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Posted on Sun Jun 30th, 2024 @ 5:17pm by Lieutenant Commander Maxun Spello & Lieutenant Chrysanthe Capulet

1,508 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Side Plots
Location: USS Astrea, various
Timeline: MD 10 / 2000 hours

As the promotion party got going, Chrys kept to the edges, watching the crew party. As she moved through the crowd she caught Max’s eye and flashed him a smile while raising her glass towards him. She hung around the bar for a bit.

Maxun, having been mingling with the crew during the party, saw Chrys smile and raise her glass to him. He politely excused himself from the conversation that had been taking place and started towards the bar. He was stopped a few more times by various crew, congratulating him on both his promotion in rank and position. He was friendly to each one. Which was good, as he was the XO now, he was the one that the entire crew would go to with their Issues and complaints.

Finally, after what felt like a hour since they made eye contact, he made it to the bar, and stood next to Chrys's right side. After ordering another round of drinks for the both of them, he said in a whisper, “Did I ever tell you how much I enjoy seeing you smile?”

“Hmm no but it's nice to hear” she replied softly, acting as if they were discussing work for those around them. “I have a few... reports to give you, remind me to bring them by.” Chrys looked up at him slyly.

Maxun grinned, then took a more official tone, though his eyes told the truth. “Well then, perhaps we should go to my office, so we can discuss those reports.”

“Of course, Commander” She said with a smile. “If you have time now..” She placed her glass down on the bar.

“Of course,” he said with a nod. He took a quick slug of his drink, then placed it on the bar. “After you,” he said as he gestured to the doors closest to them.

As she turned to the doors, she continued to speak “I also have some rosters I need your approval for.” Chrys led the way out of the bar.

“Sounds good,” he replied as they finally made it out of Paddy's Loft. They kept up the appearance of business discussion until they entered the nearest turbolift. It was thankfully empty. As soon as the doors closed, Maxun reached out and pulled Chrys to him, kissing her deeply.

Chrys all but fell into him as they kissed. She was not paying attention to the lift at all, it was like she was drugged and she didn't care.

Though he found this young woman intoxicating, Maxun was able -though only barely- to listen to the lift. When it started to slow, he reluctantly released his hold on her. They both had just enough time to collect themselves and look professional again, by the time the doors whisked open. “So,” he began, in case there was someone in the corridor. “Tell me more about these rosters you were wanting to hand in.”

“Well I had thought to give a better bridge rotation as well as giving my team more lab time on certain days.” Chrys replied as she followed him out of the lift.

Maxun nodded. “Sounds like a great idea. Have the rosters on my desk by the end of tomorrow and I'll look over them.” He nodded to a few crewmembers, who stepped aside as the two senior staff officers walked by.

Chrys nodded almost absentmindedly as she walked. “Then there is the matter of the cleaning of the labs, I need to add extra drones for it.”

Maxun started to reply as they reached his office, “I can transfer two additional drones to you for the cleaning.” He then entered his office first, then waited for Chrysanthe to follow.

She stepped inside and the door slid shut behind her. Chrys smiled at him..

“Computer, lock doors.” Maxun smiled as he looked over at Chrys. “Why are you still over there?”

“Hmm good point.” She replied with a smile. She reached up and unzipped her jacket as she walked towards him.

Maxun followed suit. He then reached out and pulled Chrys back into his arms. Looking down into her eyes, he smiled and asked, “Have I told you how incredible you are?”

She gave a soft laugh. “No but please continue!”

He grinned, hid perfect teeth flashing briefly. “Well now…you are highly intelligent, which we knew from the get-go. You're also a very competent officer. I see great things in your future. You are also drop-dead gorgeous! A phenomenal kisser and hands-down, the best I've been with…well…ever. That thing that you did with your tongue? Wow!!”

“I was... well taught” she purred in his ear. “Shall we see what else we can do?”

“Definitely,” he replied with a hungry tone in his voice. Sliding his hands down to her ass, Maxun squeezed them as he lifted Chrysanthe up off of her feet.

Laughing softly She wrapped her legs around his hips. Then she kissed him deeply.

Maxun inhaled deeply as they kissed. He easily carried her over to the couch and laid her down on It, with him atop of her.

Chrys all but purred as she accepted his weight onto her. She clung to him and nuzzled his neck. She nipped at his earlobe and ran her hands down his back.

Growling softly, he returned the favor, by nibbling on the side of her neck, just under her right ear, a spot he had learned from last time, that she enjoyed immensely.

She gasped and went almost limp as he did that, the pleasure streaking through her form. She moaned his name softly.

Smiling slightly, he continued as his right hand moved over her body, over her uniform.

She grabbed at his hand. “Max... if you keep teasing me... it will be a bad thing.” she warned him with a smile.

Lifting his head, he grinned hungrily down at her. “It's not my fault you're still dressed.” He gave her a flirty wink, then stood up and started to remove the rest of his clothing.


Awhile later, Maxun slid his arms around Chrys's limp form And held her protectively. Though it had only been a few short days, he was already feeling very protective of this young woman. More thsn that.he could feel a bond growing between…more than just physical lust. He could start to see their energies beginning to coalesce.

Chrys nuzzled at him as she slowly got her senses back. “I.. should head for my cabin.” she whispered. “It's.. getting late”

Realising she was probably right, he reluctantly nodded in agreement. “May I walk you to your cabin?” He asked softly, as he gently started to kiss the side of her neck

“Hmm that is your way of wanting to spend the night Sir?” she asked impishly.

“Well,” he smiled hungrily As he continued to kiss her flawless skin. “If youre inviting me in, I won't turn you down.”

Chrys gave a soft almost breathless laugh as she enjoyed his attentions. “Well a bed would be more comfortable...”

“Then,” he replied as he moved his lips back up to hers, “we should get dressed and get going.” He gently raked his fingers along her back.

Chrys rolled her eyes. “Are you the XO or not. Beam us?”

He grinned at the notion of being so close to someone and going through the transporter process. “I've heard having that occur, especially in our current physical closeness, will be a bit…stimulating. Are you ready?”

Chrys rested her head on his shoulder. “Go for it.”

Wrapping his arms around her, he called out. “Computer, site to site transport for myself and Chrysanthe Capulet, from my ready room, to my cabin, target destination, my bed. Energize!” In less than a second, they, and their clothing, was captured by the transporter beam. A few beats later, they had rematerialized on his bed. Once the signal released them, he laid back, while still being inside of Chrys.

Chrys gave a soft pur as she snuggled against him. “Hmm perfect execution there Commander.”

He grinned as he held her close. “I aim to please, Lieutenant.” He continued to hold her close as they laid there, enjoying their closeness. “Computer, music selection seventy-three, volume at thirty percent.” Suddenly, soft, sensual music started to play from the hidden speakers in the cabin.

Chrys didn't really pay attention to the music as she snuggled with him comfortable in his arms.

Maxun smiled softly, then said aloud, in a quieter voice, “Computer, lower lights to ten percent illumination.” the lights then dimmed, seemingly setting the mood, along with the music.

Chrys pressed slow kisses to his chest and neck as she relaxed and began to drift off to sleep.

A soft, content growl rumbled quietly in Maxun's chest as enjoyed feeling Chrysanthe's warm, soft body, laying against his. He carefully pulled the blankets over them, then settled in, ensuring she felt as happy and safe as she could.

Chrys's breathing evened out and soon she was fast asleep.



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