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Oh bother... I mean brother.

Posted on Sat Sep 21st, 2024 @ 9:51pm by Lieutenant JG Malcolm Beckett M.D. & Lieutenant Eirly Andersen & Lieutenant JG Kasper Andersen M.D

2,451 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave & Ship Repairs
Location: Barisa Prime
Timeline: MD 3, On their return from Brunel's procedure

Once the surgery was over and the news broke to everyone involved that Brunel was going to be alright, the wave of relief could be felt in the air, and it signified that everything was going to be on the ups for a while. Eirly was definitely relieved that everything she, Remy and Kas went through to get the technology paid off, and seeing the look on Nash, Sara and Alex's faces was something to cherish.

In a way, Eirly still felt guilty for being the one to trigger the avalanche that was the last few weeks, but that guilt had shrunken to a tiny little dot that sat in the far corners of her mind. At least for now though, her and Malcolm deserved some R&R on Barisa Prime, and she was looking forward to it, to this being the first off-ship excursion together as a couple. She had the butterflies in her stomach whenever he was near, and he knew he could make her melt just by smiling at her.

The two of them had chosen a well-established bar that wasn't overly crowded with people to the point you couldn't hear the person across from you, but it wasn't completely dead either. It was full of memorabilia from different decades, the music was pumping and even some people were a dancefloor, and apparently the food was pretty good too. Sitting down at one of the available tables, Eirly took a look around at everything and then at the menu in front of them, "I like this place! It's so... what's the word for it? Is it vibrant?" She couldn't remember the Federation Standard word for energetic but could remember the Danish version.

"Yeah," Malcolm agreed. "I'm surprised to see a place with so much Earth music and history to it this far out in the Beta quadrant."

"I don't think I could ever be this... eclectic with decorations in my house, I'd feel like things were too cluttered and it'd stress me out too much." Eirly found herself struggling with finding the right words for things today. "I'm sorry, I'm struggling to find the rights words for some reason." She felt embarrassed so she looked down at the menu, "Do you have any idea on what you'd want to eat?"

"I don't know that there are many people at all who would want to put this much stuff into their house," Malcolm said. "I think a lot of places here are like this - at least in the main city. They want it to feel like early evening round the clock inside, make it busy, encourage people to stay up - 24 hour business, city that never sleeps."

"Are you alright? I know there are quieter places we could find. Somewhere outside?" He asked with concern on his face.

"I promise I'm alright," She smiled at him before turning back to looking at the menu, "Sometimes I get words confused, that's all. If you get to meet my family, I can assure you I'll be perfectly fluent in my speech. And plus, I'm still slightly tired from everything that's happened over the past few days, that's all."

"If you're promising you're alright then?" Malcolm verified cautiously.

Eirly gave him a look, "Seriously, stop worrying. I'm perfectly fine and I'd tell you if I wasn't." She slid off the stool she'd been sitting on and walked over to give him a kiss on the cheek and put her bag near him to watch, "In saying that though, I do need to use the bathroom, so I'll be back soon, okay? If someone comes around, can you please order me a burger and fries please?" After she had left the table with Malcolm looking at his menu, Eirly took a look at him and smiled at how concerned he was for her before disappearing into the bathroom.

While she was gone, a blonde man walked into the bar and looked around, either looking for someone in particular or just a place to sit down in general. He was dressed in a tighter fitting black t-shirt that had white piping around the sleeves and collar, and a pair of blue jeans with casual shoes, and wore a smug expression on his face when he spotted Malcolm sitting by himself.

"As I live and breathe: if it isn't Malcolm Beckett, class hero and all-round pain in my ass," the blonde man said in an accented tone with great enthusiasm and a wide smile as he walked up to the table and clapped Malcolm on the shoulder in way of greeting. "What brings you to this lovely little bar?" He looked around briefly before turning back to Malcolm and noticing the bag on the table, "Oh, you're here with a lady? It's been how long, and you've finally settled down?"

