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Attention All Hands

Posted on Tue Jan 23rd, 2024 @ 3:54am by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters & Major Clay McEntyre III & Lieutenant Jules Mundy & Lieutenant JG Thivi & Lieutenant JG Joey #640 & Chief Petty Officer Nevan Kayto & Attaché Phesg Tel'im
Edited on on Tue Jan 30th, 2024 @ 2:34am

1,735 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mission 0: Where do we go from here?
Location: Shipwide Announcement
Timeline: MD: -4 Days to Launch, 0745 Hours

After sending off a quick message for senior staff regarding the upcoming announcement, Commander Johansen followed Commander Lorut out of the Ready Room, Lorut making a beeline for the turbolift, and Johansen walking toward the center of the Bridge. The security and operations crews working on the Bridge deck nodded toward her in acknowledgement, but thankfully they had finally stopped turning toward attention every time Johansen came in and out of the room.

"I'm going to be making a ship wide announcement," she told the crew as she went to take a seat at the Conn. "I'll open the channel for you," offered an eager young ensign.

Remy assumed by the offer that the ensign was with Ops. She really did need to start working on names. And why did so many departments wear gold uniforms? "That would be great. Thank you, Ensign," Remy stated as she sat down. Once the channel was open, she began:

"Attention all hands, this is your first officer, Commander Remira Johansen. I have just received word that effective immediately the USS Imperator has been placed on an 8-hour readiness alert. I apologize for the sudden notice, I am relaying this information to you as I am receiving it. Expect new duty rosters implementing the new staffing requirements from your department heads."

Remy continued, "I know that there are many questions about our new Captain. I am told that our new Commanding Officer could be arriving any time, and is aware of our current status, and has even hand-selected many of you for your positions. I wish that I could give you a name, but there are still some moving parts at play. However, I want to assure each and every one of you that the Captain and myself have high expectations of all of you, and full faith in your ability to meet those expectations. See your Department Heads for further instructions later today. Commander Johansen out."

Remy stood up and looked around the Bridge. "Back to work."

In Main Engineering, Winters heard Johansen’s announcement and gathered his officers around the main engineering console. Over the last two days, his team was coming together and arrived from their previous assignments.

“Alright, people, did you hear that? Eight hours. You’re the best in the Fleet, the best in the Quadrant. We can do this. Thisbe, well done with the chip analysis. Thank you. Work with Ensign Phillips on the antimatter pods. Need to know their stable and containment is 100 percent. Halsey, I need a level two diagnostic on the power regulators on deck 37. I’ll handle the warp core and slipstream drive, the rest of you, split up and get readings on the power conduits and plasma injectors. When the new Captain asks for warp, we have to give it to him. End of speech. Let’s move, folks! Eight hours!”

Having just cleared the airlock, Tel'im looked up as the commander's announcement filtered through the ship. She quirked an eyebrow, then turned to the security guard on duty. "Well, I knew we were leaving in four days, but this is news to my ears... You ready for this, Ensign?"

Thisbe beamed but nodded. "Thank you, sir. Let's go, Phillips," she said, practically dragging the man away. "Let's also get that guy from Ops, the cute one. He is handy with a screwdriver," she said.

Vila had, indeed, made a beeline for the Turbolift, on her way down to the main lab. Once there, she found her team had gathered to listen to Johansen's announcement. "Alright, you heard the Commander. 8 hour readiness. We'll do a rotational shift, 8 on, 8 off, on call on your off time-that means SLEEP, don't go and party, ok? Great. Which shift do you want, Ghiram?" She asked. "While you're thinking, I need you and Ensign Harper to secure the propulsion labs, and I'll work on the chemicals with Lt. Soto and Maccafferty can do the Botany lab by herself. We'll do the Astrometrics lab as a team, last. Go," she said, pulling her lab glasses out of the pocket of the labcoat she'd just put on and letting out a sigh. Her botanist would be a last-minute arrival; her transport shuttle had hit a pocket of asteroids and couldn't go as fast as originally thought. She was trying not to panic.

"I'm fine starting now- unlike some people, I take my work seriously." He side-eyed one of the petty officers, who scrambled to a workstation. "Where do you want me?"

Vila nodded. "Don't overwork yourself, but noted," she said. "Like I said, propulsion labs. Make sure they're ready-this fancy new slipstream nonsense might mean that we get to learn Engineering along with our chemistry and anthropology," she said. "And if not, well, then it's ready to go anyway so we can pop the hoses and hit the proverbial road," she said. "Now go. If you'd rather, though, go help MacCafferty in the botany lab and I'll reassign Zelenka to help Dani," she said.

