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Midnight Rendezvous

Posted on Sat Jul 13th, 2024 @ 7:43pm by Captain Remy Johansen & Civillian Samuel Wynters

2,116 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: The Menagerie: side stories & mischief making
Location: USS Astrea, Captain's Quarters
Timeline: MD (tbd) / 2330 hours

Samuel, having felt the energy of the ship shift considerably, decided to go check on Remy. He hoped that, what ever the issue, he would be able to help her.

With a bottle of Betazoid Spring Wine chilling in a silver bucket of ice in one hand, and a covered tray of snacks that he had learned that she enjoyed, he made his way to her cabin. When he arrived outside, he reached up and tapped the door chime with one of his knuckles.

Remy was standing in the middle of her living room a panoramic holographic display around her. She had no idea what she was getting into, and wouldn't until she could make contact with this contact that she had been given in person. Remy had been told her research was destroyed - and now she was was embarking on an illegal mission - a hope and a prayer that it hadn't, and that this Susan Lange could help them.

The chime startled her. Remy quickly hid what she was working on before calling out, "Come in," signaling for the doors to open for her visitor.

As soon as the doors slid open, Samuel stepped inside. 'Evening, Gorgeous! I had a feeling that you could use a snack and a good drink, possibly me for dessert?" He gave her a very handsome look, smiling that perfect smile that belonged only to her.

"A feeling, huh?" Remy asked as she took a few steps toward Samuel. "I was just... well, I'm leaving for a few days in the morning. It's not the best time, but... I'm sorry I should have said something. Everything has been coming together kind of fast."

Remy braced herself for annoyance or frustration to come from Samuel. It had completely slipped her mind to tell him that she was leaving, and she would have to understand if he felt slighted.

A slight frown started to cross his face, though he seemed to take the news in good stride. "Well, it must be an important mission, if it's pulling you away from this mission so suddenly." He put the food and the wine bucket down on the coffee table, then crossed the room to pull her into his arms as he looked down into her beautiful eyes. "I ask but one favor. Well...two. one, stay safe, wherever you are bound. And two, finish quickly and come home to me." He smiled warmly as he looked at her. There was no judgment in his eyes. He trusted her with his heart.

Remy took a beat, expecting to be put on defense and then finding that Samuel hadn't asked her to explain herself at all. "I'll do my best," Remy responded. "I'm leaving Commander Spello in the unfortunate position of having to cover for me. He's more than capable of holding things together, but the optics aren't great - if I'm caught running off."

Frowning slightly as he considered what was said, Samuel finally shrugged and replied. "I'll smuggle you out in my shuttle. I use her to run cargo here and there, plus, she has a few special upgrades, that I installed personally."

Remy put her arms around Samuel's neck. "Thanks but, I already have a pilot. The Holana is equipped with a cloak. I just mean, not being here... Accounting for my absence." Remy let her hands fall to Samuel's biceps. She broke eye contact with him, looking first at his right arm where her hand rested then at some point beyond it. She caught herself then looked back into his eyes and smiled. "There are just too many things happening all at once."

"Well, if there is anything I can do to help, you know all you have to do is ask." He leaned in and kissed her gently on her lips, not wanting to push things, if she wasn't ready.

Remy kissed Samuel back, smiling as their lips parted. "I'm sorry, I guess I just didn't think... You have a shuttle on board?" Remy asked, her arms draped around his shoulders. She was only learning things about him bit by bit still.

Samuel nodded as he continued to hold Remy close. "She's just and old surplus courier shuttle, that I had completely refurbished to serve as both a cargo shuttle and mobile home of sorts."

"Hmm... maybe I should pay closer attention. Or do a little research on men before I invite them to my bedroom," Remy teased. "What other secrets are you hiding? Anything good? Or scandalous?" She let her hands drop toward Samuel's sides, where she let them graze gently against his hips. Her gaze dropped momentarily before she looked back up, her lips curling slightly.

A look of hunger flashed dangerously behind Samuel's eyes as Remy moved her hands over his body. Growling softly, he step close, moving Remy back until she was pressed between his chest and the bulkhead. "Ask, and I shall lay all my stories at your feet, my love. You know that." He then kissed her deeply, his tongue sliding over hers as his hands moved slowly over her body.

Remy returned his passion, but pulled back after a moment, a look of mischief in her eyes as she put a few inches between them. "And how many of those stories do you think we can get through tonight?" Remy moved her hands to Samuel's shoulders and looked at him expectantly before she jumped toward him, wrapping her legs around his waist, knowing that his strong arms would catch her.

As soon as she launched herself at him, Samuel caught hand held Remy to his body, holding her easily as they began kissing again. Without looking, he carried her to her bed, lowering them both down onto it when he got there. Remy wasn't sure what the next few days would hold and she kissed him back as if this might be their last time together.

