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Communication, Part 3 Bonding Ceremony, T'lenn's Memory

Posted on Sat Jul 13th, 2024 @ 3:56pm by Lieutenant JG T'lenn & Lieutenant JG Jason Williams III

1,147 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Menagerie: side stories & mischief making
Location: USS Astrea, Jason's private cabin
Timeline: (Immediately following "Communication part 2")


"We should sit somewhere comfortable." T'lenn led Jason to his couch and sat down at an angle so that they could face one another. "I will initiate a mind meld, and we will take turns where we each share a memory, usually one from childhood or adolescence. If you like, I can proceed first."

~And now...~

Jason nodded as he sat next to T'lenn, allowing her to guide him on what to do. "Though I don't have the telepathic abilities that you do, should I copy how you touch my face for the mind meld? Or should I just sit here?"

"You will likely be surprised. Vulcans have been shown to have heightened activity in our midbrains when practicing telepathy. Even though humans do not have an identified part of the brain known to harness telepathic capabilities, it has long been known that the human brain is extraordinarily receptive and responsive to telepathic powers of other races - learning to communicate with Vulcans and Betazeds both, among others," T'lenn told him.

"For a mind meld, touch does have the effect of enhancing the connection. It assists in preventing the connection from breaking prematurely." T'lenn had taken the hand that held Jason's and turned her palm over, so that his hand now rested gently in the palm of her hand.

Jason took a deep breath, to calm his rapidly beating heart, then nodded. "I'm ready, sweetheart."

"During a mind meld, to share a specific memory it is helpful to take a moment to select the memory that you wish to share and to recollect on the memory before the meld begins," T'lenn explained. "Focusing on that thought will direct us there. I won't push, you will have to take me where you want the meld to take us."

He nodded, then thought for a moment. "Okay, I have a memory ready to share." He smiled softly at her as he waited for the joining to begin.

T'lenn reached forward with her right hand and gently touched her fingertips to the left side of Jason's face, her thumb pressed against his chin, her forefinger next to Jason's nose, and her other three fingers tracing a path from the middle of his eyebrow toward his hairline.

"I'll take you to my memory first, as promised," T'lenn said softly before she began speaking more loudly, "My mind to your mind, my thoughts to your thoughts..."

A Vulcan child, a girl around 5 years old stood in the bright sun off midday. The dry and dusty heat was normal for her, but the adults had noted that it had been notably more arid with near unusually high temperatures for several seasons now. The girl's hair was cut in a short, blunt cut - a standard Vulcan style, and although it was brown, it was a few shades lighter than most Vulcans, a trait that had already been pointed out unkindly by her schoolmates.

The young T'lenn stood mostly unnoticed behind the tall figures of her parents who were dressed in traditional Vulcan robes. Her adult brother - in his mid-twenties now was suited differently, in a navy and gray uniform, the colors of a medical officer for the High Command's space fleet. T'lenn could barely see his face from where she stood. Their foremothers and fathers were also present, as was T'ver and her parents. In the memory there was an essence of others around them - other families doing the same things, but no faces. If she looked up, T'lenn could see the tops of a large Starship. She knew the ship would be taking her brother away for a long time.

T'lenn felt frightened and alone. She was in a small body surrounded by people and things that seemed so big, and no one explaining what was happening or letting her listen so she could try to understand for herself. She was angry, and her eyes narrowed in frustration as she bit the insides of her cheeks to avoid showing anyone her emotions.

The adult T'lenn appeared behind Jason after he had had a moment to take in the scene. She took a few steps forward so that he could see her there.

Jason watched young T'lenn, a touch of sadness in his eyes. He knelt down, to be more on her level, even though she did not notice him. "Why were they ignoring you, sweetheart? Why wouldn't they admit that they needed to give you information to better understand the situation??"

"I was a child," T'lenn responded as if it were the only response necessary. "I was told that my brother would be going on an extended assignment and that we were here to see him on his way. To them that was all the explanation necessary." T'lenn's head was tilted to the side as she watched the scene. "You are permitted to see inside."

With several flashes Jason's perspective changed, he was now standing where the young T'lenn was, everything had grown bigger around him, the hem of T'lenn's mother's robes brushed against his leg, she was stepping aside.

Sakor had kneeled down, so that he was at the child's level. Once there and out of the direct line of sight of the other family who had come to the event, Sakor's face softened, a look he had saved for his sister who was still so very young.

"It will get easier as you get older - to do what they ask of you," Sakor said as he looked at the young T'lenn in the eyes. "They only pretend to forget what it is like to be a child - to make you stronger. It will be a long time before I can come see you again, but we are bonded, so I am always with you." Sakor reached out with two fingers and touched the point of her collar bone in the center of chest. He saw her eyes start to well up with tears and he shook his head and retreated his hand.

"Don't ever let another Vulcan see you cry. Only father, and only at home in a closed room. You suppress your emotions until then. And you learn to suppress even those over time. Do you understand?" Sakor asked.

The young T'lenn swallowed and nodded, standing up straighter and pushing back that which threatened to overcome her. Savor then held his hand up, a Vulcan salute. T'lenn smiled - a reaction that would be conditioned out of her in the next few years - and raised her hand in kind.

"Live Long and Prosper, ko-tai"

Jason faded back into his own form, as the young T'lenn's voice responded, "Peace and long life." The memory starting to fade - the figures still there, just not as clear.

The adult T'lenn held out a hand for Jason to take, "Your turn."



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