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Posted on Mon Jul 22nd, 2024 @ 3:09am by Lieutenant JG Thivi & Lieutenant JG Xalanth

645 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: What We Do With Second Chances

Xalanth sighed as he took a seat on the ship's med bay. He knew he had to get this done even if it did seem unnecessary. He flexed his arm a few times letting the feeling of his fingers moving flow through his body. It felt good to have them again.

"Lieutenant junior grade Xalanth. Welcome aboard." Thivi smiled a warm and hopefully comforting smile as she maneuved herself over to him from one of the side rooms with a PADD in hand. "We've been expecting you - in a good way, rest assured. How are you feeling today?"

" A little tired. Still getting used to the quiet in my quarters. You forget how quite it can be without kids." Xalanth said honestly.

"You have children! Oh, it must be wonderful. As wonderful as it can possibly dealing with the noise and rowdiness and such, of course." Thivi remarked as she scanned him with her tricorder. Xalanth looked very much like a Saurian, she reckoned, with the red scales and large reptilian eyes. How interesting! "I would love to have at most... two. Though I suppose one is plenty already." She added. "How are they? And your spouse?"

" Spouses." Xalanth corrected holding up four of his figures with a massive smile on his face. " They've blessed me with seven beautiful daughters. Last time we talked everyone doing great."

Thivi whistled appreciatively - to both statements. "You must be the ultimate power husband, then. Or father." She remarked as she glanced down at the tricorder screen. "For someone who's fathered seven daughters in a row you are in remarkably good health, lieutenant. Most men in your position would be utterly spent after the second daughter - assuming they get there" She winked once and glanced at the biobed monitor. "How are your sleep and eating habits and patterns?"

" What can I say i have some amazing spouses," Xalanth replied with a chuckle. " As for my sleeping habits I've already mentioned and my eating habits are perfectly normal. I need to be in top condition for my line of work."

"Of course." Thivi remarked. "Well then. As I've already said, you're in remarkably good health, lieutenant - I expect no less." She smiled and took a step back from the biobed to allow him to hop off. "I suppose I'll be seeing you, then! I shan't keep you here if there's nothing else I should be looking at."

" That's good. " the lizard said as she slid off the biobed. " Is my left arm holding up? I've had to regenerate it after one of the Andorids took it off during the mars attack. " He enquired.

"Yes, it is, according to my scans." Thivi replied. "Have you experienced any abnormalities or anomalies while using it? Unexplained pains or numbness, loss of function, that sort of thing?"

" A little numbness every now and then. It's never happened before." The lizard explained.

"Well, have you been doing anything particularly strenuous with your arm of late?" Thivi scanned the affected limb with her tricorder. "Perhaps one of the nerves in your arm is being impinged."

" Nothing i can think off." Xalanth said flexing his figures though they felt fine now.

"Well, I'll set you up with our cybernetics specialist, and they can have a look at it for you, alright. I'll keep you appraised of the details." Thivi remarked. "Is there anything else you'd like addressed today, lieutenant?"

" No that's everything. " Xalanth said as he slid off the table. " It was nice meeting you Thivi."

"It was nice meeting you too, Lieutenant. Take care, now." Thivi smiled and waved once before walking off to write his patient notes.

Xalanth headed for the door a smile on his face at getting another task delt with.

Lieutenant JG Xalanth
Assistant Chief Tactical Officer
USS Astrea

Lieutenant JG Thivi
Head Nurse
USS Astrea


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