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Prime Waterfall Tour, Part 1 Setting Out

Posted on Sun Sep 1st, 2024 @ 4:39pm by Lieutenant JG T'lenn & Ensign Charlotte Dawes & GM Nicole & Lieutenant Phaedrae Cyn & Lieutenant JG Xalanth & Lieutenant JG Jason Williams III

1,747 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave & Ship Repairs
Location: Barisa Prime
Timeline: MD: 2


A perky Denobulan woman with blonde hair smiled with excitement at the base of the trail. She was wearing a short tunic with about ten different shades of blue in a blended pattern and a matching pair of solid blue pants.

"Starfleet tours are always so much fun," she said in bubbly voice. "So respectful as a group of people, really appreciative of nature. Don't you agree darling?" She looked to her husband - one of her husbands, who was her partner for this endeavor today with a sparkle in her eye.

"Ohhhh, yes indeed my love. Very fit too," he added holding up a pointed finger. "If you enjoy this tour today, we certainly have more challenging tours we'd be happy to offer you. We can discuss that later. For now let us enjoy the moment, shall we? I'm Jex, and my wife Lana will be be your tour guides today. And we are so looking forward to it."

The man looked up to the clear sky took a deep breath in through his nose and out through his mouth. "Wonderful to be one with nature isn't it?"

"It certainly can be," Phaedrae agreed in a chipper tone of voice. She was pleased to see she was not the only person who would be engaged in this tour group. Safety in numbers, maybe she could even relax a bit?

Charlotte couldn't help but be amused by the pair. If they kept up this energy it was going to be an interesting excursion. "So how long of a hike to the waterfall and springs?" she asked. She shielded her eyes from the sun as she looked up the trail. The mountains had an orange hue, to them, there wasn't a lot of vegetation, but the trail took a sharp turn ahead and she lost sight of where it went.

"Oh we can go as fast or slow as you like," Jex responded. "No hurry, no hurry. An hour, maybe two. We can stop and rest, or look at the sights along the way, or just go straight there. We're here to make the experience yours."

The next to arrive was Xalanth the red lizard had an enormous smile on his reptilian face. At his side was a beautiful Orion woman though few were among that species who didn't look beautiful. " Hello everyone hope we're not late. This is Vennaa." He said indicating his companion who curtsied.

Phaedrae nodded an acknowledgement to Xalanth and Vennaa, then redirected her attention to Jex and Lana. "How often do you run this excursion?"

Charlotte has leaned against a rock to check her shoes. She looked up at the Dragonian's approach. She'd been stuck in Sickbay pretty much nonstop for the last few weeks and hadn't met - or seen him on board yet, but heard rumors of his arrival.

"Hi, I'm Charlie," she said with a sheepish wave trying to not look like she was gawking. "I'm a nurse on board. I don't think we've met."

"Hello Charlie it's nice to meet you," Xalanth replied giving her a warm smile in reply. "Beautiful looking planet isn't it."

"Same to you," Charlotte responded. "And it certainly is. I feel guilty, but I'm kind of glad I didn't get stuck going with the medical team." Charlotte turned to look at the Orion. "Venaa is it? Are you assigned to the Astrea? I don't think I've heard of you?"

"Oh, I'm not Starfleet. There was a nasty barfight at the club i work at. This wonderful lizard broke it up and helped me with my twisted ankle. Least i can do is show him around so I've let him hold my contract while he's here." Vennaa replied with a smile on her face as she leaned over and kissed Xalanth affectionately on the side of his head. All lies off course but one would be hard pressed to see.

In reality, Xalanth and Fulvia had been snooping about the tourist regions checking out one of Intel's leads. So far nothing, but it was more suspects off the list.

"Well, nice to meet you," Charlie said with a smile.

"Is there room for two more?" Jason called out, as he and T'lenn approached the group.

"Of course, of course!" Jex exclaimed walking toward the pair with open arms. "The more the merrier," He exclaimed and excitable and chipper smile on his face.

T'lenn posture straightened a bit in as a reflex to the Denobulan's exuberant energy that seemed to be aimed in their general direction. "Thank you, we appreciate your hospitality," she managed with little surprise to her voice.

Lana looked at the trailhead as if to refresh her memory. "Oh this is one of the more popular ones, so once, maybe twice a week sometimes. We have a few others that we run. My third husband and his second wife take one up to a similar style location much higher up the mountain. A more challenging course for those looking for actual climbing. This is more of a gentle hike."

