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Early Favors

Posted on Sun Jun 23rd, 2024 @ 10:14pm by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant Commander Maxun Spello

1,496 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: What We Do With Second Chances
Location: USS Astrea, XO's Office
Timeline: MD 12, 1600 Hours

Captain Johansen left Sickbay and tapped her communicator, "Captain Johansen to Commander Spello, are you available to meet?"

In his new office, Maxun was busy setting things up the way he wanted then, when he heard Remy's voice over his commbadge. Reaching up, he tapped it and replied. "Spello here, Captain. Of course I am, Ma'am. Where do you wish to speak?"

"Anywhere private, I'm on the move, just leaving Sickbay. I can come to you, or we can go to the Ready Room," the Captain responded as she walked toward a turbolift.

"Then why not come here, Ma'am?" He asked as he moved to clear the guest chair and couch.

"On my way," Remy responded as she stepped onto the turbolift. After checking the first officer's location on the computer, she directed the turbolift to take her to Deck 2. When she arrived at Spello's office she found his door opened for her when she passed her hand over the chime announcing her arrival.

Remy took a few steps into the office. "Getting settled in?" She asked as she looked around.

Hearing the door slid open, then the voice of his commanding officer, Maxun turned and grinned, dipping his head respectfully. "Yes, Ma'am." He gestured to the choice of empty seats. "Please make yourself comfortable, Captain. May I offer you a beverage?"

"Oh, why not. Chai tea latte, sweet. Thank you," Remy responded. "I've actually come to ask a favor."

Maxun nodded, then placed the order with the replicator. Once done, he carried two mugs over. After handing Remy hers, he sat down across from her, in one of the empty chairs. "What can I do to help, Captain?"

"This is going to seem a little weird to ask, given that we haven't known one another all that long, but I'm actually wondering if you'd mind covering for me while I go off grid for a couple of days," Remy responded. She didn't take her eyes off Spello as she made her request.

Maxun nodded openly and honestly. "Sure, Captain. Is there something I should know? Or does this fall into the "What I don't know, can't hurt me"?"

"Probably more of the later. I'm going to try to find something to help the Ataran boy on board. We'll just leave it at that," Remy suggested. "Do you think that you are okay to handle the Ataran mission. Lieutenant Cyn is a good asset as well. Like you, she has a lot of experience beyond her Starfleet training. I like her."

Maxun nodded and grinned. "You can leave it with me, ma'am. I'll make sure the Atarans are well looked after."

"Starfleet is watching this one closely. The Arcadia isn't going anywhere, and there are officers inside the New Sausalito colony. I know the El Aurians are interested in this and you might feel torn about letting them handle it, but I wouldn't take any risks here, Commander," the Captain warned. "Stick with our orders, and as soon as innocent casualties can be minimized, disable the ship and hold it here."

Maxun frowned slightly. "Permission to speak freely, Captain?"

Remy nodded, "Of course."

He took a breath, to firm his thoughts, then spoke. "While I agree, my people are very interested in this situation, they have given their word that they will not act against the ship or any of the Atarans, so long as the are in Federation Space. As for me, I gave you my word that you could trust me to follow the orders you give me. Neither oath was given lightly."

"I didn't mean to imply otherwise," the Captain responded. "You've been out of Starfleet for a while before this posting. I look at you as an experienced officer, but I forget that your experience with Starfleet hasn't really exposed you to the current political climate around Starfleet command. No one really knows who to trust right now. There are factions, and Starfleet seems to have lost its way a bit," Remy said. "Pulling out of our assistance with the Romulan evacuation and the dominos that fell after are a start - but really barely scratch the tip of the iceberg."

Maxun frowned slightly, but nodded. "I can appreciate that, Captain. And I want you to know, here and now, as far as I am concerned, from top to bottom, my loyalties are as follows: The Federation, You, this crew, this ship, and only Starfleet. While I was in the JAG, I saw my fair share of corruption. Even more, when I first joined Intel as a warrant officer. Rest assured, so long as you show me that I have your respect and loyalty, you will always have mine."

Remy found Spello's priority order interesting, along with the fact that he didn't seem to have to think about it.

"I appreciate that, Commander. We haven't been working together long. We'll be reading each other like a book in no time," Remy responded. "Are you able to relieve the Delta bridge crew early tomorrow morning. Say 0500?"

He nodded again as he replied. "Aye, Captain. I'll be there on time."

"Thanks, Number One." Remy stood up to leave and then had another thought. "Any ideas on how to convince the Atarans to send down the last of their people? No one new since yesterday I saw."

Maxun considered the question for a moment, before replying. "Well, Captain, I may have an idea, though it's not really one that HQ might like."

"I'm listening."

He moved over to his desk and picked up a PADD walking back over to Remy was standing, he handed it over. "I was actually going to discuss this with you today. Yesterday, while I was on the surface, Vestin, the Ataran that I told you about in the briefing, approached me, and gave me the computer bypass codes and shield frequencies for their ship. I could log into their computer and cause some kind of system failure, forcing them to fully abandon their ship. We would then have the entire populous on the surface, where they could be identified easier and segregated, if necessary."

Remy was glad to have the PADD in her hand to look at, as she took a moment to let what Spello was suggesting sink in.

"Would their crew been in any real danger?" The Captain finally asked.

He shook his head. "No Ma'am. I would ensure that no actual harm would come to them. More than likely, I'll simply shut down the O2 generators, forcing them to abandon ship before they suffocate."

"Have you tried these shield frequencies out yet? Will our sensors be able to determine how many people are on board in case we need to intervene with evacuation?" Remy asked. "From your report, I wouldn't put it past them to leave the lower caste behind."

"Not yet, as I said, I wanted to discuss it with you first. When I so trigger the event, I will do so, the ensure all lifeforms are removed to the surface. Once that is done, I will rewrite the computer security codes, giving us sole command and control of their ship."

Remy tapped the back of the PADD with her fingernails a few times before handing it back to Spello. "Any and all means, right? I'd assume transporter interference again, and have shuttles and rescue teams ready to launch."

Nodding, Maxun replied. "Those were my thoughts as well. Plus, I'll make sure both Security and Medical are standing by, just in case."

"We shouldn't be doing something like this without the Captain on board. If something goes wrong, I don't want it on your shoulders. How soon can we be ready?" Remy asked.

Maxun demured. "If you feel that would be the better course of action, Ma'am, I will follow your lead."

"When do you think we can be ready to execute the plan?" The Captain asked again.

The El Aurian considered the question, then replied. "Possibly as early as tomorrow afternoon. I want to give the ruling class enough time to send down as many of their working class before I force the issue."

Remy thought for a moment, struggling with what to do. A 13 year old child was in their Sickbay with a life-threatening condition. Even once she brought back what the doctors need, they would still need time and tests to see if it would work and they didn't know how much time Brunel had. "We'll leave as planned, I don't want to hold up medical. You have authority to do what you see fit - don't rush into anything. I'll try to be back before things get too heated."

Maxun nodded respectfully. "You have my word, Captain."

"Oh-five-hundred. We have to stop splitting up like this," Remy commented before turning to the door.

The El Aurian nodded and grinned. "Maybe next mission, Captain."


Captain Remira Johansen
Commanding Officer
USS Astrea


Lt. Cmdr Maxun Spello
USS Astrea


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