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Pre-Launch Party, Part 7

Posted on Mon Feb 19th, 2024 @ 8:50pm by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant JG T'lenn & Attaché Phesg Tel'im & Ensign Cha'joga d/o H'gren & Ensign S'Niri & Petty Officer 3rd Class Grexx

1,895 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: The Menagerie: side stories & mischief making
Location: Ten-Forward
Timeline: The Night Before Launch, After Part 6

[> > > From Part 6 > > > ]

Shelly replied, "Yes. And, we will be working together. But, since this is a party, I won't be talking about work." Then, both Andrea and Shelly could tell that Cha'joga could see something different in them and Andrea said, "Both Shelly and I have unique DNA Characteristics and we always communicate with each other telepathically 24/7." Shelly added, "That is why we talk in unison all of the time amongst other things." Both Shelly and Andrea looked at each other and communicated telepathically for a moment and Shelly said, "We would like to show you something, but, you have to promise us that you won't say anything. Promise?" They both looked at Grexx and Cha'joga awaiting their replies.

"Of course." Cha'joga blinked. And here she'd thought she'd met her fair share of weird things while serving.

Grexx gave a nod to confirm as well.

Both Shelly and Andrea turned around and moved their hair to reveal their barcodes on the back of their necks and softly said, "These are our Transgenic Barcodes. We are the last few remaining X7 models left."

"Models? What do you mean, models?" Cha'joga raised an eyebrow. She glanced between both women. They were certainly not alike in appearance, as far as humanoids went with variation - but she'd served long enough to know that judging by superficial outer appearance alone was not enough. "Are the two of you androids, or somesuch?"

Both Shelly and Andrea replied in unison, "No. We are real flesh and blood people. It is just that we have these unique abilities that were written into our DNA which is we have Quadruple DNA Helix with no junk chromosomes. The X7 designation is just something that differentiates us from the X6 and X5's. But, we do have our flaws as we are not 100% perfect." Then, Shelly replied independently saying, "Both of us hate the Borg as we are not like them. Where we grew up exactly and trained is completely Classified and not even anyone in Starfleet has the necessary security codes to get information about us. "

The Bolian was confused but made sure to keep his voice low with what he said next "I had thought genetic resequencing was banned. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to have everyone on the crew for every edge we can get. It's just a surprise to meet such a unique pair as you two ladies. An honor in many ways." His parents would certainly be quite interested, being medical professionals themselves.

"How did the two of you pass Starfleet's screening protocols? Surely something must've raised eyebrows." Cha'joga added. "The two of you are quite possibly by far the most unusual individuals I have met so far. So unusual in fact I am having trouble believing that what I see before me is real,"

Shelly replied, "Thanks Grexx. You are the first Bolian we have ever met." Then, Andrea chimed in saying, "Apparently, we must have had someone sponsor us to bypass the screening protocols. Trust us, we are real. Until Shelly and I somehow get approval to discuss entire past, we have to be quiet about it. But, one thing we hate compared to are the Eugenics War and being related to those who were a part of Khan Noonian Singh. That is a very bad and terrible insult to us."

Cha'joga understood the sting of being compared to something you were not - quite well, in fact. She'd been to Qo'nos a few times and been compared to the old House Mo'kai insurgents for the color of her skin. Sometimes she wished that her mother had been an ordinary Klingon instead. "It hurts." She agreed. "Do people often draw this comparison?"

Shelly and Andrea replied in unison, "They try and we immediately shut them down by beating them down to a pulp. That is how angry we get and it happens instantaneously. And, most people will wind up in critical care." Then, Shelly said, "We just do not tolerate that kind of comparison and both of us can tell just by your facial expressions that you can understand how we feel." Then, they gulped down their whiskies.

"I have no doubt that it can be quite difficult to navigate around such judgements. Even with centuries of growth and acceptance in the societies and worlds of the Federation, we still harbor a lot of prejudices and have a long ways to go." Grexx took another drink and felt it hitting him, somewhat embarrassed at the plight of not being able to hold his liquor very much.

Shelly and Andrea looked at Grexx and asked in unison, "You okay, Grexx? You are starting to look a little bit tipsy."

Curious, thought Remy, as the women spoke in unison. "I see. Well, everyone have fun and blow off some steam. Big day tomorrow," Remy responded. "I think I'll leave so the real fun can start," she joked as she smiled and held up a hand in farewell as she left Ten-Forward.

Cha'joga glanced between Shelley and her wife-to-be. While she understood their anger at being misassociated it concerned her that beating someone to a pulp, as they'd put it, was something of a knee-jerk reaction as they'd implied. Once more she found herself questioning how they'd gotten to where they were with violent impulses like that.

"I'm sure he's fine. Are you?" She reached over and touched the Bolian's knee.

