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Diplomatic Introductions

Posted on Thu May 9th, 2024 @ 1:23am by Ensign Wrenleigh Reed & Captain Remy Johansen

876 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission Interlude Starbase 76 & Serenity
Location: Captains Ready Room

Wrenleigh had been on the Astrea for at least a day now and she had been meaning to get her transfer orders sorted out. Yes, she had already been in touch with her previous CO to let them know that she had arrived safely, but now it was time to go and see Captain Johansen to let her know. This wasn't like Wren; she wasn't this disorganised and she definitely didn't leave things until the last minute. Normally she was on time, ahead of time even!

She shook her head at her own idiocy as she walked down the corridor towards where the Captains' Ready Room was. Arriving at the Ready Room, she took out the data padd that contained her transfer orders, making sure to have it turned on and ready, and then smoothed out her uniform and hair before pressing the chime to indicate she had arrived.

"Come in," Remy said. "She was standing in the middle of open seating area. Ever since her meeting with Lieutenant Cyn, she'd been self-conscious about getting the room redecorated. "Now that it was official, she figured it was time to figure something out.

Wren walked in with an air of confidence and said with her light but British accent, "Captain Johansen, I'm Ensign Wrenleigh Reed, one of the new Diplomatic officers aboard. I just arrived the other day and have been meaning to come and see you sooner, but I got a bit sidetracked with wrapping up a couple of things. Here are my transfer orders." She handed Remy the padd.

"Please have a seat," Remy said gesturing to one of the soft chairs. Remy took the PADD and sat down on the couch opposite the chairs rather than going to her desk. "Have you have a chance to meet anyone else from your department here?" Remy asked.

Wren shook her head, "Not yet, unfortunately, but I've heard there is already a Civilian Operations team on board, and a couple of other crew, but we don't have a department head, is that correct?" Again, she'd been too disorganised to do her research before coming on board.

"No one dedicated to Diplomatic Affairs, the department will report directly to First Officer Spello for the time being. Officer Kayto will be handling duty rosters for the enlisted personnel, all others will get theirs from Commander Spello. Any department requests or issues can be reported directly to him for now."

"Perfect," Wren nodded her head in understanding, "I'm sure that I'll be able to get myself well situated with everything in no time. While I do this, is there anything that you'd be requiring of me at this point in time?"

"Start by reading Spello and Cyn's reports on the Atarans. Lieutenant Capulet had a few things to say too, if you're a fast reader. The situation with them has become more complicated in the last 48 hours, it will be good experience for you to get briefed and jump in," Remy suggested.

Wren made a mental note to go through those reports, amongst everything else she had to go through, "I can do that. I feel it would also be beneficial to actually meet with these other people to get some more familiarity on the Atarans." To be fair, she'd only heard about the Atarans in passing but hadn't actually put much thought into it. "Plus, who knows, I might even make some acquaintances out of it too." She laughed.

"You'll get the opportunity," Remy promised. "And three days ago, I would have sent you out to do so. I'm not saying avoid casual encounters if they come up, but things have grown more complicated as I said. We're dealing with a caste system, and Commander Spello and I are working with Command on what we can do in light of General Order One. We've had a child ask for asylum, but he only knows of the word, because another child told him about it. You understand why we can't go advertising to the enslaved to ask for it."

Enslaved? Asylum? Man, Wren really needed to get caught up on this crisis. Still she nodded in understanding, "Understood 100%, Captain. I'll make it my number one priority to get caught up on all this over the next few days so that I, and whoever else is available in Civilian Ops and Diplomatic, can be of more assistance should it be required."

"Civil Operations is still proceeding. I'm sure that Chief Petty Officer Kayto can put you to work right away. But as a general officer in the Diplomatic Division, this is a good opportunity for you to get involved in something that isn't particularly simple, so definitely read up, and report to Commander Spello. We'll make sure to involve you, Ensign." Remy offered.

"Excellent, that's all I ask" Wren smiled, feeling like her time here with the Captain was finished, "I'll go and meet with Kayto now."

"Thanks for stopping by, Ensign. Commander Spello will be a good resource for your department if you need anything, so don't hesitate to reach out," Remy said as she stood up indicating that Wrenleigh was free to leave.

"Thank you, Captain." Wrenleigh gave her a curt nod before standing and taking her leave.



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