"Kasper, good to see you," Malcolm mirrored back, though somewhat more dryly. "I'm not sure what you're meaning by that last comment. My ship is running a skeleton crew for a few days. Most of us are down here in one way or another. What are you doing on Barisa Prime?"

Kasper took a seat opposite Malcolm and folded his arms over his chest while still smiling, "I've got a surprise assignment, coincidentally to the Astrea which I was to come on board while it docked here," he noted the surprise in Malcolms face and mirrored it with his own, his eyes widening slightly and a full on grin coming on, "And that's your ship, I get it now." He nodded in understanding, "Looks like we're going to be working together then, that's going to be fun, right?"

He nodded to the bag on the table, "I never pictured you to be one to have a handbag when you went out, so I'm guessing you're actually here with a lady and she's probably in the bathroom or somewhere? Is it wife, girlfriend, friend?" He knew he shouldn't pry but couldn't help himself.

"I didn't know you liked me enough to follow me around. Sorry, I'm taken, that's my girlfriend's bag if you must know," Malcolm quipped dryly. "Dunnae ken why yer yappin' about me not settlin' down though. Don't see anyone on your arm."

"Gotta keep tabs on you somehow, don't I?" Kasper let out a gleeful laugh and became less of an asshole, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he held up his hands in defence and shrugged, "It's just I couldn't resist because I know you get so defensive over it. And I do have someone, her name is Kaia, and she's back on my old ship because she couldn't get shoreleave."

"So, not settled down enough with her to request a joint transfer? I know Astrea as plenty of openings," Malcolm chirped, giving it right back.

"It's been like three weeks officially, so no 'I love you' or 'marry me' just yet. I'm not making that mistake again!" Kasper laughed as he thought about it. "No no, just keeping it simple and slow for once in my life." He looked around and got a waitress, ordering a drink and watching her walk about before asking, "So how's life been treating you anyway?"

Malcolm held his palms up in confusion as Kasper helped himself to a chair. "Actually that seat's taken, and I don't really think we were expecting company tonight."

With Kasper sitting in her seat, Eirly couldn't see him but she could see Malcolm and smiled wide, her bouncy walk getting back to him faster. She passed Kasper and turned to give Malcolm a kiss on the cheek before noticing anyone in her seat. When she turned to sit down a voice said, "Hi, I'm... Kas." Her smile faltered briefly before turning to surprise.

"I'm sorry, Eirly. He just sat do---" Malcolm started to interject before Kasper continued.

"Hey Lee," Kasper grinned again and stood up to vacate what was obviously Eirly's. "Long time no... physical see."

"What are you doing here? I thought you were on the Cassiopeia?" Eirly asked with a look of confusion on her face, the surprise now gone. When they'd last spoken, he'd never mentioned anything about going on shoreleave, let alone being here.

Kasper had moved to the other side of the table and looked between them both as he realized something before saying to both of them, "Wait, this is who you're dating?" Then he looked to Malcolm, "I'm sorry Mal, if I'd have known this was going to eventuate, I wouldn't have been such a dick."

"Wait, how do you two know each other?" She looked between both men and waited for a response from either.

As Malcolm began to realize who was who, he wasn't sure to process it as a good thing or a really awkward one. He was definitely caught off guard and felt at the disadvantage, especially with things between Eirly so new.

"So, Kasper Andersen is your brother," Malcolm stated, the realization hitting him. "Starfleet medical. Same graduating class."

Kasper moved to stand next to his sister and put his arm around her shoulder so that Malcolm could see the similarities, and then planted a kiss on her cheek. "Clearly I'm the better looking one of the two of us, given I'm like ten minutes older and all." He grinned then moved away again, "Sorry to give you a hard time, I guess I should say welcome to the family?"

Eirly looked between them sheepishly. Her brother always had a way of ruining her day. So she moved her hand to be holding Malcolms, "I'm so sorry for this."