Both Shelly and Andrea looked at Grexx and would not stop until he gave a response to their query. They did have a spark of concern in their facial expressions. While they have huge violent tendencies, they do care about their fellow crew members and for some reason, they felt that they could trust Grexx and started to become overly protective of him, including Cha'joga. To them, they would protect their fellow crew members to the death if necessary regardless of whether they trusted them or not. That is their way. Meanwhile, they saw a waitress as well and ordered two strong double whiskies neat and they were not even drunk yet.

The Bolian waived his hand "I'm fine, I promise. I just haven't had as much of the real stuff lately so my drinking shoes have been a little light recently. It's a good thing there's a Klingon warrior nearby if I need some help" he teased. "Depending on the drink, Bolians take longer to process it out of their system so we do have to be mindful. But thank you for the concern."

Shelly and Andrea said in unison, "Good." Then, their drinks arrived and they took a sip of their whiskies and Andrea said, "And, it is our pleasure."

Pleasure. It was quite a word, one that the Bolian had certainly indulged in from time to time. "You ladies certainly seem to enjoy your whiskey. I do wonder if they have any sort of fresh blood wine here, for Cha'joga." The mention of it earlier had made him genuinely curious to be honest.

"No matter. I will make do with what I have. Most ships don't carry bloodwine and for good reason." Cha'joga grinned. "I would rather not be drunk out of my mind for a first meeting such as this one. I'm sure you feel the same way."

It was an odd response from a Klingon. One with a sense of self control versus wanting to let loose and party. Grexx made a mental note that he'd revisit later. "Speaking of which, maybe I should check on Cormus. He's always getting into trouble." The Bolian stood without issue and looked around to try and spot his roommate.

Commander Johansen had made most of the rounds, and it was a bit later than she had intended to stay. It happens when one gets caught in numerous conversations, even if each is only for a minute or two. On her way out she saw a rather interesting group gathered together, one of whom was her Chief Flight Control Officer.

"Lieutenant Guevera, it's good to see you out tonight. I was on my way out, but thought I'd pop over and say a quick hello to everyone. I hope you all are having a great time," Remy said to Shelly and the group that seemed to have formed nearby.

Shelly and Andrea looked up and said in unison, "Ahh, Commander, good to see you as well. Yes, we are having a great time. We are about to get another round of whiskey, at least our 5th one. But, not that replicated synthahol. We only drink the real, strong, high quality stuff."

Remy waved a hand dismissively "What you do in your own time is your own time. Just make sure we're seeing the doc for any hangovers before reporting in," Remy said with a light laugh.

Both Shelly and Andrea let out the cutest giggles in unison and said, "We will make sure of that, but, we always make a concoction of our own mix which is just a specialty secret between us, but, it does involve using Chamomile Tea."

Curious, thought Remy as the two continued to speak in unison. However she simply shrugged and said, "Whatever works." She turned to face the others. "Anyway, it's about that time where the CO's leave so the real party can start. Everyone have fun tonight. Big day tomorrow," Remy said, casting a casual wave as she left the group and headed for the exit.

From across the room, Tel'im looked up as the distinctive accent of House Mokai filtered through her ears. Note to self, meet that Klingon later. She turned her full attention back to the Vulcan science officer. "Forgive me, I was auditorily distracted... What were you saying?"

"You were talking about your wife," T'lenn responded. "You had no need for companionship until you met her you were saying," T'lenn reminded her.

"Ah, yes... I was on the Hakona. Romulan military vessel, D'Deridex-class. You might know it if you look at Admiral Picard's first Enterprise. I was another face in the crowd so to speak, and the commander was... Hostile... Towards anyone not fitting into her idea of a proper Romulan. I had to hide my being attracted to women away. However, I was unable to resist the magnetic pull of the woman who would be my wife. The secrecy is part of what made it fun in the beginning, although I was terrified we would be found out..." She switched over to Vulcan again. "I realize that the words and emotions I speak are perhaps alien to you on the outside, but you feel things as deeply as I do. We are kindred souls, you and I, both Daughters of Vulcan, if in different contexts."

"Indeed, Vulcans have come to acknowledge to outsiders that Vulcans do experience emotions, it is that we chose to suppress them." T'lenn was a follower of Surak, still having spent most of her life on Vulcan, earning advanced degrees at the Vulcan Science Academy before joining Starfleet.


Commander Remy Johansen
Commanding Officer
USS Astrea

Attachae Phesgm Tel'im
Romulan Affairs Officer
USS Astrea

PO3 Grexx
Civil Operations
USS Astrea

Ensign Cha'joga, d/o H'gren
Flight Control Officer
USS Astrea

Lt (jg) Shelly Guevera
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Astrea


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