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Posted on Sun Sep 1st, 2024 @ 11:47pm by Lieutenant JG Jezra Siv MD

974 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Character Backstories
Location: Sol, Starfleet Shipyards
Timeline: Prior to arrival

After the commencement concluded and people were free to mingle, Jezra stepped off to the side to stare at the shiny new Sovereign class ship on the other side of the giant windows. The dress uniform was not helping that tight knot in their throat as their eyes skimmed the large USS Colossal-A text printed across its hull. The Nova class ship that originally bore the name couldn’t be repaired, and Starfleet realized that if they were to continue exploration in the Gamma Quadrant, something other than a science vessel should be the one to do it.

“You know, there is still a place for you there.”

Turning around, Jezra gave a small smile to the familiar face, approaching him to give him a hug. “Marcus Pariski, the one and only.” The tousled sandy-colored hair almost seemed messy compared to the dress uniform. “It’s been so long.”

Marcus returned the hug. It had been three years since they were in the same room together. Three years since he got the ship back to starbase, damaged beyond repair and a cargo hold full of corpses. “Jezra, it’s great to see you.” Pulling back, he rested his hands on her shoulders and looked her over. There was a different air around her, like she seemed wiser. “You look healthy, and… different." He tilted his head slightly. "Are you joined now?”

Jezra’s smile widened as she looked up at him. “That obvious, huh? You don’t look too bad yourself. Finally lost those baby cheeks of yours.” To emphasize the point, they reached up and gently pinched one of his cheeks.

Her words made Marcus chuckle. “You talk like you’re a hundred years old. That must be your other half, which, nice to meet you, …?”

“Siv,” Jezra answered. He was right, her mannerisms had changed since being joined with Siv. The old Jezra wouldn’t have pinched his cheek like that.

After a couple seconds, they separated. The silence that followed as they both turned their attention to the ship outside was slightly tense, an unspoken understanding of the history present. The ship outside brought back memories. It was the most tight-knit crew Jezra had been a part of. A group of them would gather in the mess hall twice a week to play games, and the competition in the room would be stifling at times. The Cidrin Battle loomed over all of it, dousing those memories in a dark shadow.

Eventually, Jezra broke the silence. “That was a great speech, by the way. I’m sure Linora would have been proud.”

The mention of their former captain made Marcus dip his head slightly. The loss of Linora Richardson was devastating, especially for the two of them. Watching her get injured during the battle was hard enough, he could only imagine what Jezra had felt when the captain was ushered into sickbay. “She probably would have,” he sighed. The extra pip on his collar felt heavy. “I didn’t quite expect my first command to be, well…”

A nod followed as Jezra let a pause settle between them, knowing exactly what he wanted to say. While it was great that Marcus finally got his first command, it… really sucked to know that the ones who would have wanted to see it were gone. The ship outside was a bittersweet reminder that he would be filling Linora’s shoes. “You’ll do great,” Jezra said, resting a hand on his shoulder.

Marcus glanced at Jezra and gave her a smile. “The offer stands, you know. The ship is docked until we get a crew, and sickbay is in need of a doctor…”

A slow sigh came from Jezra as they looked back toward the ship. There were opposing forces inside them trying to decide if they wanted to return to the ship or stay away. “I would love to, Marcus, but I can’t.” They removed their hand from his shoulder, letting it fall awkwardly to their side. “It’s been three years, but what happened at Cidrin is still… there.”

Marcus understood, his smile fading. If anyone understood, it was him. It was unsurprising that that battle still haunted the Trill. Sometimes, his own memories of that day would keep him up at night. “Hey, it’s alright. The Cidrin Battle was a hard time for all of us. Just know that you will always be welcome on the Colossal.”

“I appreciate it,” Jezra replied with a melancholy smile. Maybe someday, she could return to the ship, but today would not be that day. “Besides, I have to head out soon to get to my new posting. I’ll be on the Astrea, by the Romulan neutral zone.”

Knowing this would be the last time they saw each other for a while wasn’t easy. It was the same jab to the stomach he felt when the surviving crew of the Colossal got reassigned. Marcus turned his silvered eyes back to the ship outside. “Let’s try to keep in touch, Jezra. It will be hard due to the distance, but I missed your company over the last couple years.”

The feeling was mutual. “Agreed. You can tell me about all the trouble you get into in the Gamma Quadrant,” Jezra lightly teased. Giving him one last hug, they added, “and see if you can keep up the twice-a-week game night. That’s a Colossal tradition.”

Marcus smiled, giving her a light squeeze with his hug. “I’ll try.” The hug lasted for a few extra seconds before he finally, regretfully, pulled away. “Don’t be surprised if your new captain gets a good word from me,” he said with a wink.

Jezra laughed, giving him a light slap to the shoulder. “I appreciate it, Commander.”


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