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Work In Progress

Posted on Fri Oct 18th, 2024 @ 3:55am by Lieutenant JG T'lenn & Lieutenant JG Jason Williams III

1,811 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave & Ship Repairs
Location: Jason and T'lenn's Hotel Room
Timeline: Mission Day 2, After an Emotional Response.

While T'lenn was gathering herself in the comfort of Jason's arms there was a notification at the door that room service had arrived.

His attention distracted slightly, Jason looked back at T'lenn as he said, "Sounds like the food is here." He gave her a quick, gentle kiss on her lips, then made his way to the door.

Decided that she would be more comfortable if she got herself together at least somewhat, she quickly dressed, putting on a soft short sleeve shirt and losse fitting pants. She smoothed the clothes out over her body removing imaginary wrinkles, her hair still damp and somewhat tangled from the shower.

As Jason brought the food into the room, T'lenn's senses perked, surprised at how good everything smelled. Her eyes widened. She was still quite hungry from when she'd mentioned wanting to eat earlier.

"Shall we take the meal on the balcony?" T'lenn asked. She was still speaking slightly faster than was typical for her.

After accepting the cart of covered dishes from the kitchen steward, Jason nodded and grinned. "Sure! That sounds lovely, sweetheart." He then pushed the small hovercart through their room, then our through the open doors, onto the balcony. He then started to set the small table for them while T'lenn investigated the food choices.

T'lenn immediately took an empty plate and started putting at least one of everything on it, even the two meat dishes that were brought up, quickly building a plate that was more food than Jason had seen her eat in one sitting. She took a cup and poured some orange juice in it - she'd always claimed the flavors were too strong, both sweet and sour at once. However, she took a long drink of the orange juice before sitting down. The natural sugars began to revive her worn out body and mind and she appreciated the different flavors on her taste buds. It was much more exotic than anything produced on Vulcan.

She finally sat down and reached for a fork and knife, starting first with a piece of bacon.

Jason watched her with a curious smile on his face. He then filled his own plate, with a few slices of french toast, scrambled eggs, and a couple sausage links. He also filled a bowl with some fruit chunks: pears, cantaloupe and honeydew. After placing his dishes on the table next to hers, he moved back to the cart and poured himself a mug of raktajino. He then sat down next to T'lenn and leaned over, giving her a gentle kiss on her cheek. "I'm glad to see you enjoying the food." He took a few bites of his meal, then asked, after his mouth was empty, "So, aside from Vulcan dishes, which other world's dare do you enjoy?"

T'lenn's mouth was full of food when Jason spoke to her so she had to take a moment to swallow. She had set aside the bacon after cutting off a piece of it and taking a bit. "I am not sure about the bacon. It is an usual texture, but this french toast is delicious," she remarked with some enthusiasm. She placed a portion of scrambled eggs on her fork taking a bite for the first time, her face made a sour expression.

"I do not care for these," she stated plainly. "They taste foul to me."

Jason almost choked on his coffee when he laughed. Putting the mug down, he grabbed his napkin and wiped the hot liquid from his exposed flesh as he continued to cough and laugh.

T'lenn tilted her head and looked at Jason in confusion. "Is something humorous?" She asked. Before he could answer, she took a bite of cantaloupe, internalizing the different flavors. She was still voraciously hungry for some reason.

Once he had recovered, Jason looked over at T'lenn and explained. "You said that the eggs tasted foul, f-o-u-l. Well, the reason that it was funny, was because of two reasons. One, your delivery was perfect, and two, those are bird eggs, and another name for birds, are fowl, f-o-w-l. So you you see, whether you meant it or not, it was a perfect play-on-words joke." He continued to smile at her as he finished speaking.

T'lenn listened to Jason's explanation. "Yes, I understand the humor. I doubt I will be be able to recreate it in a similar scenario. But I am pleased that you were entertained." She attempted a smile, but the muscles in her cheeks weren't familiar with the exercise causing the gesture to look and feel awkward.

Jason reached over and gently squeezed her right hand with his left. "Sweetheart, I don't want you to be anything other than who you are. I love you for both all that you are, and, all that you are not." He brought her hand up to his lips and gently kissed the inside of her palm.

T'lenn had to stop eating for a moment while Jason had taken her hand. She looked at him with tenderness. "You have an uncanny ability to marry logic and emotion when you talk about our relationship and your feelings about me."