"Oh nothing to be sorry about. I'm a bit relieved he belongs to you to be honest. When he sat down in your chair and didn't seem like he would leave... I was a bit..." Malcolm shot a look at Kasper not sure of the right words to say.

"I would trade him for a potato, if im being honest," she responded with a laugh. It felt like there was something possibly unresolved between them maybe? "I'm sure Kas has other things he needs to do today so he really can't stay, right? And we could catch you up for dinner?" She looked at Kasper expectantly.

Not really one to pick up on the social cues, Kasper shook his head, "I've got nothing but time to kill today. We've all got a lot to catch up on, don't we?" He looked at Malcolm with a grin.

"Looks like we're gonna get to catch up then. Eirly's been talking about we'd get to meet each other's family," Malcolm flashed Eirly a discreet wink.

"I just didn't think it was going to be so early, or late in this case," Eirly gave a short laugh and looked at her brother. "Which means we can do that tonight, Kas. We're kind of on a date here, and I'm pretty sure there's somewhere you need to be, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, okay, okay," Kasper held his hands up in resignation, "Fine, I'll see you guys tonight and catch up properly, around 8pm here?" Eirly nodded and put her head on Malcolm's shoulder, "Right then, I'll see you tonight." He stood up and walked off towards the exit, leaving Eirly and Malcolm alone again.

"I am so so so so sorry," Eirly apologized again with a pout.

"Ah, you ain't got nothin' to apologize for. He's just being your brother," Malcolm assured her, rubbing his hand up and down the arm he had around her back. "Quite frankly he started behavin' a bit once you showed up," he added with a gentle smile.

She raised an eyebrow in response, "Oh did he now? I hope he didn't give you too much grief?" The last thing she wanted was for them to not get along.

"He's harmless, nothin' to worry about," Malcolm assured her.

"I'm more worried about how you two are going to work together, if I'm being honest," She replied. Her brother always had a habit of rubbing people up the wrong way and it looked like that was already happening with Malcolm, "I'm counting on you to keep him in line, by the way. He'll be your problem during work hours." She poked him in the arm, "Seriously though, I promise the rest of the family aren't like him."

Malcolm shrugged. "Sounds like the CMO's problem. There's a reason I don't sign up for that department head nonsense," he smiled and gave Eirly a quick little peck on the tip of her nose.

"I thought Starfleet hadn't found a CMO yet? And J.R. was acting for the time being?" She felt like she was missing something, or being so forgetful could be put down to sudden tiredness she'd been feeling for a few days now. "I think you'd make a good Chief, but I think I might be a little biased."

"Yup, sounds like his problem," Malcolm said flashing her a wink. "The Captain knows how I feel about administrative work. I'd rather work doubles a month straight."

"So that means camping out in Medical just to see you?!" She feigned surprise and looked at him with wide eyes, "That's absurd... we wouldn't see each other, and you'd totally forget what I looked like... I just don't know what I'd do without seeing you for that long..." Her tone was playfully sarcastic as she grinned.

"Thankfully we seem to have ourselves a new doctor starting. Low on the seniority list now. Shouldn't be a problem," Malcolm commented cheekily.

"I love how you just said you'd never forget what I looked like if you worked doubles for a month," Eirly raised her eyebrow again, this time with a smirk on her face.

"Of course I wouldn't forget you, don't be ridiculous. I did nae think that part needed to be said," Malcolm said sweetly.

She rolled her eyes in response and laughed, "I just wanted to hear you say it out loud."

"Let's get that waitress over here then, shall we. Burger and fries for you, right? I pay attention," he said giving her a playful wink as he held his hand up for the waiter.

She couldn't help but laugh in response and feel the affection. Eventually they got their food and drinks while keeping up the banter and laughter before they headed out for the rest of the day to explore the area and spend time together as a new couple before they had to come back to meet her brother for dinner.


Dr. Malcolm Beckett
Medical Officer
USS Astrea

Lieutenant Eirly Andersen
Chief of Security/Tactical
USS Astrea


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