
Drunken Shenanigans, Part 2 The Shenanigans

Posted on Fri Oct 18th, 2024 @ 4:04am by Lieutenant Eirly Andersen & Lieutenant JG Malcolm Beckett M.D.

2,951 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave & Ship Repairs
Location: Barisa Prime
Timeline: MD 3 or 4... After Part 1

"Leaving it to me to find something crazy and spontaneous then. Aye, no pressure." Malcolm took a longer drink of his scotch and ordered another round of shots when the bartender returned and told them about a karaoke party downstairs.

"Come on, this one's a no-brainer," Eirly said with a mischievous grin. "Reckon you've got what it takes?"

"Enough of these, and I'll at least think I do, and that's all that matters, right?" Malcolm said picking up one of the shot glasses just placed on the counter.

"Oooh, you're such a dangerous man, Mr Beckett." She replied before downing another shot and standing up. "Come on, let's go then."

Malcolm swallowed the last of his whiskey before standing up. "You might as well learn early on how poorly I can carry a tune then. Let's go find this party."

"To be fair, singing is not my forte either, so I think we're even then." Eirly looped her arm through his and they went towards the directions they were given.

The Karaoke party was busy, with the DJ dancing off to the side, as a trio of women were pulling off singing a nice dance number. Malcolm led Eirly over to the screen, and stood behind her with one hand wrapped around her waist while he used the other to scroll through the song selection. He paused over 'Hips Don't Lie,' an old Earth pop song highlighting the best of women's dance moves.

"I like this one. Show you off a bit," he said playfully into her ear.

Eirly felt her cheeks go red and she was acutely aware of his arm wrapped around her waist. It wasn't the first time he'd done that, and it definitely wouldn't be the last, and she knew that it just felt right. Her voice was low and sultry, "I could show you how these hips move later on if you're good..." and she added a playful wink.

They chose an old Earth duet, 'Something Stupid', and were way off-key with their singing. Drinks in hand, Eirly started laughing halfway through it and started to sing Malcolm's part because she wasn't able to sing the breathy tones required.

"Let's give it up for Eirly and Malcolm!" Announced the DJ as the music started fading out. "Come here you guys, come over here before you step down for a second."

Eirly and Malcolm looked at one another briefly wondering what it could be but did as they were told. When they got in front of the booth the DJ said into the microphone, "I just wanted to say, 'I love you," which elicited laughter from the crowd.

Malcolm put his hand on his chest and made a show of acting surprised. "Love you too, Man!" He responded before giving him a wave and shuffling off the stage with Eirly in tow.

Eirly was laughing the entire time they were getting off the stage and it may have had drunken undertones but it was still light, "Wow! We need more drinks in you more often!" She twirled around with her hand in his, "I think the DJ had a bit of crush by the end of our song..." She giggled again.

"I doubt that, I think it was more you he favored," Malcolm said jovially. He took the arm he had in the small of her back and pulled her in front of him, then bear hugged her around the waist, lifting her off the ground momentarily.

"Stay here or something different?" He asked.

"Ah! Put me down!" Eirly squealed and laughed while she was still up in the air. "If we stay here, we're for sure going to lose money because I suck at Dom-Jot, cards and all that, even playing pool. Do they do that here anyway?" She twisted around to face him as she was walking backwards and wrapped her arms behind his neck to kiss him. "How brave are you?"

"I think I'm pretty brave. Courage of a lion. I am Starfleet after all," Malcolm boasted. He wasn't slurring his words yet, but he was speaking in a more exaggerated tone than usual.

"Let's find the nearest pool and go skinny dipping then?" She giggled and bit her bottom lip in a playful way. "Then we'll see how brave you can be!" She liked this more carefree version of Malcolm, even though she still loved him when he was sober, and wondered how long it would take for either one of them to say the L word.

"You think we can find one that no one is watching?" Malcolm asked. "Let's get upstairs and have a peek outside then, shall we?"

"Oooh, a roof top pool maybe?" Eirly said with another giggle. She wanted to see how far she could get with this idea and didn't particularly care for the consequences if they were caught at this point. In her world, it was only her and him, and she was fallling more and more for him with each moment. "But what if we can't find one, what do you want to do after that that's brave?"

"If you want to go skinny dipping, I'll take you skinny dipping," Malcolm promised. He took her by the hand and led her outside where a large zero depth pool snaked off into several directions leading off to swim up bar areas, and around the sides of buildings.

