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XO's Turn: Spello Takes Down the Slavers, Part 1

Posted on Wed Jul 10th, 2024 @ 8:17pm by Captain Remy Johansen & Ensign Kash th'Kaasniik & Lieutenant Commander Maxun Spello & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters & Major Clay McEntyre III & Lieutenant Chrysanthe Capulet & Lieutenant Dr. J.R McEntyre, M.D. & Ensign Tyler Williams & Ensign Lindsy Amano

1,585 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: What We Do With Second Chances
Location: New Sausalito, Standard Orbit, USS Astra
Timeline: MD 13

Commander Spello handed the device that Vestin had given him on the planet to Ensign Kash who was manning operations.

"This device is a skeleton key to the Ataran vessel. It contains both the location of every slave still aboard, and the shield frequencies. Use it to get a transporter lock on the slaves over there. If the Ruling Class decides to do their own thing, then you are ordered to deactivate their shields and get those people over here, understand?"

Kash's head glanced only slightly to his right as the Commander spoke to him, his blue antennae perking at the order. He took the device, similar in size to a data rod from the early 70's, though metallic and clunky. With a swipe of his hand, Kash had pulled up a three dimensional holographic panel at the operations station in front of him. The Andorian narrowed his eyes as he held up the alien device into the panel. After a brief scan, schematics replaced the panel itself and a compatible port opened on Kash's station.

The ensign turned in his seat to look at the First Officer, "Commander?" He gave the officer a questioning looking, waiting for the order before connecting to this station.

Maxun looked over and replied, "Yes, Ensign?"

"Interfacing the device with the operations terminal now, Sir," Kash responded, placing the device into the port that the terminal had produced. With a few key strokes he'd accessed the data within the device.

"I can use the shield frequencies to create a workaround that our sensors should be able to penetrate to get a more accurate reading of the life signs on board the vessel, and where precisely they are located, sir. It might take a few minutes," Ensign th'Kaasnik reported as he accessed the information.

Maxun nodded ashe stepped closer, looking at the screen that th'Kaasnik was working on. "Excellent idea, Ensign. Just be careful not to show our cards just yet, just in case."

"Understood, Sir," Kash resonded.

Maxun then looked over at Chrysanthe. "Lieutenant Capulet, please give th'Kassnik a hand with the sensors. See if, between the two of you, we can get a sharper picture of where everyone is over there."

Chrys nodded. "Aye Commander." Her tone was professional and she walked to the ensign to assist.

After Chrysanthe replied, Maxun looked over at Tyler and Clay. "Clay, while they are working on that, I'd like you and Ensign Williams to team up and piggy back over the sensors, to check on the Serenity's tactical systems. If they even start to transfer power towards their shields or weapons, even to test the programming, I want to know about it immediately.

"Solid Copy" Clay nodded and moved over to the Tactical Station, looking over where Ensign Williams was working the panel. "Their weapons seems rudimentary, TAC Analysis shows energy weapon arrays, possibly phasers, and old style Vertical Launch System torpedo tubes. Crude and no match for our shields."

Tyler was already at his own station and monitoring their own sensors, "I've got a lock on for anything they attempt to do, so we'll be superior in every sense of the word."

Maxin nodded as moved from station to station. "Great work Tyler!"

Nash occupied the auxiliary engineering station on the bridge. As he monitored warp status and power levels, his mind returned to Brunel and his recovery. He was relieved that he was making progress, despite the many questions about his future.

“Commander Spello, backups and power reserves looking good. We can be ready at the proverbial drop of a hat,” Nash said confidently.

Spello moved over to the station and looked over Nash's readings. He then nodded and clasped the man's right shoulder. "Excellent, Nash. Keep your eyes peeled for any shift in their energy systems."

Lindsy had been doing her best to review rosters and while they had identified who they have believed to be in charge of certain groups, they still weren't sure who truly may be considered a slaver, and who may be a slave. "Commanders Spello, we may have to consider beaming up pairs or groups of people and separating them in transport for safety and identification after since we aren't sure who truly may be slavers. Separate interviews would help. But it's likely there are more slaves than slavers so they would have ample opportunity to take hostages if needed to protect themselves. So I'll encourage us to keep that in mind."