***Fade to Black***

Remy rolled onto her side, her body pressed against Samuel's and her arm wrapped around his body. She was quiet. She'd never really been at her personal life, and Samuel had stepped in on the heels of a break up that had dragged on for too long, and just as she was stepping into the command chair. Sometimes she didn't think about any of that at all, and she was just with him. Other times, she was lost in her thoughts, expecting that she would say the wrong thing, or waiting for the proverbial shoe to drop.

Gently tracing small patterns on her bare back with the finger tips of his left hand. Even without his El Aurian abilities, he could tell that something was bothering Remy. "Slip of latinum for your thoughts?"

"Surely you've loved someone who would have died of old age long before you at some time before. Maybe even many times before," Remy commented. "How do you... How can you handle that? The grief I mean."

He took a thoughtful breath, then let it out slowly, before replying. "Well, I have known a couple, who did in fact die of old age. As for the grief..." he exhaled sadly. "It's something g that I work on every day. When I think about Sarah and Renalda, I do miss them. However, they both knew who and what I am, and they both made me swear, on their memories, that I would continue to live my life, even find someone new to love and cherish."

Remy pulled herself into Samuel and laid her head on his chest. "And it doesn't make you hesitate? Hold back I mean, to get close to someone like me knowing that it won't be long before I'm old and wrinkled, with gray hair... And that I'll be gone while you're still young?"

He reached over and gently lifted her chin so that she could see his eyes when he replied. "I would never trade a single nanosecond that I've spent with you for anything." He then pulled her to him and kissed her deeply.

Remy closed her eyes, pulling herself on top of Samuel as she kissed him back. She positioned herself carefully on his chest as she looked him in the eyes, her own eyes sparkling back at him with affection. "It's hard for me sometimes," she admitted, tracing his hairline with her fingers. "I don't know if it was losing so many people in the War, or a history of choosing men who were wrong for me, but I have this push and pull with you. You draw me in like no one ever has, and I get lost in it... And then some time later, hours a day - It terrifies me all of a sudden, and I make this space."

Samuel looked into Remy's beautiful eyes and smiled softly. "As I said in the beginning, we will go as fast or as slow as you are comfortable with. I will never think less of you for needing your space. So long as you don't tell me that we are finished, then I have faith that you'll return to my loving embrace."

"And if I were to fall in love next Tuesday?" Remy asked whimsically, pushing herself off of his chest and rolling over onto her back. She pulled a silky bronze colored blanket over her, and smiled at the ceiling.

Samuel rolled onto his side, facing her, propping his head up with his elbow in the mattress as he looked down at her, a playful look in his eyes as he spoke. "Well, that depends, my dear." As he spoke, he started to light trace the fingertips of his other hand over her front, the thin blanket being the only thing from touching her perfect skin.

"If it's me that you fall in love with, then all is right with the world. However," he took gentle hold of her bottom jaw and looked deep into her eyes. There was an unmistakable power there behind his eyes. "Should you fall for someone else, that poor individual might very well wake up one day without his heart, as I would have dug it out with a spoon and presented it to you as a gift of my loyalty to you."

"I'd prefer flowers or a puppy," Remy said turning on her side to face him. "Your thing would have me calling security, and probably running the other direction."

Releasing her jaw, Samuel reached up and gently brushed a few errant locks of hair out of Remy's face, tucking them behind her left ear. "What are your favorite flowers and breed of dog?"

Remy's smile grew warmer. "Fire lilies. Don't get me a dog. Not while I'm serving on Starships. It wouldn't be fair to the little guy. But someday, a labradoodle, goldendoodle maybe. Probably an Australian shepherd too. If you have one, you have to have two."

Remy reached a hand over and traced the muscles of Samuel's chest. "I should be taking you with me instead. I'm sorry I'm not."

Smiling softly, he replied. "Then, the day you retire, I will ensure you have a pair of pups waiting for you. As for the flowers, I'll make sure you always have steady supply." He paused as he listened to her talk about the mission. In a calm and loving voice, he replied. "As far as your mission goes, I'm sure you have everything planned. In the meantime, I will be waiting here, for your return, with open arms and a warm bed."

"It'd be less weird if you slept," Remy commented with a smirk, rolling over so that her back was to Samuel, nestling her back against his chest and stretching her legs out, then bending them slightly so that her knees were bent at perfectly the same angle around his. She pulled a pillow over to her chest to hold as she grew sleepy. "I don't have long before I have to leave," she whispered.

As soon as Remy made herself comfortable, Samuel smiled softly. "Just because I don't need to sleep, doesn't mean I can't shut my brain off and take a nap." He snuggled down behind her, carefully sliding his left arm under her head, his right over her right hip. He leaned in and gently kissed the side of her neck, then whispered, "Sweet dreams, my love. May we have many more nights like this." He then laid his head down and closed his eyes. Within moments, he was quietly dozing.

"Mmmhmm," Remy murmured as she smiled and closed her eyes.


Captain Remira Johansen
Commanding Officer
USS Astrea


Samuel Wynters
Paddy's Loft
(NPC - Spello)


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