glance over at Lindsy "Ensign Amano and I took some time last night to consider options and we thought this would be the best one, both for optics and for crew safety."

Remy tapped a few strokes on her PADD and a holoscreen appeared in the middle of the table. "According to our records, we revived 137 adults - 21 and older, and 23 children and adolescents, included Brunel and Jheva, who are staying with us.

"We can't say for certain the exact breakdown of slave vs. ruling class. It sounds like there may be a class in-between of scholars as well. We have 156 individuals to account for, if we take out Jheva and Brunel. Astrea had ten adults and two children traveling with us. Other than the slave they found on their own, Spello's team was hosted by not many more individuals than that," Remy stated, the numbers projected in front of everyone.

Maxun spoke up. "The slave caste and their apparent masters are both feeling anxious. It's understandable, given what they have been through. I think the Chief is right. The best and safest way to extricate the slaves from their bondage, is to continue on, as nothing was truly amiss." He was thoughtful for a moment, then continued. "The Atarans also seem to have some sort of reverence with my people. Perhaps, if I'm on the ground during the process, it might make the ruling class feel more relaxed, this giving us the opportunity to get the slave caste out faster?"

"Are you sure they won't try to hide who they are even more, because they think you'll tell your people?" the Captain asked.

"Maybe we hide his presence down there for a time, or wait to have the Commander appear on the planet until later to be safe?" Lindsy asked, speaking up finally.

Maxun glanced over at the young ensign, then replied to Remy's question. "As they already know of my presence, and remember what my people did to them before, they might. However, their ship, even with the repair we provided, is not going to be able to sustain them much longer, not with their diminished population to keep everything in working order. They need to disembark, sooner rather than later. So, this would be the best opportunity to rescue the slaves from their bondage."

"Lieutenant Andersen, with our Security Chief out for a few days, do you think you can coordinate security on the planet. Really, we we need them to pull double duty and keep a census on who is in and out from the Ataran ship today, we'll need to know how many of the lower class we can convince them to send down at one time to do a proper risk assessment on our next moves."

Eirly nodded, "Yes ma'am. I can arrange two teams for a rotating roster so they are still able to maintain peak efficiency and maintain alertness should something go wrong while they're down there." She made some notes on the PADD in front of her. "I'll get on it right away."

"I don't disagree with proceeding as planned, and making it look as though nothing is amiss, but as Commander Spello pointed out, time is limited, and we only have so much of it. We need to be working toward an alternative behind the scenes," the Captain added.

"Lieutenant Andersen, whatever information your crew on the ground collects, make sure to get to the Intelligence Department. I know we have friends among the upper class. Perhaps, Commander Spello and Chief Kayto can help funnel some of them toward Ensigns Reed and Amano. Lieutenant Cyn, will be point trying to reconcile everything coming in," Johansen stated.

Maxun spoke up at this. "Yes, a Mister Vespin, one of their scientists I believe. He seemed most interested in trying to speak to me, though the opportunity never presented itself. I feel that he might be an ally in our cause."

Wren piped up and directed her question towards the XO, "If you're not wanting to be as involved with it, aside from everything that has already been set in motion, I would be more than happy to volunteer to be one of the ship's representatives and deal with Mr Vespin directly?" It was merely a thought stated out loud more than anything.

"I volunteer as well. Maybe he'll talk if he knows that there's people watching his back while he does." S'Niri suggested.

Maxun nodded as he heard both officers speak up. Looking over at the Captain, he said, "It might be a good idea to have some fresh faces go in to talk to them."

"I want you down there to keep an eye on things, Commander. But we know that leadership seemed to be trying to prevent you from talking with certain people, including our scientist ally. If they are busy watching you, we might be able to get some more information if we have our people spread out working alongside the Atarans, appearing to engage in casual conversation," the Captain pointed out.

Nodding in agreement, Maxun replied. "That sounds logical, Ma'am. I'll position myself in the Civil Ops station, where I can be the most visible to the leadership."

Amano tagged onto what the Commander added "If I may, I recommend I work the situation from an operational perspective and base out of the center as well. That way I can be close to the situation and be available but not intentionally going out and making contact. Plus it'll give the Chief and his team more flexibility to go out and work in their operational capacity with the other departments and the setup of the colony." She knew where she fit in best but also that it was up to the Command at the end of the day. Plus she didn't exactly feel like being out in the field much as it was.

Captain Johansen was ready to wrap things up and get moving. "Well it seems to me that the goal today is to get as many Atarans on the ground as possible. Chief Kayto, you know what tasks can be given out to the Ataran people. Work together with Commander Spello to justify to the leaders bringing as many down as possible, AND keeping them busy so it doesn't look suspicious."

"Lieutenant Andersen," the Captain added turning to the acting Security Chief for the day. "Keep enough officers down there so we have a secure perimeter, and can keep the census I talked about. But also have a solid contingent on standby just in case. I'll beam down in a few hours to check in. Any questions?"

Maxun shook his head silently.

"No Captain" Lindsy said.

Kayto tagged on "Nothing from Civil Ops."

"All right then. You're dismissed. Let's get to work." Remy stood up, but didn't leave just yet in case something came up as they started strategizing.

Commander Remy Johansen
Commanding Officer
USS Astrea

Lt. Commander Maxun Spello
First Officer
USS Astrea

Chief Petty Officer Nevan Kayto
Chief of the Boat, Civil Operations Specialist
USS Astrea

Lieutenant Eirly Anderson
Assistant Chief Tactical Officer
USS Astrea


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