Maxun looked over at Lindsey, then considered the issue for a few beats, before looking over at the Security Chief. "Clay, make sure you have enough of your personnel on hand, at each transporter, to take charge of the arrivals. For safety's sake, I'm issuing the order that, should an issue indeed arise, your people are authorized to stun the entire group. We can sort things out after."

"Understood. I got Marines at the turbolifts and major access points. I can head down to the Transporters to coordinate further movements." Clay nodded to the XO.

"Do it," Maxun replied as he nodded. "Once you're done up here on the bridge, I want you to oversee the incoming."

On board the Serenity, Caprin sat on the Bridge, carefully guarded by her two compatriots. The crew of the Astrea had had very little contact with her since she had been revived, her people quickly whisking her away into protective custody, keeping her appraised of everything that they were learning. She was now the Queen, and it was her bloodline that would carry on the throne. Caprin was a younger woman, approximately 24 human years when she was placed into stasis. Her brown hair was a shade lighter than her olive skin, and she had striking amber eyes that seemed to glow in the right lighting. She had been placed into stasis in a very protected part of the ship after her parents had been killed in battle. Waking up 2,000 years later was not part of the plan, and she had struggled to hide her irritation. The ones who were serving with her, had not been the ones who had put her in the tube.

The Bridge and its surrounding areas had been cleaned and shined to a sparkling newness. "I want a report on the progress of the colony on the planet. What are they doing today?" The Queen asked. "How much longer will these Starfleet ships be breathing down our necks?"

"Master Kayto is still indicating that it could take weeks before the settlement is fully in order. We have assured him that we are accomplished engineers and farmers, but Starfleet doesn't want to leave until certain details are in order," Halan replied apologetically. He held out his hand and placed a holo-emitter into its port at her station. A view of the colony from Mavin's lapel pin appeared in front of them with just a few seconds delay.

The three watched with interest for a short time, noting who was captured on the camera and who was not. "Find the First Officer - Spello, or the Captain. One of them should be down there. Spello has been there every day."

Halan nodded, "Of course, your highness." The holovideo began to change perspectives as Halan changed through the different cameras that were planted on individuals who were planet side. After sifting through a few views, it was clear that neither individual was at the colony presently.

The Queen stood up from her seat. "Find out who last spoke with Spello or the Captain and when. Run a scan of their ship and send me the results."

With Lieutenant Capulet and Ensign th"Kaasnik working together, it wasn't long before Astrea's sensors were providing more accurate information on the Serenity ship and the information was now accessible from the auxiliary science and security stations as well.

"Commander?" Kash said, his tone that of a younger officer who wasn't quite comfortable speaking up yet. "With the shield frequency information, we could beam over preset transporter enhancers to try to beam everyone out. If we use the medical transporter, then we are just one transporter room shy of being able to get everyone."

Maxun considered the idea, then nodded. "Great idea, Kash, " Maxun replied, a hint of pride in his voice. "Get on it. Let me know when everything is ready to go.' He paused, then asked, "Did you include the various cargo transporters, and the transporters on the auxiliary craft in the main shuttle bay?"

"The cargo transporters aren't recommended for transporting people, but if we use the transporters in a couple of the runabouts that should get us there. We may need a few additional transporter enhancers to cover the additional capacity," Kash responded.

Maxun nodded as he replied. "Do whatever you need to do to get the job done." He looked over at Nash and asked, "You have any engineering tricks up your sleeve for this, Nash?"

“Not sure I would call them tricks, Commander. To get the maximum capacity out of all the transporters aboard, including Shuttlecraft, I may need to reroute power from non vital systems. Also, that’s a lot of data getting pushed through the pattern buffers. I can tweak the Heisenberg compensators. Those adjustments along with the enhancers our young Ensign just mentioned should allow us to get everyone out successfully. Need about an hour.”

"Get it done," Maxun nodded. "The sooner your set, the sooner we can take care of those people."

> > > To Part 2...> > >


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