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Part 2 XO's Turn: Spello Takes on the Slavers

Posted on Mon Jul 22nd, 2024 @ 1:10am by Ensign Kash th'Kaasniik & Lieutenant Commander Maxun Spello & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters & Major Clay McEntyre III & Lieutenant JG Xalanth & Lieutenant JG Isabella Rodriguez & Ensign Tyler Williams & Ensign Lindsy Amano

1,727 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: What We Do With Second Chances
Location: USS Astrea, New Sausalito
Timeline: MD 13, Following Part 1

~Continued from Part 1~

In less than the hour promised the Chief Engineer and his team had made the adjustments required to manage the data influx and power needed. Operations officer, Ensign Kash was now focused primarily on monitoring the power throughout the ship, and making sure that nonessential systems were shut down as needed when they executed transport. Lt. Commander Winters was monitoring the transporter enhancers and overseeing the transporter operators and watching for any issues with the ship's computers in storing the Ataran's patterns during transfer.

Once everything was ready, Maxun moved over to the center seat and sat down. "Open hailing frequencies to the Serenity." His tone was calm, but held an unmistakable power to it.

"Opening hailing frequencies," Xalanth said from the tactical console his slim red figures hovering over the weapons controls in case they were needed. " Hailing frequencies open."

Maxun nodded silently, as he waited for the Atarans to reply. Deep inside, he hoped they would act reasonably. However, knowing what his people told him, he wouldn't be surprised if things went sideways somehow.

On board the Serenity Halan returned from a terminal to the Queen's perch on the Bridge to speak with her. "Master Dreke has confirmed. The only superior officer he's recognized at the colony today is Master Kayto. None of the others have been accounted for. Master Mavin is recommending they bring a small security contingent back to the Serenity immediately."

"Queen Caprin, Master Halan, we are being ... hailed by the USS Astrea. What would you like me to do?" Jaren asked from his station at tactical.

"Respond to it, of course. We have nothing to hide," Caprin answered. "Record me before sending it over. I want to make sure I like it first."

"This is Caprin of the Ataran people and Commanding Officer of the Serenity. Who am I speaking with, and how may we be of service?"

Caprin looked back at Jaren. "End recording. Send that back," she ordered.

Tyler was watching the screen when he saw the alert come through. He turned to the XO with a slight sense of urgency, "Commander, they've sent through a recording. I'll put it up on the screen and open the comms when you're ready."

Maxun frowned slightly, as he indicated to Tyler to mute the channel. Then, he pressed a control on the left control arm of the command chair. "Clay, the Atarans are playing games. Get your people ready." He released the control, closing the channel, then waved again to Tyler to reopen the hail channel. "Captain Caprin, this is Lieutenant Commander Maxun Spello, Executive Officer of the USS Astrea and currently in command. Respectfully, I must insist on live video communication between our two ships."

=/\= "Understood, we're locked and loaded here, ready for your go order" =/\= Clay replied, rifle in hand, charged, armored up and ready to board with a squad of his best Marines.

On board the Serenity Caprin rolled her eyes in frustration. "Why do these people think that they can boss us around!" She stood up and stomped in frustration. "Give them their damned video channel."

"Lieutenant Commander Maxun Spello, while my people do appreciate everything that yours have done for them, for how much longer are we beholden to your every whimsical directive? We were promised autonomy and freedom. I do not understand why I cannot enjoy time in the privacy of my Bridge, but must give you 'Live Video Communication' simply because you insist it?" Caprin delivered the words with an air of entitled arrogance.

"This is really enough, Lieutenant Commander. We can take care of ourselves now. We are a resourceful people. I'm sure you have better things to do," Caprin added.

Inwardly, Maxun sighed, though he didn't show it. Standing he took a few steps towards the viewscreen, as he replied. "Ma'am, it is simple courtesy to communicate this way. As far as your autonomy, I agree that you for have it. We are just doing all we can to ensure you and your people are set with everything in your new home." He paused to take a breath, he continued.

"Speaking of your people, it has come to our attention that, in the past, you were a race of conquerors and slavers. While you are in Federation space, we insist that this behavior is no longer observed. And to that end, I must insist that you relinquish your hold over those of your people whom you have placed in servitude. Slavery is not permitted in the Federation."

Caprin laughed. "Slaves? She turned to her officers on the Bridge. Our society is no different than yours, Lieutenant Commander Spello. There are those that lead, and there are those that follow. My people in the working class are no different than what you call your enlisted - I believe I have been told. There must be some order."

