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What's a Place Like You, Doing in a Girl Like This?

Posted on Thu Oct 17th, 2024 @ 1:48am by Corporal Eden McKenzie & Civilian Tyson Miller

3,300 words; about a 17 minute read

Mission: Side Plots
Location: Red Lamb Tavern
Timeline: MD4

After finishing his inspection of their new ship, Tyson decided to go back into town and get a drink. After he entered the Red Lamb Tavern, he made his way to the bar, sitting down on an empty stool, ordering a beer, then asking to see a menu.

Eden was still on shoreleave for the next few days and had begrudgingly agreed to meet some of her friends at a tavern for some drinks and some fun before they went back on duty. Unfortunately, they weren't there when she arrived, so she decided to take a seat at the bar, and anyone who paid any attention to her would have seen that she didn't fit in whatsoever.

She had dressed in a pair of blue jeans, a white camisole with a light and long flowy tan cardigan and matching boots, and her hair was out for once so the blue streaks in it showed. The dress she normally wore would have to wait for another day. She waved down the bartender for a menu at the same time the guy sitting next to her did, so she apologized and went bright red, "Sorry, you were after a menu? You have this one, I'll get another."

Tyson noticed the attractive brunette as soon as she sat down next to him. Giving her a slight grin, he replied. "Please, you can have this one. Or perhaps, we could share it? Tyler's my name."

Eden's eyes went wide at the greeting, and she nodded, "Yeah, sure. Yeah, we can share a menu." She wasn't able to meet his eyes if he was staring at her, "I-I'm Eden. Sorry, I'm not real good with people."

Tyson could feel Eden's unease as she spoke. In a surprisingly calm voice, he replied. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Eden. That's a very nice name you have there. It suits you." He then looked at the bartender and made his drink order. Glancing back at Eden, he asked, "What would you like to drink?"

Eden blushed, "Thanks, I guess I've grown to like it too." Just to add in a pun and a small laugh, "I'll go for a lime and bitters with soda please. I'm meant to be meeting some friends here but I can't see them and I don't know where they are."

Tyson glanced to the bartender, who nodded and started making their drinks, then turned his attention back to Eden. "Well then, I'm glad to help you pass the time until they arrive." Their drinks arrived as he finished speaking. Lifting his, he held it out for a toast. "To meeting new people."

Eden lifted her glass in toast as well and smiled as she visibly relaxed slightly, "To meeting new people." Clearing a bit more of the drink than she should have, Eden made a happy little sound before she hiccupped slightly, "So what are you doing here then? Aside from picking up random girls at the bar?"

"Me?" He asked with a charming grin. "I'm just a simple pilot, waiting for my boss to decide on what the next job will be. What about you?" He sat back a little and gave her a thoughtful look. "I see you as working your way up to the center seat of your own ship." He gave her another charming and disarming grin as he spoke.

He thought she was Starfleet, that was cute. She shook her head, "If by that, you mean through fixing it all, then you're on some sort of right track." His grin was similar to how Alex used to smile, so she grinned back and looked at him under her lashes.

Tyson chuckled softly. "So, you're an engineer then? That's impressive. What ship do you serve on, if I may ask?"

"I never said anything about being an engineer, did I? I simply enjoy fixing things." Eden replied quietly as she received her drink and took a sip of it, "You look like you should be in Starfleet yourself though?"

Tyson's eyes darkened at her suggestion. However, he recovered quickly. "I was once. Now, I'm a private contractor. Anyone who needs a pilot, and can afford my price, I'll fly for them."

She'd clearly just struck a nerve and he was a pilot too. It was like meeting Alex all over again and she felt her anxiety flare up once more, causing a tapping tick to start up in her left hand. "And what's your price for not flying for someone?" Once she realised she was tapping, Eden covered it by picking up her drink and took a long sip from it while she waited for him to reply.

Tyson thought about it, then grinned and looked her in the eye, as he replied. "Another round and a delicious dinner?"

"Smooth. I like it." Eden admitted as she still held onto the drink, the anxiety still remaining firmly in place, "Is this your way of asking me out on a date?"

He shrugged slightly, then gave her a handsome grin as he replied. "Only if it's working." He gave her a quick, flirty wink.

"I'd say it's working," Eden smiled back as she leaned one elbow on the bar and was now facing him, "As long as we can go somewhere quieter? Even just a street vendor to start off with?" She looked back down at her drink, "I should probably let my friends know though."

He nodded and grinned. "Whatever you'd like. It can get a bit rowdy in here." He paid for their drinks, then stood. "If you want, I'll wait outside, give you some privacy, while you call your friends."

"Thanks," Eden replied with a small smile and a bit of a blush.

As if magically summoned, three clearly off-duty women walked into the tavern, talking and laughing. One brunette was Francesca, the other was Jenn and the blonde was Sarah, and all three were the friends Eden had been waiting for. Jenn knew Eden the best and was scanning the room for her, her face lighting up when she was spotted. All three walked up to Eden and each of them hugged her.

