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Hurry up and wait

Posted on Wed Feb 14th, 2024 @ 3:35am by Lieutenant JG T'lenn & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters & Ensign S'Niri

981 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Artifact or Artifiction
Location: Transporter Room 3
Timeline: MD: 1, 1815 hours

Petty Officer Enam was stationed near Transporter Room 3, so he arrived before the Bridge crew, and immediately began suiting up, putting the E.V. suit on over his Starfleet issued armor - a uniform request made by Commander McEntyre whenever there was a possibility of facing a potential threat. The Commander wore his whenever he was on duty. It was not long after that the Bridge crew arrived, including Commander McEntyre and Ensign S'Niri.

S'Niri did not like Starfleet issue EV suits. More often than not they were hot, unwieldy and worst of all were a nightmare to get into - if her tail ever got nicked by the special sleeve thar extended out the back of the uniform she'd be unsteady on her paws. How inconvenient. Part of her wished that she could just let her tail be exposed, but then again... well, there was always a good reason for most things. "Mrrp. I wonder what's over there." She purred as she tugged the sleeves over her arms.

"Hopefully we'll have an opportunity to take a good look around," Enam responded.

The science and engineering half of the away team had been asked to assemble but were not beaming down until after the security team had beamed down and the initial shuttle team had boarded and taken initial scans. So essentially the officers assembled had gathered to, 'hurry up and wait.'

T'lenn took a position near a side wall, out of the way of the main action, and stood quietly with perfect posture. She had beside her two starfleet issue bags that could be adjusted to roll or be carried over the shoulder.

Ghiram sat on the bench, tinkering with his tricorder and trying to get the settings how he liked them.

Lorut stepped forward. "Alright, folks. We are here to assist the security and engineering team. Unfortunately, Commander McIntyre is going to have to clear the area BEFORE we go out there blind. You have time to suit up in EV suits. Do so now," she said. She was already wearing hers, but attached the helmet. So much for keeping her hair looking nice.

Commander Winters checked himself over and completed the diagnostic and pre-checks on his EV suit. He declared himself prepped and ready before attaching the helmet. “All ready to go here, Commander.”

T'lenn obediently took her E.V. suit out and put it on correctly. Per protocol she asked a fellow officer to manually check the suit for any signs of compromised integrity.

"Lt. Ghiram?" T'lenn stated. "Would you mind performing a routine safety check of my E.V. suit?" Glenn asked.

"Sure, Lieutenant," Ghiram stood up and circled around to the front of her EV suit. He checked the blinking lights on the front of the chest-plate indicating that a proper seal had been established. And to be extra sure, he pulled out his tricorder and scanned both their EV suits, just in case there was anything he missed. "Looks like we're both good to go. Anyone else need a last minute suit check?"

"I think I'm good." S'Niri purred back, having managed to finally tug the infernal sleeve over her tail.

"Alright. If we're all suited and final checks are done, let's proceed. Set phasers to stun, but keep them holstered. Security? You're up," Vila said.

Petty Officer Enam stepped up onto the transporter pad with the rest of the security team, and waited for Commander Lorut to give the orders to beam down.

S'Niri joined him with a flick of her tail.

Vila looked at the Transporter chief. "Four to beam to the...alien ship," she said. After a moment, she could feel her ions being ripped apart and restructured. They said you couldn't feel it, but she always could.

With the security team out of the way, T'lenn carried the totes of equipment she had brought with her and placed them near the transporter pad. "Commander Winters, once we are permitted to board, I recommend that while security is doing their security sweeps we have them also search for any power generators that may have working crystals," T'lenn suggested. "This would be an efficient way to gather the materials we need to restore power to basic systems including life support."

“Yeah, that’s a good idea, T’Lenn. I was thinking, since you’re more familiar with these crystals, we work together on this. Calibrate our tricorders to scan for the crystal energy signatures? And I understand the chain of command and the protocols that go along with it, but call me Nash. I prefer the informal manner of address,” responded Nash.

T'lenn raised an eyebrow reactively at the Chief Engineer's request. If one did not know better, the Vulcan almost looked startled. "Commander, you outrank me by two positions and you are a department head, " she responded evenly. "Addressing you in the familiar not only goes against my Starfleet training, but my training on Vulcan as well as social protocols. I may find your request difficult to execute."

"She's got a point. We're at work, Commander, not Ten-Forward." Ghiram crossed his arms.

Commander Johansen's voice came over the comms. =^= Bridge to Transporter Room 3. They are ready for you. Commander Winters, if we can get life support and basic systems up by tonight we'll be in good shape. We'll bring everyone back at a decent hour tonight and start fresh in the morning. Assuming no more mishaps and functioning life support overnight, we'll send a larger engineering team over with you first thing in the morning. Everyone be careful. Commander Johansen out. =^=

Ghiram stepped onto the transporter pad, tapping his foot and staring at the rest of the team.

“Will do, Captain. Between Mundy, Thisbe, and myself that should be an attainable goal. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls….let’s go. Energize,” replied Nash.

[Away Teams are Away]


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