
A Quiet Cabin, Part 2

Posted on Tue Sep 17th, 2024 @ 1:17pm by Captain Remy Johansen & Civillian Samuel Wynters

1,972 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave & Ship Repairs
Location: Barisa Prime
Timeline: MD 2, After Part 1

Remy spotted a basket of blankets next to a chair near her head. She scooted over the short distance and grabbed one, wrapping it around her as she sat up, still on the floor next to Samuel. "I don't even know what I would do if I had a century to live, you know? It's not something that ever even crossed my mind. Or mortality really even. But when I think about do we even have a future you know..." She trailed off, and shifted subjects.

"You know, when we were away. When I was looking for the piece that would save Brunel - I was locked in a room, tied to a chair. Some megalomaniac screener snapped me with an agonizer stick of some kind and left me in the darkness alone for some time." Remy looked down at the floor first then at Samuel. "I kept thinking about you. It surprised me. It still... well." She trailed off again. She held her knees, wrapped in the blanked and gently rocked in a sort of self-soothing way.

Samuel was about to respond to Remy's first statement, when he heard her describe being tied up and tortured. He immediately sat up, a mix of compassion and anger in his eyes. "Someone hurt you?! Who were they and where are they!" He growled dangerously as he spoke, his body tightening up with a rage Remy had never seen in him before now.

Despite his clear anger, his hands moved gently over her body. "Why were you tortured?"

"It doesn't really matter," Remy shook her head lightly. Her hair was a tangled mess and still slightly wet from the lake. She ran her fingers through the mess trying to shake it out. "The people who had the matrix, contracted out some screening agency. I've trained for worse."

Samuel moved to a seated position against the nearby couch, and gently pulled Remy to sit cross his lap, her left side against his chest. He again enveloped her in his arms. "My love, just because you've trained how to react against your enemies, does not make it okay for your allies to use it against you." He took a deep breath, then asked again. "Where do I find this person?"

"No. That's not what we were talking about anyway," she said. "It's done. I got what I needed."

For a moment, Samuel didn't say anything, just looked deep into Remy's eyes. Then, the look in his eyes changed and his body noticeably relaxed. "Very well. If you say it's done, than I shall respect your wishes in this matter." He closed his eyes briefly, taking in a deep breath, before letting it out and opening his eyes again. "As for what kind of future we can have..." His face softened and the corners of his mouth ticked up. "No one is promised any of our tomorrows. So, as far as I'm concerned, the future we share, is every single kiss, embrace and free moment we can be together, living our lives side by side, being their for each other through both the pain and the joy, until Fate decides no more. That's the same deal you would get with a Human, my love."

She only sat there a few seconds before responding, but it felt like an eternity as she mustered up the courage to say what had been really nagging at her. The thing that was holding her back, that emotion that she already revered, and what it might mean to love someone like him.

"What if.." she started, her voice cracking. She started again, her voice clearer this time. "What if, I fall in love with you. And then, the next thing we know, I'm too old for you. How does that heartbreak work."

Samuel's features softened even more. He lifted his left hand to her face and gently turned her eyes towards his. "My beautiful love, age is nothing but a number. When I told you that I am yours, that's all there is. I am yours until Fate separates us." He pulled her in for a gentle kiss, then placed his forehead against hers. "I love you more than I did yesterday, but only half as much as I will tomorrow."

Remy let a single tear fall from her face, feeling particularly vulnerable with the blanket wrapped around her still naked body and her emotions laid out about as bare as she'd ever dared with anyone in a long while.

"Fate?" She repeated. Her voice soft and questioning. "Teach me how to love with such reckless abandon." It was a request, she looked at him directly when she made it, and the light for him was clearly there.

"Because one minute, I'm in a dark room and I don't know if I am going to get out and you are the only thing I can think about. And the next, I am getting ready to meet you to come here on this trip, and I'm nervous and afraid to let you see inside of me, because I don't want to get hurt."

In a move that was full of tenderness, Samuel gently brushed aside a few stray stands of hair, that had tumbled down across Remy's face. "All I can do," he started, his voice gentle and full of love for this one woman. "Is love you with every fiber of my being, and pray that you feel the same. Can promise you this, my long as we are together, you will always be loved, and when able, protected. Of all the people I have met in my travels, you are the only one who makes my heart and soul sing." He swallowed the knot that had formed in his throat suddenly, realizing that he was about to reveal something very private about his people.