He picked up the pace dragging her along one of the paths that the lazy river took. There were several water features, rock waterfalls and such sectioning off different pools and areas for people to gather from the lazy river. Malcolm found one nestled back away from where they were standing and against a wall, but they would have to swim or jump over a few narrow water ways to get there from where they were.

Malcolm let go over hand and jumped over the narrow river and held out his hand for her, "Come on."

Eirly took his hand and made the jump as well, almost slipping on a wet rock on the way. "Are you sure no one is going to be able to see us here?" She asked as she looked around to make sure there was no one else there.

"Now you're worried? This was your idea," Malcolm joked. "The ledge back there is a bit wider. Plenty of room for our things. If someone did notice us back there, they wouldn't see anything. I'll go first, and get you over."

The drunk blanket was on and in full effect as Eirly removed her jacket and exposed her bare arms to the cold before went one step further and removed the camisole she'd been wearing to reveal the dark blue silk and lace bra and her toned stomach beneath.

Bending down and putting them into a small, neat pile, she looked at Malcolm with a mischievous grin on her face, "I'd be annoyed if I lost this," she hooked her thumb under the bra strap and gave it a small pull, "I know you wouldn't though, right?"

"Barbaric contraptions. I can't believe women still wear those," Malcolm said shaking his head as he pulled off his shoes and socks first, Then threw his jacket and shirt aside.

"Are you sure you are ready for this?"

Eirly looked at him with amusement, "Try being a woman for a day and see how you feel after it. I'm just lucky I manage to keep in some sort of shape and have one that fits me perfectly," She did a little show off of the back of it, "I'm game if you are." Truth be told, she was starting to sober up a little given the hour of the morning, but she was still having fun. Slipping her shoes off and shimmying out of the skirt, she added them to the pile before stepping back toward him.

Malcolm wasn't going to let her stand there naked alone. He quickly got out of his own trousers and tossed them over into the pile of clothes. "Alright, let's do this!" He said excitedly taking a couple of steps and walking off the ledge into the pool with a splash. He turned and looked at Eirly with his arms out wide.

"You gonna stand there and let me look at ye, or get in her with me where the water's perfect?"

Eirly blushed slightly as she tied her hair back up in a messy bun with some strands hanging down. Not being one to jump straight in, she took Malcolm's hands and slid into the water. Good lord was it cold! But he was right: it was perfect, and it almost made her miss the waters back home. Her skin started to bump up everywhere as a result and it was enough to start the sobering up process. Moving toward a deeper part, she put her arms around him, "You're right, the water is perfect. Mind you, this whole night has been perfect too."

Malcolm wrapped his arms around Eirly's waist, swinging her out to an even deeper part where he could still touch, but it was getting a little deep for her, supporting her easily with one hand in the water, so she didn't have to expend any energy staying afloat.

"That's one of the things I love about you. It doesn't matter what we do, you're always having fun and happy. You make life fun," Malcolm said, looking directly into her eyes as he spoke.

"I try my best to see the better side of things, that's all," She shrugged and kept her focus on him, enjoying not having to worry about keeping afloat on her own.

"I just realized we dunnae have towels," Malcolm said laughing. "Not sure what we had planned after this, but we might be looking a bit rough. Like we got caught in a storm or something."

"No one will even look twice at us, don't worry. Plus, at least our hair dries fast and that's why I've got mine up," Eirly said as she pushed his wet hair back with one hand, "Anyway, there's always a shower when we get home too..."

"Already thinking about going home, are you," Malcolm said in a teasing voice, pulling Eirly closer to him and stepping back toward slightly more shallow water.

"Home is a happy place though! Maybe one day we could share it?" She gave him a sweet smile as she could feel the bottom of the pool underneath her again. "But only if that's something you'd want, of course."

"If you think you could put up with me. I hear boys are loud and make quite more of a mess than you are probably used to," Malcolm teased.

She gave him an unamused look and raised an eyebrow, "You forget that I have three brothers and one of them is Kasper." Then she laughed, "If I can put up with them, I'm pretty sure I'd eventually be able to put up with you, my love. Whereas I'm a lazy person, so could you put up with me?"

"How does it feel to be rid of them and living on your own though?" Malcolm asked eyeing her as he tread water despite the shallow depth. "And I have seen you be anything BUT lazy, by the way."

"Oh come on, I'm plenty lazy! There were clothes all over the floor the other day when you stayed!" Eirly exclaimed as she convinced him to move to a different part of the pool so neither of them had to tread water. "And as glad as I am to have my own space, I kind of miss it. Kas and I lived together for a while, and it was amazing because it just worked. I know you and I would be the same if it came to that."