“I’ll take propulsion- I don’t think the warp drive is going explode if MacCafferty drops a trowel. ” Ghiram rolled his eyes and walked away, grabbing a spare datapad off the counter as he made a beeline for the door.

Vila nodded. "Well, considering that the guy in Engineering nearly lost his head, I'd guess she'd be ok, as a trowel has a lower center of gravity. Thanks. Take someone with you," she said. "It only needs to be secure of fodder; after the 8 Hour readiness is over, we'll reassess. Thanks," she said.

"Fodder?" He scoffed. "Ensign Bishop, with me. Not that I was calling you fodder- unless you prove me wrong."

The woman crossed her arms. "I'm not interested in proving anything to you, Lieutenant," She winked at Vila, letting her know she was doing it as a Tellarite sign of respect and not insubordination.

"Let's get a move on already." Ghiram said.

"Try to keep up, sir- I know you've got short legs, but hopefully you can keep a decent pace." She followed him out.

Dani had been through this before and didn't mind the excitement. The only thing that slightly concerned her was that Commander Lorut was dispatching everyone to all the labs and ordering all hands on-call in their off hours. Dani guessed that meant neither she nor the First Officer knew much regarding what the alert was about or their preparations would have likely been more focused.

Rose sitting at the ops station was puzzled, she'd read about an eight hour notice readiness, but they were rare unless the ship was expected to be deploying into a so called hot zone, where were they going was the lingering question as she continued to listen while going over aspects of her orientation again.

Talon headed over to where Rose sat. "Do you require assistance?" He asked her. "These readiness drills are difficult for you new ones," he said."At least, I HOPE it's a drill," he said. Because otherwise, the alternative was bad. The half Vulcan, half Human smiled as warmly as possible; he had managed to get his father's ability to interact with people, though his mother disliked that they were not as good at hiding emotion as she, in public. He still spoke with a stiff, somewhat cold air, though.

In his team's work area on Deck 2, Nevan listened intently until the end of the address. While there wasn't much prep wise for him to do in order for the ship to get under way, he would take the time to double check all of the emergency systems in their area and also that the away mission gear for his team was all cleaned up and stowed away properly. They'd all be ready by the time they reached their first destination and he still had to conduct room inspections and check the CQ roster for when he was assigned duty. Such was life.

Thivi had been conducting her morning briefing for the nursing staff on duty when the announcement came through the ship's comms. She waited for the first officer to finish talking before flashing her staff a smile. "You heard the XO. She expects much of all of you, as do I. Show me that you've all earned your way here - I know you can. Roger?"

"Yes ma'am!"

"Good! Now, let's get to work, everyone, sickbay won't arrange itself!" Thivi pushed off the biobed she was sitting on and dispersed with her staff.

Joey was in his office, he finished painting his office and the rest of the clinic overnight most of his physicians were still coming aboard as were his soon-to-be patients, when the general announcement came on Joey leant up to his glass desk, once it was finished he spun himself around the table and sat himself down in the dark purple chair, turning on the computer. Departing early was fine with him however majority of his staff hadn't arrived yet and he still hadn't got any social care plans issued for those people that needed it nor he had any social care programs for the families and crew. The first order of business was to schedule an emergency department meeting!

Clay was in the security and control station. He’d heard the announcement and tapped his comm badge. “McEntyre to all Security Personnel. We’re now on a 8 hour hot standby, I want all stations to report in with readiness checks. Inventory all small arms and armor and secure confidential systems. New duty rotations will be sent to your PADDs. McEntyre out!”

Remy had noticed a new face standing near ops as she sat down. She had not realized when he had arrived.

"Ah! Lieutenant Mundy, we've been expecting you."

Mundy stepped forward. "Commander. Lieutenant Jules Mundy, Operations Officer reporting for duty, sir."

Commander Remy Johansen
First Officer
USS Astrea

Commander Vila Lorut
Second Officer, Chief Science Officer
USS Astrea

Lt. Commander Nash Winters
Chief Engineer
USS Astrea

Lt. Commander Clay McEntyre
Chief of Security
USS Astrea

Lieutenant Jules Mundy
Chief Operations Officer
USS Astrea

Lieutenant JG Joey #640
Chief Counselor
USS Astrea

Lieutenant JG Ghiram Korin
Assistant Chief Science Officer
USS Astrea

Lieutenant J.G. Thivi
Head Nurse
USS Astrea

Ensign Rose Wilson
Security Officer
USS Astrea

Petty Officer 1st Class Nevan Kayto
Civil Operations Specialist
USS Astrea

Attaché Phesg Tel’im
Mission Advisor
USS Astrea


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