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Welcome to the Chaos

Posted on Fri Jul 12th, 2024 @ 11:17pm by Lieutenant JG Xalanth & Captain Remy Johansen

2,178 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Side Plots
Location: USS Astrea
Timeline: MD 10,

Captain Remira Johansen stood in Transporter Room 3, waiting to greet on of their new arrivals, Lieutenant J.G. Xalanth, their new Assistant Chief Tactical Officer. She would have brought the Chief or her XO with her, but an incident earlier in Sickbay and the Ataran situation meant that Astrea's crew was juggling potential security issues on multiple fronts on this particular day.

The Captain turned to the transporter operator. "Energize when ready."

Even after all this time Xalanth still found it hard to get used to the transporter. Something about being broken apart and put back together always seemed to trouble the lizard. Still, he breathed in closed his eyes and gripped the straps on his bags as he felt it happen.

His yellow eyes blinked opened as he felt it fade. It was over. Looking around the chamber the lizard politely nodded to the transporter chief before his eyes fell on the human who was clearly the captain. " Captain permission to come aboard?" the lizard said giving her the best smile he could mange. He'd have saluted id each hand didn't have a bag or a case.

"Permission granted," the Captain responded eyeing the officer's bags as she stepped forward. "We could have had your belongings beamed directly to quarters. Can I have someone take care of those for you?"

" It's quite alright captain. " Xalanth replied with a smile. "I can easily manage these besides.." he said looking at the weapons security box in his left hand. " I feel rather vulnerable without my fang blade being close. Comes with growing up on my homeworld."

The started to say something then stopped herself, letting out a short breath before she started again. "Well, I thought we might take a short tour while I catch you up on recent events. We could stop by your quarters first and at least drop off a few things," Remy suggested.

" Sounds great Ma'am. It's going to take some getting used to being in normal quarters again." the lizard said as he followed the captain.

"Normal quarters?" Remy repeated. "What were you in before? I can take a bag if you like," she offered as she led the way out of the transporter room.

" Family quarters ma'am. I do have three of my four spouses living with me and six of our seven children." he said with a smile spreading on his reptilian face which with its brightness " I can mange my bags ma'am though thanks for the offer. Do you have any family captain." he enquired.

"Ah, well we did have the space, and in the likelihood that you would have family coming to visit - if not coming to stay we did have the Quartermaster place you in one of the residential units on Deck 9. Our Chief Engineer, Commander Winters and his family are set up there as well. One of the perks of a Galaxy class. Though if you prefer something smaller..."

" My family are applying to transfer over to join me but Starbase 403 doesn't want to let them go. With the recruitment shortage, I'm sure you'll understand." the lizard explained with a soulful sound in his voice. You could tell he missed his family.

"Yes, I do, we aren't quite up to full staff yet ourselves, but we've been getting by." As they waited for the turbolift the Captain went back to Xalanth's question. "As for family - no spouse or children. I see my nieces when I can." Remy glanced at the case that the security officer had seemed to favor when talking about his weapon earlier. "You mentioned a - fang blade? I can't say I've heard of one. Is it a sword of some kind?"

"A fang blade is a weapon native to my people well my clan anyway. We each created one when our trials marked us as adults. We have to travel deep into the desert and recover a tooth from a native species of flying reptile called a Yarven. We then use the tooth as a hilt as we build the knife. We are supposed to keep it on us at all times, but some fleet captains have a problem with me having a large knife strapped to my leg. When we die the blade is supposed to return with us to the holy mountain to be our weapon in the final war. " Xalanth explained as he tapped the case.

When the turbolift doors opened Remy gestured to the Dragonian to step in first. "Deck 9," Remy stated before turning her attention back to Xalanth. "I'm sure the blade shouldn't be a problem. You are an assistant chief in the security and tactical division. Just don't tell the children I'm letting you run around with scissors, safety first."

"Thank you ma'am." The lizard said with a happy grin. His hand moved over the thumb print reader on his case and opened it. The fang blade he drew was truly something beautiful. It seemed to glow with a blue tint as the light caught it's curved shape. "Got me out of a few problems." He added as he strapped it to a leg holster he had on under his trousers.

"It is remarkable. You should meet our Chief Flight Control Officer - I'm sure he'd love to see that. He has his own collection of blades and swords as well - And he comes from a people who value tradition very much. I'm sure he'd be interested to hear about your fang blade. " Remy commented as the doors opened to Deck 9.

" I'll have to do that." the lizard replied as he stepped out of the lift. " You have any hobbies captain?" he enquired.

"Unfortunately, I haven't made time for many since switching my career goals a few years ago. A lot has happened since '85. I used to be a scientist, and I try to keep up with it," Remy answered as they walked. "Decks 9-11 are our most family friendly decks, along with Deck 7 which has our arboretum among some other things. Deck 8 has room for expansion in the Saucer Section, though I am not in a hurry to dedicate it to anything specific just yet."

" Tell me about it. I had re-grow my right arm after losing it on Mars. " the lizard added as he followed his captain. " Sounds like we'll have plenty of space. I'm sure my family will appreciate it."