"Aye, I'm sure you're right. Women tend to be better at these things than men," Malcolm said winking at her, before pulling her in close and kissing her on her neck just under her ear. "If you've got a perfect timeline for how things should go, feel free to leave me some notes. I'd had to get something wrong," he whispered into her ear.

She giggled again and leaned as he kissed a ticklish spot that he knew would get a reaction out of her, "Perfect timelines are a myth, but I think this one where we're together is pretty close to it so I'm happy to let it all play out how it's meant to. Plus, a girl can dream about what perfect looks like."

"On the subject of time... you about ready to get out of here?" Malcolm asked, a hungry look in his eyes, as he leaned in and went to kiss the same spot on the other side of her neck.

"Wherever you want to go, whatever you want to do, I'll follow your lead," Eirly playfully pushed him back with a laugh before she moved to get out the pool, realising that it was a good thing she didn't have to worry about trying to put a pair of jeans back on and it was only a skirt. "Come on then," she said with a smirk as she put everything back on, knowing he would have more difficulty than she.

Malcolm used his t-shirt to dry off his feet and legs before pulling on his pants and socks. "Can't stand wet feet for very long if I can help it." He looked at the shirt and thought about putting it on wet but decided against it and put on his blue collared shirt sans the t-shirt, and just carried the undershirt balled up in his hand.

"I don't reckon we got caught. Let's get out of here before someone asks us what we were doing," Malcolm said as he put on his shoes.

"Oh, now who's the troublemaker?" Eirly quipped as she waited for him, "I thought you were meant to be the one who talked people out of doing the risky things, hmmm?" She agreed with the whole wet socks in shoes sentiment though, it was one of her biggest icks.

"Don't look at me, I'm just a doctor. I treat people who are sick. You're the security officer. Your job is literally meant to keep people out of trouble," Malcolm protested. "You dunnae want to know the kinds of trouble we get into after med school finals."

"Touche," Eirly admitted in response as she linked her arm through his, "I've heard the stories from Kas about the trouble. I can picture you being the bad boy who parties too hard, is the absolute life of the party and has a random hook up with someone that gets clingy." She was straight up just teasing him now.

"More like waking up in my buddies' shower stall with no recollection of how I got there," Malcolm said cheerfully. "Or you know, returning the favor and offering them up a couch to find them sleeping on my shower floor the next time."

"You get more and more interesting every time you speak, you know that, right?" Eirly laughed.

"You've never been so drunk you've woken up in a bathtub before?" Malcolm asked incredulously. Surely Kasper's sister had been out a few times before.

She shook her head in reply, "Unlike Kas, I'm the introverted one of us. I've been out a few nights where I've stayed out late andgotten drunk, but nowhere near drunk enough to end up in a bathtub. I've looked after him more times than I can count, if I'm being honest." One of the last times was a night to remember: he went out, rocked up home around 0400 and passed out on the floor in the kitchen, of all places. She leaned in closer to Malcolm as they walked, "If you choose to get that drunk and come home at ungodly hours, I'll make sure I'm awake to look after you though."

Malcolm made a face. "I think those days are pretty much behind me. If we're given a finite amount of those in our life to use up, I'd say I burnt through mine fairly quickly the first two years of medical school. Sounds like you might have some catching up to do though."

"Are you sure about that? Those days being behind you, I mean?" Eirly questioned as she looked to the sky and saw it starting to lighten and realized it was just about sunrise, totally skipping over his comment about her catching up. "Given it's a new day with the suns rising shortly, what do you want to make out of it?"

"Did you want to watch the sunrise before we head back? I'm sure this hotel has a rooftop we could get up to?" Malcolm asked getting the feeling that Eirly wasn't in a hurry to get back to the ship.

"Well, it would be our first sunrise together so I kinda want to watch what it's like from here?" She replied sheepishly.

"First sunrise. I hadn't thought of it that way. We should find ourselves a comfortable spot to get to then, shouldn't we?" Malcolm stated putting his free hand around her waist and pulling her close.

Eirly giggled again and leaned in to kiss him as he pulled her close. The little moments they'd shared together over the last 24 hours were something she'd cherish for as long as they were together, and she hoped there would be many, many more in the future. "Let's go then."


Lieutenant Eirly Andersen
Chief Security Officer
USS Astrea


Lieutenant JG Malcolm Beckett
Medical Officer
USS Astrea



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