Caprin turned to her tactical officer and gave a curt nod, and the video was cut.

When the channel was closed abruptly, Maxun sat in silence for a few beats. His features were unreadable as he stared at the viewscreen. Finally, in a voice that was deadly calm, he said, "Mister Williams, please get them back on the line. Inform them that if they continue to act in a hostile and rude nature, we will have no choice but to treat them in the same manner."

Tyler had been waiting for further instructions and looking at the XO when he spoke so he nodded his understanding, "Understood, Sir." Turning back to the console, his fingers tapped away and entered a command to get the link back up, and prepared to send a message in a tone that was full of warning, "Captain Caprin. Please be informed that if you continue to act in a hostile and rude nature, we will have no choice but to treat you in the same manner. You have been warned."

The message sent and Tyler turned back to the XO, "It's sent, Sir."

After receiving the message, Halan spoke up, "Your highness, we have a message from the Astrea, they want us back on the line and have stated that if we continue act in a hostile manner, they will respond in kind."

Caprin turned to her officer, "Tell our team on the ground to get our essential crew back on the ship. I don't want to respond to Starfleet right away. Give Mavin and Dreke some time to get back."

"Commander I'm reading transporter reading from the surface. The Atarans appear to be beaming up their people." Xalanth said from the tactical console.

Maxun sat up a bit straighter in the command chair. The Atarans were panicking. He was about to speak, when Lindsy turn to address him.

Lindsy turned around from her console "Exposing our suspicions and directly accusing them only appears to have made things worse. On top of it we've now put our people on the surface at risk as well, along with severely putting the diplomatic success of this mission in serious jeopardy. Is there anything in place to inhibit the transport of our personnel? I can only speak for Chief Kayto's team and their personal inhibitor devices." She turned back to her console and sent a message to Nevan, Cormus, and Grexx to activate their devices immediately.

Maxun looked the young Ensign in the eyes and replied. "The Atarans, in their prime. Were a race of conquerors and slavers. When the elder races discovered them, they gave them a choice, change their ways or face the consequences. The Atarans decided to snub the elders and continued their march through the cosmos, taking any and all planet that they encountered as their own, and enslaving the populous." He took a breath, then continued.

"My people finally succeeded in eliminating their fleet of warships, freed all of their slaves, and expelled them, in a few unarmed colony ships, to find a new world from which to rebuild their lives. After nearly two thousand years, they do not seem to have learned anything. So, I will do everything I'm my power to save those that request asylum."

"Commander, Shuttlecraft 3 went down this morning with an engineering crew. The transports are coming from there, they must figured out a way to unlock the controls on our vessels and operate our transporter technology," Ensign Kash announced after a quick sensor sweep.

Maxun spun slightly in his seat, looking up at Kash. He stood up, then looked back at the viewscreen. "Lock down all of our equipment on the planet's surface immediately! Then, send the signal to the Serenity. I want that ship shut down, save for life support now!"

Lieutenant Rodriguez's brow furrowed when the orders came through, "Rich, lockout the remote controls and arm yourself we may have trouble!"

"Copy that Bell... I mean Ma'am," the young ensign answered.

"Rodriguez to the Astrea, we're battering down the hatches and getting ready for trouble, I hope your sending assistance." Bella said into the COMM.

"Dispatching security teams two, four and six to the surface to secure our equipment. Moving teams three and seven to backup status in case they're needed." called the lizard from his station.

Bella went to the back of the shuttle and removed an access panel, she pulled the power circuits for the transport system. Then grabbed a phaser and joined the ensign in the cockpit.

"Your Highness, security teams have locked us out of their shuttles transporter access. I would presume they've taken prisoners," Jaren reported from his tactical station. "Dreke and Mika are on board, along with 15 others. I recommend quick offensive strikes before they suspect we will make a move and then retreat on our planned course."

"Do it," Caprin said angrily. "Hit them hard and fast. Try to make it hurt," she said, knowing they'd have to make a run quickly primarily due to Starfleet's vastly superior shielding, and that the Serenity wouldn't be able to hold out against their energy weapons for long.

"With pleasure," Halan responded. The two officers worked in unison, having already planned out the simultaneous use of ballistic and energy weapons and their intended targets: the warp nacelles and the forward phaser cannons.

Dreke jogged onto the Bridge and took control of the helm and prepared to enter their pre-plotted course.



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