Remy paused before they reached the residential section. "This is one of the more interesting areas of the recreational portions of the ship," the Captain noted. Already visible was a change in appearance in the floor and the fact that store and restaurants had been allowed to decorate their store fronts - and that they seemed to have done so with class. To look down the corridor, it didn't appear that you were looking down a ship hallway at all.

"It's not terribly long, but there is a restaurant tucked back in there with a playground and holo and video games inside and some small gardens with benches as well. Just a little oasis, I suppose. How old are your children?" Remy asked.

" Yazar is seven this year, Travla and Cemet are six, Lersi is four, Amrar,Antistia and Lwiari are all two." The lizard said with the pride of a father yet with the sorrow of one who was separated from them. " I'm grateful for the ancestors for them every day and i hope they watch over them."

Remy smiled, "Kas - the Chief Flight Control Officer I mentioned, his daughter is 7. We've been friends a long time. He tells me his daughter is a handful, though they've only been on board a few days, so I've yet to see how much of one." As they continued walking Remy added, "Well hopefully everyone can be reunited soon, I know we still have positions to fill here. If Commander Spello or I can help with that, just let us know."

" I appreciate that ma'am. " The lizard replied. " I've tried to keep the family together but i can't help but think there someone in fleet command who wants to try and keep us apart."

Remy stopped walking and turned her head. "Do you really think that?" She asked sincerely.

" I've tried my best ma'am but I've made enemies. You've read my file about what happened during the Romulan evacuations?" The lizard replied giving a slight sigh as he did so.

"There isn't much there," the Captain responded. "Not that I would expect anything else. This probably isn't the best place to talk," she added as she continued walking. "The residential section isn't too far ahead. You should make a point to check out the school and adjacent facilities on Deck 11. It's not quite what can be done on a Starbase, but it is the best I've seen on a ship."

"I'll tell you later and I will make an appointment to check on the school. I'm glad my girls take after their mothers. " the lizard replied with a grin upon his red raptor face.

As they reached the residential corridor, Remy nodded. "We'll have plenty of time to talk. There are a lot of divided political views these days. I've chosen my senior staff carefully for that."

The Captain paused at a door. "This is you, it should respond to your biosignature."

Xalanth nodded. The door slid open and he stepped inside. " Will I have any roommates or am I alone?" He enquired as he put his bag down on the bottom bunk.

"You really are new to a Galaxy class," the Captain stated as she walked in. "You're part of the senior staff, and this is the residential section, so no roommates, unless you are requesting a transfer. This main room out here is modular, of course. These bunks are optional, and can be easily hidden." Remy tapped a panel on the wall, closing the walls on the bunks, to the point that one wouldn't have known there was a bunk unit there.

"There's space for another pair of beds that could be added here, against this wall," Remy said as she crossed the room, tapping the adjacent wall to the first set. "And you actually have a real bedroom back here." Remy walked through the door revealing a quaint, but comfortable room with a larger bed and attached toilet and shower facilities.

"If your family comes to stay permanently, we'll get you set up with something more comfortable - children's rooms and such. But the quartermaster thought you might like this hybrid set up in case any of your family is able to visit soon. I signed off on it, but if you like it, you can sent Petty Officer Wilson the tank you note. It was her design."

The lizard blinked slightly at the amount of room he and his family would have. Even after all these years the amount of space the federation gave it citizens. " No it's great ma'am I'm sure my family will love it when i get them over here." He said with a smile as he fished a small bottle out of his bag. " Here a bottle of dragonian alcohol. " he said handing it to his new captain.

Remy took the bottle and looked it over. "That really wasn't necessary, but quite thoughtful. Does it come with any warnings?" She asked with a sly smile as she looked back up at the officer.

"Among my people, it's tradition to give the captain a bottle of liquid when you come aboard. It used to be distilled water from one's blood but most prefer the alcohol option." Xlanth explained. " Beware it has quite the kick so small sips."

Remy's eyes widened in surprise, "Ah, yes. I think I'll take the alcohol. I appreciate the consideration." The Captain took a breath in, "Well if you like, I can let you get settled in here. The First Officer is running point on things planetside, so if you need anything feel free to come to me. I think you two had a meeting scheduled - but he may not be on board much over the next few days and I like to be approachable, especially to the Chiefs and Assistant Chiefs."

"Thank you ma'am and yes I've already scheduled an appointment." Xalanth said with a smile." I'll get settled in, register my phaser with the armoury and report for duty."

"I'll leave you to it, Lieutenant," the Captain said making her way to the door. "Unless I see you before then, I should see you on the Bridge for Alpha shift tomorrow. Glad to have you aboard."

" I'll see you around ma'am." The lizard said as he politely watched his new boss leave. Opening up his bag he pulled out a holo-projector and placed it on the table. Images of his family started projecting bringing a smile to his face. " I'll see you soon guys," he said hoping it would be true.


Captain Remira Johansen
Commanding Officer
USS Astrea

Lieutenant JG Xalanth
Assistant Chief Tactical Officer
USS Astrea


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