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Mom, I'll be fine...

Posted on Mon Feb 19th, 2024 @ 12:52am by Civillian Sara Winters & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters & Lieutenant JG Ta'Feel Anith Usskik & Civilian Alexandra Winters

2,385 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Side Plots
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD: 1, 1900 hours

Alex returned home from volleyball with a fairly prominent limp that she had tried to brush off by grabbing a snack and retreating to her room. Unfortunately her mom had caught her half hopping and stopped her dead in her tracks and demanded that they go to Sickbay. The two bickered all the way to Deck 12 with Sara threatening a medical transport if Alex wouldn't go willingly.

"Mom," Alex whined loudly as Sarah pushed her into the doors of Sickbay. "I told you I'm fine!" Alex now sounded pathetic, and much younger than 13.

The Medical department crew had been in the middle of their introductions when the doors opened and the mother-daughter couple entered. Ta'Feel did a quick blink-speak, and Hir comm badge responded with, "This crew will continue with our introductions at a later time. Now it appears this crew is required to begin normal duties." Sei looked at Malcom, did a blink-speak, and continued, "It appears you have your first patient." Another blink-speak, and "Ta'Feel will proceed to the main office." Sei quickly looked at Thivi, then turned and walked to Hir office.

Sara fought the urge to roll her eyes to the ceiling. "I am sure you'll be fine. AFTER the doctor looks at you," she said, sighing deeply. She helped Alex to sit down and then headed for the desk. "Hello. I'd like to check in my daughter," she said. "Alexandra Winters. She hurt herself playing volleyball. Can you see her today?" She asked the nurse. "We're waiting for my husband to come up from Engineering, as well. He'll want to be here if he can be," she said.

The nurse let her know that the doctor would be out to see her momentarily, and she settled down next to her daughter. "I called your father. He should be here soon. "What did you DO?" She asked her daughter. After a minute, a technician appeared, and she was put on a biobed and Sara was seated next to her.

"I just landed funny after spiking a ball. And I nailed the spike too, It was worth it," Alex said.

Sara gave her a LOOK. "Well. I hope so," she said.

It was a short few minutes before Nash arrived in sickbay following Sara’s call. He showed up in utilities after beaming back from the alien vessel, instead of a standard uniform. The engineer stood at the foot of the biobed with his arms crossed in front of him, where Alexandra sat. “Sorry I’m so filthy. The ship over there hasn't been cleaned in over 1,000 years, but I rushed over when your mom called me.”

“Are you alright?”, he asked, with the emphasis on “right”. “Tell me what happened. You know what? Wait until the doc comes to check you so you don’t have to say it twice.”

Alex groaned and put her head in her hands. "You guys are making too big of a deal out of this," she moaned.

Nash looked as if he were communicating with Sara telepathically. He scratched the side of his face and said, “No big deal, huh?” He looked at his wife again.

“Ok…. see ya. Come on, Sara. Can I buy you a cup of sunshine?” They both threw up their hands and started to head toward the exit.

Sara thought a moment. His reverse psychology might work on most kids. But Alex was too smart. "No. She'll just leave," she said. "She knows you're bluffing, anyway," Sara said.

“Not gonna fall for it, huh? Damn. Figured I’d try.”

Nash then turned his attention back to his daughter.

“Look, sister, I know it’s not serious, you know it’s not serious. But we don’t know exactly what you did to yourself. Could be a broken bone or other structural damage. You may need a brace for temporary support. We’re going to let Dr. Ta’Feel check you out. In the meantime,… you nailed the spike, did ya? That’s my daughter. Fight to the last,” Nash said. He tried to lighten the mood by offering a “high five” to Alex.

Alex groaned and lifted a weak hand, shooting her dad an annoyed glare.

Ta'Feel moved toward the biobed, did a blink/speak, and announced, "Dr. Ta'Feel greets Alex. Will Alex allow me to examine your injury?" Ta'Feel hesitated only for a moment, then took a medical scanner and scanned Alex's ankle. Stepping back, Sei looked at Alex, did a blink/speak, and announced, "You did not do too much damage to your ankle." Sei picked up an osteo-regenerator, moved it over Alex's ankle a few times, then returned the device to it's holder. Sei turned toward Alex and said, "You have been a very good patient, Alex." After an extended blink/speak, Ta'Feel continued, "You can stay here on the biobed for 30 minutes for the regenerative effects to complete, or you can wear this brace and leave the medical area and, after you reach your destination, remove the brace and stay off your ankle for 30 minutes."

