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The After Party

Posted on Sun Feb 18th, 2024 @ 6:34pm by Civillian Sara Winters & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters & Civilian Alexandra Winters

859 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Menagerie: side stories & mischief making
Location: Winters' Quarters
Timeline: Post-Launch party


Nash lovingly put an arm around Sara’s waist and they walked together into the lift that would take them to their quarters. Inside the turbolift, Nash backed his wife into a corner of the car and kissed her passionately. He was longing to be alone with his beautiful wife.

"MMM," Sara moaned lightly, and then giggled. "Let's do a bit more when we get home? I am sure Alex will be in her room, if not already asleep," she said.

Now, the continuation....

They entered the space quickly, each worked up at the sweet touches they'd shared. As Nash headed for the bedroom, Sara called out to see if Alex was awake still. "Alex? Daddy and I are home. Good night." There was no answer, so Sara continued on behind Nash to the bedroom.

Alex took her headphones off and peeked out of her bedroom. She saw her parents going to bed, so she went back to her room and chatted with her friends on her PADD.

Nash entered the bedroom with Sara and activated the lock on the door to maximize their privacy. He quickly removed his shirt and wrapped Sara in his arms. Their lips came together in a passionate union. Sara’s skin was soft and warm as he caressed her face and body .

Sara moved closer to him, and kissed him, then moved her lips to his neck, her hands caressing his body. "MMM," she moaned lightly, again. "Take me to bed." She whispered to him.

Sara and Nash collapsed together on the bad wrapped around each other, nothing between them but each other’s skin. Nash felt the heat radiate from every curve of her body and it excited him even more than he had been. He squeezed her plump bottom before taking her breasts in his hands and cupping them gently. All the while the lovers’ lips and tongues became entangled within the rising passion between them.

Sara was rendered speechless pretty quickly. For a smart woman, she was still giddy and incoherent at times when Nash kissed her, and tonight was no exception. Now, she let her hands and her mouth wander over his body, undressing him fully as she did. Her hands stopped suggestively at his waist, and while she urged him to continue on his ministrations, she continued with hers.

Nash found himself lost in Sara’s touch, taste, and scent as they made love to each other. “I love you so much,” he whispered as their bodies moved together as one.

"I love you," she breathed back, closing her eyes as they moved together. She moved her hands to the sensitive spots on his body, where she'd learned he'd respond in kind. They brought each other to their peaks, neither wanting it to end.

Nash couldn’t stop kissing Sara when it was over. Her skin was warm and her kisses were sweet. He changed position so he could look in Sara’s eyes.

“You’re sensational. I think it’s been quite some time since we did that….like that. Come closer. I want to feel you in my arms again.”

Sara scooted as close to him as possible, resting her head on his chest. "I love you. It has...there's been a lot of changes. Once we're settled, I'll resume." She said. They had a good, active sex life, even now. They'd been married for years, and though they'd only had the one child, they both worked to keep the spark alive.

Alex meandered into the kitchen still wearing her headphones. "Chocolate milkshake, large, extra thick," she said into the replicator. When it appeared she grabbed a hold of it and disappeared back to her room.

“You can count it, baby,” Nash said and turned to kiss Sara again. “Wait…. shhhh… do you hear something?” He giggled quietly to himself, but it turned into an all-out belly laugh. He had to cover his head with part of his pillow to keep from making too much noise. “It was just Alex talking to the replicator. Could you imagine if she walked in and caught us in the act?”

Sara giggled. "That would be embarrassing," she said. "Also, a chocolate milkshake at this hour?" She made a face, but couldn't really be mad. "I hope she didn't hear too much," Sara said, cringing. Well. At least the ship's counselors were already aboard.

“You didn’t scream like you usually do,” Nash said flatly. “Oh, Nash….oh, Nash!” he joked. He kissed and nibbled her neck as he laughed, cuddling close to Sara.

Sara giggled but turned red. "Quarters here are smaller," she said. "I can't let go without both Alex AND the neighbors hearing," she said. "Get some sleep, baby, you have a big day tomorrow," she said, kissing him. She put her head on his chest, and relaxed into his touch.

“You’re right, of course. Just stay close to me. Good night, beautiful,” he told Sara. The warmth from the closeness of her body filled him with contentment. Nash drifted off to sleep listening to the rhythm of Sara’s breathing.


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