"Eons ago, my people realized that the El Aurian soul actually exists within two people. It is only at peace, when it's other half is nearby." He paused to take a small, shaky breath. "After the Borg nearly wiped my people out, we were a very fractured race. So many souls had been lost, we thought we would lose who we were as a people. But then, after a few hundred years go by, we discovered that, those souls weren't truly lost...they simply found a new the bodies of the younger Humans."

He gently touched her face as he continued. "When the El Aurian finds the other half of their soul, they know it immediately. They will then do what ever is necessary to join their half to their partners, so both can live in happiness together."

He let that sink in for a few beats, then said, "You, Remy Johansen, possess the other half of my soul. We were meant to find each other, to heal each other with our love, and create something new and amazing. I know, without a doubt, that my place is by your side, supporting you in every way I can, while you do the same for me."

Remy listened to him intently as he spoke, hanging on every word. One thing he had said reminded her of the night they met, and how she was excusing herself to go home for the night, but something about Samuel had held her there. The two of them staying out all night like teenagers.

"Maybe it's like what Humans mean by a soulmate," Remy offered. "Some people swear everyone has one, others don't believe in them. But Humans have been talking about finding their soulmate for centuries." She reached an arm out from under the blanket and touched the back of his hand. The simple touch, her fingertips against his skin sent a surge of warmth through her veins, and her eyes closed as she processed the sensation.

"I don't know that I really had an opinion, or much of a reason to think too much about it one way or another before." She leaned against his chest, still sitting on his lap where he had situated her earlier. "Your legs must be falling asleep by now," she added, a hint of laughter in her voice.

He smiled lovingly at her, as he replied. "There isn't anywhere else in all of creation, that I would rather be, than right here, with you." He leaned in and kissed her gently on her lips.

"Me either," she murmured just before his lips met hers. She closed her eyes, the tenderness of his kiss seeming to melt her trepidation away. Forgetting about the blanket, her hands reached out to his biceps, gripping on to the defined muscles in his arms and his shoulders. Even though he already had her in an embrace, she pulled him closer, holding on to him tightly.

She pressed her forehead against his, their noses brushing against one another. "Even the first night we met, in your bar. I couldn't walk away from you. This thing you told me about El Aurians, finding the person who has the other half of their soul. Is it always mutual?"

A bit breathless from their kiss and how she was making him feel, Samuel nodded slowly, not wanting to shake Remy's head too much. "Yes...and once a bond is formed...nothing can ever separate them again." He kissed her again, this time with more passion and heat.

Remy met his passion with her own burning desire. Breathless, she responded, "I guess there's no point in fighting it." Her eyes dropped down and gazed over his body before her eyes met his. "I've just never felt anything like this. And I have no control over it." She shook her head helplessly, her eyes open and vulnerable - the windows to her soul that she was now laying bare for Samuel to take. The air felt thick between them as she looked back into his own eyes. "I love you," she finally whispered.

Samuel could feel the difference in Remy. When he looked into her eyes, he saw the vulnerability that she was sharing with him. He knew then, without a doubt, that this woman was the one to fill in the emptiness in his soul. He swallowed the knot that was threatening to form in his throat. "I love you too." He pulled her in, kissing her deeply again, as they slowly rotated back down onto the thick rug they were sitting on. They spent the rest of the afternoon with one another, joining their lives together, physically and emotionally.

Outside the sun was hanging low on the horizon, casting an orange glare on the lake. Remy looked up from their spot on the rug and saw that it would likely be dark soon, though she admittedly hadn't looked into the length of sunsets on Barisa Prime.

"Whose going to bring our clothes in for us?" She asked, poking him gently in the ribs.

Samuel chuckled softly, then replied. "If you promise to keep my spot warm, then I will go get them."

"I'll always keep your spot warm, but you're going to have to feed me first," Remy said smiling back. "Aren't you hungry? I'm starving."

Samuel smiled, then nodded. "I could eat." He kissed her lightly on her lips, then shifted her over a little, so he could stand up. As their clothes were all outside, he moved to the door, completely nude. He opened the door and stepped outside.

A few moments later, he returned, carrying both their clothes that they had left on the dock, and their bags. After setting everything down, he grabbed his pants and slipped them on, sans underwear. As he closed them, he looked over at Remy and asked, "What would you like to eat, sweetheart?"





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