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Fancy meeting you here.

Posted on Sat Aug 31st, 2024 @ 12:13pm by Lieutenant JG Xalanth

772 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave & Ship Repairs
Location: Barisa Prime

A sigh escaped the lizard's lips as he stopped for a second his yellow eyes gazing around the busy street. The busy nightlife of the world's entertainment district blared into his yellow pupils as they scanned the street. He recognised many of the faces from the ship going about the evening having fun and letting their worries flow away.

And here he was with the security light gear on shore patrol on the lookout for any crew thinking about getting into trouble. A smile spread over his face. he couldn't blame them he'd done so before.

He smiled at the memory had he ever been so young?

A loud sound brought him out of his thoughts. Sound of glass breaking and someone screaming. =/\=Shore patrol responding to a disturbance. Alert the local police. =/\= he called into his radio as he took off at full speed.

It didn't take him long to find the altercation. An Orion club with its front window put out. The source of said cause was the crewman who had been through the window and was being tended to by one of his shipmates. " Tzenkethi sir. One of them tried touching one of the dancers, she punched him and he fell back into Anderson. He started beating him and everyone else jumped in."

" Stay here and look after him till the cops show up." Why did it have to be Orions he thought to himself as he called it on as he pulled the filters he carried in his belt and shoved them up his nostrils. Trust his species to go berserk when exposed to their pheromones.

Drawing his shock stick from his back he headed inside. Inside was a scene of chaos. Around eight of the four armed reptiles from Tzenkethi were in a running battle with a mix of Starfleet personnel and the club's security.

Nothing like ship crews, attractive aliens and real alcohol for a nast mix he thought as he charged in bringing his baton on the closest Tzenkethi who was trying to throw one of the ship's crew across the bar. " Shore patrol cease this...." He began yelling before a bottle flew past his head. Two of the Tzenkethi had ceased their running fight with the Starfleet crew and were charging right at him.

Before the two hubs of muscle could reach him there was a green flash as one of the Orion dancers appeared out of nowhere. Hr dark green body used the Tzenkethi's arms and launched herself up and around his head, her legs locking around his neck and started squeezing.

The other stopped to look back it's it's companion allowing Xalanth to bring in his stunner. The other was being chocked by the orion dancer and flailed its arms around trying to pull her off. Xalanth wasted no time and jumped in bringing his stun batton around

As the four-armed reptile collapsed Xalanth grinned. The sound of feet indicated the arrival of the local police and the rest of the shore patrol. The remaining Tzenkehi's decide to surrender rather than suffer the beat down at the hands of the local police.

Grinning Xalanth reached down to help the Orion up. " Thank you for the help misss...." He said as something made him freeze. The lizard blinked at the face staring into his yellow eyes. No matter the alterations he could see the eyes he had fallen in love with even if they had been dyed a dark green as had the rest of her toned body.

" Fu..." He almost blurted out before his brain seized up and didn't make him break his mate's cover.

The manga Roman discussed Orion nearly smirked. " Oh, you may call me Vennaa, my brave Starfleet officer."

" Ah, you alright Vennaa?" Xalanth responded doing his best not to call her Fulvia.

Fluttering her eyelashes the dancer smiled. " Just a little shaken. Could you help me to my room?"

The red lizard took the green hand. He could tell the limp she was putting on was fake, but he didn't say anything. " Thevnaahnu i pulled something I'm going to rest it off." His mate called to the Orion lodubyal who clearly ran the place whom was angrily giving a statement to the planet police.

Xalanth lead her through the back doors to the lodubyal quarters at the back of the club. The moment the door was closed Fulvia dropped her act of limping and with the strength that only a former gladiatrix could muster slammed him back against the door as she kissed him passinotly on the lips.

Xalanth smiled this was going to be a good night.


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