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From the Bridge, Part 1

Posted on Tue Feb 20th, 2024 @ 4:20am by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters & Lieutenant JG Ta'Feel Anith Usskik & Ensign Cha'joga d/o H'gren

1,040 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Artifact or Artifiction
Location: The Bridge, USS Astrea
Timeline: Mission Day 1

Commander Lorut had just beamed over to the alien vessel and Remy was kind of upset about it. She had made a career out of being the one to go on away missions, assigned to special ops teams, and then as a first officer. Staying put on the Bridge was not her cup of tea. Now if all went well, the rest of the away team would beam over shortly and she'd be here, monitoring their safety from the comforts of the Captain's chair.

No, this really wasn't her gig.

=^= Johansen to Commander Winters, is your half of the team assembled and ready to go if security gives the all clear? =^=

“Yes, ma’am. Prepped and waiting on the word from Clay. We’re ready, Remy. Nash out.”

"Lieutenant Janes, any unusual readings coming from the ship since the away team beamed over?" Remy asked. "We don't need anymore surprises."

Taylon shook his head. "No, ma'am, nothing yet. I am monitoring the situation. Checks every fifteen seconds. As soon as we can, I will tether to the Shuttle team's comms," he said. "Anything else, ma'am?" He asked.

Once they arrived on the alien vessel , Vila and the away team got to work. First, she dialed up the Bridge. =/\=Johansen, four have arrived on the alien vessel. At first glance, we're all alone.=/\=

She clicked off but left her channel open so that Commander Johansen an the Bridge crew could hear their activity. "Mack, Petty Officer...let's move forward, I guess, as soon as the Commander gets back to us."

After watching the Medical team working in harmony, Dr. Ta'Feel decided a trip to the Bridge was in order. Something about watching other species working in concert would assist Ser in Hir underlying mission: a better integration of the Chix'alk culture into the Federation culture. At present, there were still "glitches": misunderstood phrases, lack of knowledge and understanding of the .Chix'alk race, and so on. That was all the more reason for Ser to undertake the task of acquiring knowledge of every aspect of the Federation. However, Sei was only able to take courses in the Engineering field, followed by the Medical field, before Sei was assigned to the USS Astrea as the Chief Medical Officer... which Sei gladly accepted.

As Dr. Ta'Feel walked onto the Bridge, Sei realized that Sei had arrived in the middle of an ongoing conversation. Sei waited for a few seconds to see if Sei was noticed by the acting CO Commander Johansen, then decided to move over to a nearby Engineering station, since that was Hir first study at the Academy, and listen to what was transpiring.

Remy continued to the monitor their movement throughout the ship, listening to the chatter about the dust and the quietness.

"There doesn't seem to be any other movement over there, just our people," Remy noted. "I don't know if we should call that a good thing or a bad thing.

The Vulcan security officer spoke up. "If this vessel truly is over 2,500 years old and has remained untouched in that time frame the odds of finding sentient life aboard are minuscule," he reminded her.

Vila's voice came down the line. =/\=We've caught up with Mundy and his people. Security is running sweeps. The rest of us are on standby for them to clear it.=/\= She clicked off.

Once Johansen received word that the Shuttle team was safely off of their shuttle and with the others and a preliminary sweep had been complete, Remy had the open comms turned off for now, and sent the remainder of the teams over to begin a deep dive into what they could learn about the systems. It would be late soon, and she didn't want her alpha shift exhausted tomorrow when there was likely several days of work ahead. The goal was to get as much done tonight, and break until morning while Delta shift kept the vessel secure.

"Hello, Dr. Ta'Feel," Commander Johansen said now that the away team situation was settled. "Welcome to the Bridge. What brings you by?"

Dr. Ta'Feel turned away from the Engineering station and walked over to the command area. After a quick blink/speak, Sei replied, "Dr. Ta'Feel was interested to view what was currently transpiring, in the event Medical services would be required in the near future." Another blink/speak, then Sei continued, "Dr. Ta'Feel is also interested in the interactions of the individuals aboard the USS Astrea." Sei then stood still, awaiting a response.

"You are always welcome, Doctor," Remy responded. "And extra science stations to work from. Right now the away teams are just getting started on clearing the alien vessel. Once we're sure it's empty, they will start trying to get power and life support up and running."

Satisfied that Commander Johansen was acceptable for Ser to visit the Bridge unannounced, Ta'Feel responded, "Dr. Ta'Feel acknowledges your acceptance of my presence on the Bridge." "Dr. Ta'Feel will now return to other duties."

Dr. Ta'Feel at first decided Sei would return to Sickbay to digest what Sei had just heard. Sei quietly left the Bridge, but, instead of returning to Sickbay, decided Sei would reunite with Hir family unit.

"Ensign Cha'joga, I'm expecting our new Chief Strategic Operations Officer to arrive at some point this evening. Hopefully in the next few hours or so. He'll be on his own vessel, the Holana. Keep an eye out for him," Remy said.

"Lieutenant Taylon, while we have a moment, make sure Shuttle Bay 3 is ready to receive him. Guevera should have had them preparing the Holana a space yesterday," Remy directed,

Taylon nodded. "Yes, ma'am," he said. He opened the Shuttle Bay docking system, to allow the reception of a shuttle, and then radioed to the Hangar. =/\=Shuttle Bay three, please prep for incoming. I will alert you when he is on RADAR.=/\= Taylon clicked off. "Ma'am, I will keep the RADAR open," he said.

"I'll keep an eye out." Cha'joga added.


Commander Remy Johansen
Commanding Officer
USS Astrea

Commander Vila Lorut
First Officer
USS Astrea

Lt. Commander Nash Winters
Chief Engineer (2nd Officer)
USS Astrea

Lieutenant JG Ta'Feel Anith Usskik
Chief Medical Officer
USS Astrea

Ensign Cha’joga
Helm Officer
USS Astrea


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