"Sorry we're late, Sarah didn't know where to go and she got us lost," Jenn said in her always bubbly tone with a laugh and a smile to match. "I hope you weren't waiting too long for us!" piped up Francesca.

At last, Eden could feel the anxiety and shyness disappearing as she commented, "I was actually just about to let you know that I wasn't going to be hanging around... I may have met someone and we're going out somewhere quieter to get some food." She blushed bright red and smiled, pointing to where Tyson was, "That's him over there. Tyson."

"Okay, okay, we won't ask questions until afterwards," Sarah said with a cheeky grin on her face before Jenn added, "If you need us for anything, or if your anxiety starts playing up, you know where we are, okay?" She gave Eden a concerned look because she knew how she could get.

"I know and thank you. I'll see you later tonight." Eden made her way back to where Tyson was standing away from the crowd and said to him, "Those were the friends. As much as they look out for me when we go out, they're exhausting sometimes."

He gave her a soft grin as he replied. "Hey, exhausting or not, it's good to have friends that you know have your back." He offered his left arm to her as he finished speaking. "Now, shall we hunt down that quiet spot?"

She looped her arm through his and followed his lead as they walked, "Anywhere, out on the streets, I don't mind where we find that quiet spot. I feel like you know more about this place than I do, so I'll follow your lead."

Tyson grinned as he led Eden out onto the busy street. As they walked, he responded. "Truth be told, I've only been here a few days myself." As they walked, he guided her to a quieter section of town, less touristy, and more locals. "Though, I have found a few gems."

They came to a medium-sized mobile kitchen, the chef behind the counter a male Denobulan, his helper, a younger teenaged Klingon/Denobulan hybrid. "Welcome! Please, have a seat," the chef smiled broadly at both Eden and Tyson. "Please, have a seat, let me know what I can cook up for you!"

Tyson looked at Eden questioningly. "How's this for quiet?"

Eden felt herself go slightly red and she nodded as she took a seat at one of the little tables, "This is perfect." She slung the small bag she'd been carrying over the back of her chair. "Sorry, I think I should have led with the fact that I have a really bad case of social anxiety and loud places really aren't my scene unless I'm wth those girls."

Looking up at the menu above the counter, Eden saw there were probably too many options and she looked to Tyson for confirmation, "What would your go to dish be?"

Looking up from his own menu, he considered her question briefly. "Hmm...I guess, it would be a dish my father introduced me to, Cheeseburgers, with well done french fries, covered in melted cheese and crumbled bacon." He grinned, then asked. "What about you?"

"To be honest, I've never had a cheeseburger before." Eden admitted, earning a look from Tyson. "My family lives what you would call a hippy kind of lifestyle, hence my name, and they don't believe in anything processed. So I'll try one of those as well."

Tyson grinned and nodded, then placed their order with the cook. While their food was being prepared, he looked back at Eden, and asked, "So, you've been a bit vague as to what you do. Care to expound upon it? You are in Starfleet, aren't you?"

"What makes you so sure I'm in Starfleet?" Eden replied with a knowing smile. "I don't think I give off that vibe?"

He leaned in and whispered softly into her ear. "I'm half Betazoid. I can feel your emotions. They spike every time Starfleet is mentioned."

"Of course you are," Eden rolled her eyes and chuckled slightly, "Okay fine, I'm a combat engineer in the Marines. Like I said before, I have social anxiety and I prefer fixing things and being behind the scenes rather than doing front line kind of stuff." She looked at him as she twirled the bottom of her hair around her finger, "Is that what you wanted to hear?"

Tyson considered her for a few beats, his dark eyes seeming to take all of her in and look deep into her soul. "Truthfully, I'd rather hear more about the real you." His voice was perfectly smooth, making it sound like she was the most important thing in his life.

"The real me? Are you sure you don't want the sweet, cosy version of me instead?" She asked.

Reaching out, he laid his left hand over her right, squeezing it gently. "The truth is much more interesting," his voice soft, quiet, as if there was no one else around them.

The sudden touch of his hand felt like electricity sparking through her own and surely he would've been able to feel and see her blush a bright red, "Oh, um, I don't know what you want to hear? I don't want to trauma dump onto you, so I'll just say I play guitar, enjoy painting because it's really soothing, and when I get a chance, I like to go horse riding."

Tyson nodded as he listened. "That's impressive. I can't even hold a tune or paint the broad side of a space station. However, if you want to fly or freeclimb a cliff face...I'm your man."

She knew he was pilot because he'd mentioned it before but Eden still felt a pang of sadness at the mention of it because of what happened to Alex, "I think I'd rather watch you freeclimb than partake in it, if I'm being honest. How about you do the crazy things and I do the safe things?"

He grinned at her, then replied, "or we could come up with our own crazy things to do?"

Eden was starting to feel a bit more comfortable, so she could relax a bit, "Oh yeah, and what do you propose we do that's crazy?"

Tyson could feel her ease with him growing, so he made a show of considering options. "Hmmm...we could....go for a midnight swim, down on the beach....or....grab a speeder and head our of town, find a quite lake somewhere, and go for a skinny dip?"