Ta'Feel then turned to Lieutenant Commander Winters and said, "Alex will be fine after her temporary respite from activity. I will update her medical records, and forward a full report to you."

“I appreciate it, Doc. Thank you for treating Alexandra. We’ll keep an eye on her,” Nash said.

"Doctor Ta'Feel?" Alex asked curiously sitting up on the bed, now forgetting about how her mom had forced her into Sickbay. "Um thanks. For my ankle I mean. Can I ask where you're from?" She smiled in wonder at meeting someone from a new race today - one she was unfamiliar with entirely.

Ta'Feel backed up a step from the biobed, did a quick blink/speak, and replied, "Dr. Ta'Feel appreciates your thankfulness." "Dr. Ta'Feel is from a moon that revolved around the primary planet located in a solar system named Chertan." "Dr. Ta'Feel will gladly respond to any queries that Alex may have."

Sara wasn't certain what was going on, but if the Fleet had decided that this person was fit to be CMO, she wasn't about to argue. "Thank you, Doctor," she said. "I am Dr. Sara Winters-civilian scientist at the research center. Thank you for taking care of Alex," she said.

Ta'Feel turned toward Sara, and, after a quick blink/speak, replied, "Dr. Ta'Feel appreciates your thankfulness." "Dr. Ta'Feel is pleased to meet Dr. Sara Winters." "Dr. Ta'Feel appreciates your thankfulness." "It was my pleasure to attend to Alex." "I have a question for Dr. Winters." "Is Dr. Winters permanently assigned to the USS Astrea?"

Sara nodded. "Indeed," she said. "In the Mae Jamison research center," she said. "It's nice to meet you, Dr. Ta'Feel," she extended her hand for a handshake.

Ta'Feel extended Hir hand toward Dr. Winters and took her hand. Sei did a quick blink/speak and replied, "Dr. Ta'Feel is pleased to meet you, Dr. Winters." After a quick telepathic communication with Hir family unit, Sei replied, "Dr. Ta'Feel 's Posento spouse is waiting for confirmed assignment to the Mae Jensen Scientific Research Facility." "My Virtrempi spouse and Inestado spouse are waiting for their confirmed assignments."

Sara smiled. "I look forward to working with them," she said. "I will see if I can mention it tomorrow," she said. "I can use the help; there's only two of us down there right now, and we're both overwhelmed," she explained.

“Good news, Sara, right? An extra pair of hands to offset your workload? We look forward to meeting your spouse, Doctor. Thank you again for seeing Alex on short notice and….welcome aboard,” Nash added.

Sara nodded and smiled at her husband. "Absolutely," she said. "It's needed!!"

"Do they like kids?" Alex asked. "Maybe if they aren't doing anything right now they could come and talk to my class. About where you're from and stuff."

Sara nodded. "That's an excellent idea! You really must!" She exclaimed.

Ta'Feel had been listening to the conversations between Alex, Sara and Nash, and had not responded while they were talking. Finally, after a short pause, Sei responded, "Dr. Ta'Feel is unsure who is requested to talk to the class of Alex." Another quick blink/speak, then "Dr. Ta'Feel appreciates the welcome from Nash." Looking at Sara, Sei replied "Should Dr. Ta'Feel understand that Sei Hirself is the one talking to the class of Alex?"

"Umm..." Alex started a little confused. "Who's Sei?" she asked.

Sara spoke up. "I believe it is how Sei refers to Hir spouse," she said. She had looked at the others' files.

“And Sei is under no obligation to participate,” Nash piped in and turned to Alexandra.

“Alex, I understand your….curiosity. The Doctor’s species is mostly new to us. We haven’t met many of hir kind. I am also eager to learn more about our new friend, but we should be considerate of hir feelings, see if Sei feels comfortable. Doctor, would you or your spouse be interested in doing a presentation for my daughter’s class?”

Alexandra looked at the Doctor wide-eyed with anticipation as she waited for an answer.