T'lenn selected a blueberry muffin out of a basket on the table. "Speaking of marrying. Should we discuss your question to me in the shower?"

He smiled softly and nodded. "What do you wish to discuss about it?"

T'lenn pushed aside her plate and appeared to be deep in concentration. "Do you believe you know me well enough to be certain of your proposal?" She asked.

Jason looked her in he eyes for a few beats, then, with a soft grin on his face, he nodded. "I do. Both my mind and my heart want to start a life with you." He paused, his smile faltering slightly. "Are you starting to second guess your acceptance of my proposal?"

"No, I am not," she stated matter-of-factly. "However, I do not tend to be as impulsive as you can often be. I would not have answered, were it not a future I had already contemplated and determined would be agreeable."

Jason smiled again. Though her choice of words could be seen as cold, he knew different. In the short time they had been together, he felt that he had learned who she was, in her core. It was the reason he knew that he wanted to join his life to hers. "That makes me very happy to hear, T'lenn." He took a breath, then asked, "I suppose we should discuss plans on what kind of ceremony we wish to have, when we want to have the ceremony itself, the various reception plans too. Also, at some point, we should discuss when and how many children we would like to have." He hoped he wasn't going too fast for her, his mind was a whirl of thoughts at the moment.

"These are all very important subjects that we should discuss, and I would expect inquiry from our families on the matters. Have you given much thought to how many children you would like to have? Or how your family may respond to hearing news of such a quick engagement?" T'lenn asked.

Jason thought about it for a moment, then replied. "I'd be happy with any children we are fortunate enough to have, but if I hadtp choose a number, I'd say at least two, so they're not alone growing up. And as for my family, as long as I'm happy, and my prospective mate treats me right, then they'll be fine." He took a sip of his coffee, then reversed the question. "And you? Same questions."

"Two is a logical number," T'lenn agreed. "There are theories that suggest even numbers are better for social development than odd numbers because of the tendency for one to be left out. I suppose it could be argued that being excluded is a character building experience, but generally not one that parents wish to observe their child experiencing."

Jason nodded in agreement, then paused a beat, before repeating, "And how about your family? How will they react to our decision?"

T'lenn leaned across the table as if she were about tell Jason something important, which she was. "They will want to see evidence that we've talked through questions such as these, and contemplated potential difficulties in sharing a life together and still believe ourselves to be compatible with one another." She raised her eyebrows at Jason knowingly. "I doubt you would expect much less from traditional Vulcan parents."

Jason grinned softly, then nodded in understanding. "That makes perfect sense. I'm sure they would also want to ensure that I was a proper match for you." He leaned closer to her, their faces only a couple inches apart. "I will do whatever is required to prove to them that I am." He then closed the distance and kissed her gently on her lips.

T'lenn closed her eyes to receive Jason's kiss. As their lips parted she reached her hand across the table to take his. "I doubt they will have anticipated that I would plan to marry a Human. However, I believe that they will be receptive."

He smiled warmly at her. "I'm sure, once they get to know me, and see how we are together, they'll love me. In their own way, of course."

"I look forward to taking you to Vulcan. I have no doubt it will be an intriguing adventure for the both of us."

"And I'm looking forward to taking you home to my parents." He smiled proudly. "They're gonna love you, sweetheart!"

"I'm sure it would be natural for them to have concerns about whether your emotional needs would be met in a Vulcan partnership," T'lenn responded. "I certainly would not be offended if such questions were raised. I had similar questions when you first start courting my attention."

He nodded and continued to grin as they talked. "The main thing they will hope for, is whether I'm in a relationship with someone who loves me as much as I love them, and that that person is treating me with respect and compassion." Hetook a breath, then added, in a softer voice. "And I already know that you are that person, sweetheart. Do trust me when I tell you, they're gonna love you!"

"While I have been generally skeptical of your optimism in the past, with regards to you and I, you have given me no reason to not trust your judgment. I shall look forward to meeting your parents and the rest of your family," T'lenn replied.

"And I look forward to meeting yours, just as much, sweetheart." Jason gave T'lenn a happy grin as he finished speaking.


Lieutenant JG T'lenn
Science OFficer
USS Astrea
(NPC - Remy)


Lieutenant JG Jason Williams III
Starfighter Squadron Leader
USS Astrea
(NPC - Spello)


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