"So two options involve swimming, or we head out of town? I like the idea of a midnight swim though, so once we've eaten we could go?" Eden replied.

Tyson gave Eden a soft grin and nod of his head. "I know just the spot."

She rolled her eyes and gave him a small laugh before rolling her eyes again, "Of course you know a spot." She watched as the food came out looking greasy and delicious at the same time. "OH wow, these look amazing."

As they ate, they talked more, getting to know one another more. For the most part, what Tyson told Eden was truth. He told her that he had been in Starfleet, but had resigned his commission after his brother had died. He did not tell her the exact details of how he left service, feeling that that was his own business.

Later, after leaving the mobile kitchen, they finally reached the location that he had mentioned earlier. It was a nice, secluded spot, far enough between two hotels that they wouldn't be disturbed. He started to remove his clothing, revealing his well-built and toned physique in the twin moonlight.

Eden became more selfconscious of herself and how she looked as she watched him undress, careful not to stare at him too much before she started to take off her own clothing with the boots and cardigan first up. Once she had gotten down to her underwear as well, Tyson would be able to see that there were scars along her ribs that went underneath her chest area and up her center. It was something Eden was always conscious about showing people, not knowing how they'd react.

Before he could say anything, Eden hopped in the water gracefully and let herself acclimatise to the temperature, which was surprisingly warm, and stayed near the edge of the pool, "Are you going to stand there looking like a young God, or are you going to get in the water too?"

Smirking playfully, Tyson took two long strides, then dove into the water, his form a perfect streamline. After a couple of beats, he finally emerged, a few inches in front of Eden. His dark eyes locked on hers as he reached out for her, gently pulling her to him.

Eden could've sworn right there and then about how close he was to her, but she let herself be guided toward him. She noticed the tattoos on his forearm and thought how it was unique to have bumblebees tattooed, assuming that Daniel would probably be a family member, but she wouldn't pry unless the information was offered. Why did it feel like he was able to look into her soul and make her feel like there was no one else at the same time though? Clearing her throat slightly, "Um, hi."

Tyson had a soft grin on his face, almost tender, as he reached up and gently caressed her face, then moved his hands to her upper arms. "Hi," he replied quietly, before leaning in and kissing her gently on her lips. He could feel the growing emotions in her, and he found the sensation invigorating.

The kiss was unexpected but not entirely unwarranted or unwanted. Considering Tyson was the first guy Eden had kissed since Alex had passed away, the experience wasn't completely lost on her. Moving her arms to rest on his shoulders with her hands at the back of his neck, Eden leaned back in and kissed him again with a bit more passion.

When she slid her hands behind his neck, Tyson wrapped his arms around Eden, pulling her against him, his muscles rippling slightly as he held her close. He found both the taste of her lips, and her emotional build-up very enticing, and was quickly becoming aroused by her.

Eden wrapped her legs around his waist and let him take control of the situation. After all, she had willingly followed a stranger she'd only met a couple hours ago to a secluded spot with no one else around.

Holding Eden against his body, a deep, hungry growl vibrated in his chest when she wrapped her legs around him. Tyson increased the passion of their kissing, as he moved them to the edge of the pool. Once there, he pinned her body against it, then started to move his hands over everything he could easily reach.

"Mm, Tyson," Eden said as she made to push him off her a bit so she could have a bit of breathing room and looked at him, "Slow it down a bit, okay? I'm not going anywhere, and the world isn't ending just yet, so we have plenty of time."

Tyson blushed slightly, though his smile never wavered. "Forgive me. I was taking in by just how beautiful you are. I didn't mean to cause you any discomfort." Though her legs were still wrapped around his waist, he allowed her to make the next move. "We will go as fast or as slow as you are comfortable with."

She acknowledged his apology and moved so that she was still against the edge of the pool but standing on her own feet, even if it was her tiptoes, and added, "You're such a smooth talker and I'm pretty sure you're aware of it too, right? Well," she walked her fingertips up his chest, "I think you're going to have to try a bit harder. Pun intended." But I do appreciate the compliment." There were no traces of the anxiety she normally would be feeling for it had been replaced with flirtiness.

Tyson grinned slightly. "I just speak from the heart, Eden. I knew you are a very special woman, and I want very much to get to know all there is to know about you. If you're willing, of course."

"And how is this going to benefit me? How am I going to know that you're not just going to take advantage of me through that and then just drop me?" She queried with a raised brow, not seeing the situation for what it was, "Or are you being genuine?"

He considered her question, knowing that it was a good one, and he had to be careful. Finally, he replied. "You will have to trust me, just as much as I'll have to trust you. We both could hurt the other, if that was our intentions. All I can do, is show you through my actions."

It was a long moment of Eden looking at Tyson with her hands on his chest and his hands on her hips before she nodded and answered, "Okay, I'll trust you."

Tyson smiled warmly, he could feel that, while she was still a little apprehensive, she was being honest. He then leaned in, kissing her again, though this time, it was slower, more deliberate, more passionate.

~Fade to Black~

Corporal Eden McKenzie
Combat Engineer
(NPC - Andersen)


Civilian Tyson Miller
(NPC - Spello)


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