After a quick tele/speak with Hir family, Dr. Ta'Feel replied, "Any member of Anith Family could do a presentation. However, since I rank 1st in the family, it is my opinion that I should be the one to do the presentation." Dr. Ta'Feel then addressed both Nash and Sara in turn; "If that is acceptable to you."

Nash flashed a grin and said, “Yes, doc, that would be acceptable. And it’s very generous of you to offer your free time. Thank you. See? That was easy, wasn’t it?”

Alex did a happy clap from her biobed, excited to hear that a guest speaker would be coming to her class- one that she bet most of her classmates would know little about. It was lost on her that there appeared to be a ranking system with the family.

Sara smiled lightly. "That is fine," she said. "That is interesting that you have a ranking system, though. It is customary in human culture to have discussions among both-or all-spouses, in some cases," she said. "I understand that Andorians have a similar hierarchy," she commented. "Thank you for agreeing, at any rate. If need any time off from me, I am the acting director of the research center until they find a suitable person," she said, "so I can arrange that! Just let me know." She smiled, and then turned to Alex. "You're a lucky girl. That could've been much worse. You NEED to be more careful. You are my only child, it's not like you have siblings to replace you if something happens!"

Dr. Ta'Feel did several tele/speak sequences, then, after a quick blink/speak, replied to Sara, "I have just discussed this with my spice, and we all agreed that I am the correct individual to provide the presentation." [[OOC: Dr. Ta'Feel used the term "spice" to refer to multiple spouses, following the example of mouse/mice, louse/lice being used for living beings, as opposed to house/houses for inanimate objects.]] Another blink/speak, then Sei continued, "Our ranking system is based on several items, one of them being our involvement in the procreation process, our innate, genetic vocation, and other factors." "My partners just need to complete their onboarding process, and receive their assignments. Any assistance they need can be communicated with me telepathically."

“She doesn’t know how lucky she is, Sara, to have us as her parents,”. Nash said. He wanted to make Alex laugh, but waited a beat before speaking again. He started making exaggerated movements with his hands and arms as he said, “Alex is also lucky enough to live on the most advanced starship in the galaxy!”

Dr. Ta'Feel turned to Alex and responded, "I will leave it up to you to inform me any details about the presentation."

Nash crossed his arms in front of him and spoke to his daughter with a sense of pride and satisfaction. “Well, Alexandra, there you have it. It’s up to you to keep the doctor informed. You get to decide when and where. Tell your teacher you have made arrangements to bring a special guest and take it from there.”

"Can we please get out of here now?" Alex asked, eager to get back to talking to her friends over the ship's network. "Dad needs to get back to work anyway." Alex turned her body so her feet were dangling off the bed. "So extra for you to leave that alien ship for a sprained ankle. It's not like I was going to die or anything," Alex said dramatically. She started easing off the bed.

Sara sighed, but nodded. "Of course we can go," she said. "I know it's a sprain but I really do feel better, so thank you for indulging your mother," she said, placing a soft kiss on the girls' forehead. "Nash, help me get her back home, and then you can go back. Of COURSE he came; you're our only child. What if it wasn't JUST a sprain??!" She shook her head again, but extended an arm for Alex to take. "Let's go home. I'll make some dinner, and your father can go be "extra" somewhere else," she said.

“Thanks for the support, Sara,” Nash kidded. The family walked hand in hand back to their quarters and he and Sara helped Alex settle herself in her bedroom.

“I do have to go back to work, but I won’t be long. Relax and maybe try to get some sleep? Call your mom if you need anything.” Nash kissed her forehead before walking out and watching the door close after exiting.

Sara nodded, and stood up. "That's a good idea. I'll make some dinner," she said, and followed him out. She kissed her husband good-bye. "Let me know you're ok, will you?" She said, as he left. She sighed, but turned to head into the kitchen.

Lt. Commander Nash Winters
Chief Engineer (2nd Officer)
USS Astrea
Sarah Winters, PhD
Microbiologist, Mae Jemison Institute for Research
USS Astrea
Lieutenant JG Ta'Feel Anith Usskik
Chief Medical Officer
USS Astrea
Alexandra Winters
USS Astrea


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