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Fansy meeting you here part 2.

Posted on Sat Sep 14th, 2024 @ 12:54pm by Lieutenant JG Xalanth & Lieutenant JG Fulvia

536 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave & Ship Repairs
Location: Barisa Prime

" So, how are the girls?" Fulvia said softly as she leaned against her mate. Their reunion had been passionate, as could be seen from the torn clothing thrown about the room. Not many of the nights they'd spent together had been passionate.

" Lersi and Lwiari miss you dearly as do the others. Yazar would like her hunt mother back. " Xalanth replied honestly as he gripped her tighter. Tilting his head to get a better look at her smile he added. " So what's your mission and how can i help?"

" You know it's classified...." She replied fluttering her eyelashes as a smile spread over her face. " But i know you keep a secret. "

Shifting herself so she was completely on top of her red lizard lover she looked right into his yellow eyes. " Starfleet found a ring of the Orion syndicate operating out of here. My team was sent to locate their operatives. Due to the nature some of us took on alter personas. "

And of course, the ex-gladatrix ends up as an Orion animal woman Xalanth " I take it you've located them?"

" Yes, I've found the members in the local police and cargo docks. It's amazing how easily they start blabbing when surrounded by animal women with a few beers down their throats. We're only missing the leader who goes by J. If we can locate her we can eliminate the whole group in one move, but so far no luck." She said letting out a slight sigh as she placed her head on her mate's chest.

" And you are stuck here till you find her?"

" Got it one." Fulvia said frustratedly

" So what can your mate do for you to help you put the bad guys away? " Xalanth replied gently moving some of Fulvias hair to the side.

The disguised Nova Roman gave a grin as she slid off her lizard mate and began gathering up what was left of her dancing outfit. Quite a lot of it hadn't survived their night of passion. Thank the gods for replicators. " i could use your help checking out a few targets, but i'd need an excuse to get out of here."

" Well, there is one thing i can do to keep you at my side my dear," Xalanth said somehow an even bigger grin as he reached over to where his jacket lay. " You are an animal woman after all."

Fuliva smirked slightly as a beep came from her personal computer. One request for a loan of her contract for the week. " You really know how to show me a good time don't you, my lord and husband?" With a flick of her green fingers, she accepted. This would help anyway her boss at the club had been wondering why she didn't accept private contracts.

" So you get yourself cleaned up and I'll go and get some of the gear you have me keep under the bed. Then the two of us can go and give the syndicate another headache?"

Fulvia grinned as she nodded as her husband departed in a teleport. True someone at intel head was going to be furious that he'd gotten involved but now she felt they had this operation in the bag.


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