Phaedrae secured her hair in a low ponytail as Lana answered her question. "That's an interesting name for a tour company," she pointed to the logo on Lana's shirt which said, "Three Hour Tour." Phaedrae donned a brimmed cap, protecting her eyes from the sun in the cloudless sky. "I once heard of a three hour tour which lasted three years."

"Oh dear, we certainly try to have everyone back for supper," Jex announced. "But when people are enjoying the springs and such we'll stay as long as you like. Three years. We've never seen that happen here. There was that one fellow who did that 9 month excursion, do you remember his name dear?"

Lana picked up a pack. "We can think of it on the way. I'm sure everyone is eager to get started, aren't we?" She asked, her Denobulan features making her smile appear extra pronounced.

"Yes," Phaedrae replied. "Let's see what this world has to offer."

Jason grinned as he double-checked the laces on his hiking boots. "You ready, sweetheart?" He asked as he looked over at T'lenn.

Jason's use of the term of endearment in public caused her to give him a brief dispassionate look. Somewhat perplexed at the nature of his question she responded, "We were both prepared when we left the suite this morning. My status has not changed."

While Jason caught the look, he didn't make mention of it, save to give her a silent dip of his head in apology. He then chuckled softly, as he responded. "It was a figure of speech, T'lenn. Certainly, it is logical to ensure one is fully ready when experiencing something new, isn't it?

T'lenn tilted her head slightly at Jason's response. "An interesting application," she replied, raising a curious eyebrow.

"Lieutenant Cyn," T'lenn said redirecting her attention to the Trill. "I shall look forward to spending time with you outside of work hours."

"Then please, you don't need to use rank when addressing me off the clock. You can call me Phaedrae."

"Very well, Phaedrae," T'lenn replied cordially. "Have you had an opportunity to meet Jason. He is with the Starfighter division. Jason, Phaedrae and I have worked together on a sensitive project in the labs."

Jason grinned politely as he stepped forward and extended his right hand in friendship. "Pleasure to meet you. Any friend of T'lenn, is a friend of mine. What field of science do you focus on?"

"I'm a student of many fields and master of none. But for Starfleet, I work in the intelligence division," Phaedrae accepted the handshake. "Have you done many nature hikes?"

"A few," the young pilot replied. "Though, to be fair, they were more the walk to the cliff face that I would freeclimb."

Phaedrae took a sip from her water bottle, then clipped it to her belt. "Well, I pray this hike isn't too mundane for you. There were no promises for adrenaline rushes in the brochure I read."

Jason smiled good-naturedly. "Any time spent with friends, is a good time, Phaedrae."

"Nice to meet all of you." Xalanth said walking over to introduce himself to the shipmates he'd yet to meet.

Jason looked over at the red reptilianoid. He offered his right hand in friendship. "Hi! Lieutenant Jason Williams III, resident Starfighter Squadron Leader and daredevil."

"T'lenn, science officer," the Vulcan stated giving a nod in acknowledgement."

"Xalanth assistant chief of security." the red lizard replied with the warmest smile his reptilian face could manage." This is my friend Vennaa." he said indicating his orion companion who smiled.

"A pleasure to meet you both," T'lenn responded somewhat stiffly. She was not being rude, it was just one of several Federation pleasantries that still felt unfamiliar on her Vulcan tongue.

Lana snapped her fingers over her head and gave a little joyful hop. "It looks like our cozy little Starfleet tour is ready. Please, please follow me. My husband will bring up the rear - make sure no one is left behind." She gave a large gesture with her left arm and took off up the trail.

Xalanth never being able to shake the, as the humans called it, watchdog habit took the rear of the group, the orion at his side. " It's a very nice planet you have here Jex. " He said to the Denobulan.

"It is quite lovely. A little something for everyone, I like to think," Jex responded proudly. "Though, we've only been here around five years or so now. What else do you have planned for your stay here?"

"Oh mostly spend some time with my lovely lady over here." Xalanth replied putting his arm around the Orion. " Oh I'll be showing my knight in shining armour around the city, show him the sights and such." she added. In reality, the two of them would be hunting the mysterious J. The head of the orion syndicate cell who been trying to establish a foothold on this world.

"Such a wonderful place to spend time with a loved one," Jex said with a token Denobulan smile. "You will simply love the springs on this tour. When we get back, I can show you some of the many other amenities the planet has to offer - especially for couples looking to enhance their pleasure."

Xalanth smiled as he looked over at his disguised mate who answered. " Thank you I'm sure we will both appreciate it. "



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