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New Spook Arrives

Posted on Wed Feb 14th, 2024 @ 2:40am by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant Commander Maxun Spello
Edited on on Sun Feb 18th, 2024 @ 5:23am

1,176 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Side Plots
Location: USS Astria
Timeline: MD 2, 0615 hours

The Danube class runabout, USS Mississippi, had been soaring through the cosmos at warp three for nearly a week now, carrying one passenger to his destination. Starfleet Personnel Operations used the small ships to ferry rotating crew around the fleet when the new ships they were going to were unable to meet them.

Sitting in his cabin, Maxun was meditating. Much strife had occurred in Starfleet, and the Federation, as of late. Not that he was a stranger to strife. Being an El Aurian, he had seen his civilization destroyed by the Borg,

He had rebuilt his life more than once already. And now, he was doing it again. Starfleet was still rebuilding, following the double crisis it had recently experienced, and he had decided that he was needed again. So, after renewing his oath of service, and taking an accelerated course of studies at the Academy, here he was, a freshly minted Lieutenant junior grade, heading out on his next adventure.

"Apologies for the disturbance, Sir," the pilot's voice was heard over the hidden speakers. "We are almost to the rendezvous."

"Understood, Chief," Maxin replied calmly. "I'll be forward in a moment." He then stood and put his uniform jacket on. He then made sure he had not left anything in the small cabin, before exiting and making his way forward to the cockpit. Once he arrived, he heard the pilot, a young Bolian, open hailing frequencies.

"USS Astrea, this is the courier runabout, USS Mississippi, do you read me, over?"

===Meanwhile, on Astrea===

Vila was on the Bridge currently while Remy was off doing...whatever she did. Vila didn't ask questions. Probably she was making moon eyes at Daniel. She was watching the crew carefully, occasionally glancing at the viewscreen. "Mid-hour reports, everyone," she called out. One by one, each station reported back. Smooth sailing. Good. Vila wasn't really made for things like sudden SOSs and the like. She didn't like chaos-unless it was chaos that she, herself, created.

"Thank you, everyone," she said, settling back. She raised the mug of coffee to her lips, and sipped. From the Ops console, Janes spoke up.

"Ma'am? We have a hail." Vila sighed.

"Thank you, Lt. On the Screen, please," she said. She opened a Comms.

=/\=Mississippi, this is Commander Lorut, executive officer. We're ready to receive.=/\=

The rendezvous was early. She opened a different channel to Remy.

=/\=The Mississippi is early. They're ready for the beam over. Want to meet the newest crew member? =/\=

She clicked off.

"Janes, prep for transport for one from the USS Mississippi to the USS Astrea. I'll go meet our new friend. Winters, you have the Bridge." The Bajoran stood up, and pulled down her tunic to smooth it out, and made way to Transporter Room 3.

Remy tapped her communicator, =^= I'm down on Deck 8, I'll meet you in Transporter Room 3. =^=

In less than a minute Remy and Vila were in the transporter room ready to greet their new arrival. Remy nodded at the operator to beam him over. "I wonder if he's heard about the wild take off we've had," Remy commented.

Vila sighed deeply. "I hope so. I won't tell him if you won't," she said. "Why can't they send us a CMO?" She griped.

The transporter chief nodded to the Commanding Officer, then worked her controls. "I have the signal from the Mississippi. Energizing." She manipulated more controls, then the familiar hum of the Hisenberg Compensators started to ramp up. Then, a few milliseconds later, a single form started t appear in the swirling silvery-blue energy flux. The whole process took almost five seconds, from start to finish.

In the end, a handsome man, dressed in Starfleet Intelligence grey, was standing on the platform, a single bag hanging on his right shoulder. Though his face looked to be in his late twenties or early thirties, and his low rank of Lieutenant junior grade seemed to put him as possibly being inexperienced, when one looked in his sharp eyes, that notion was immediately dispelled. There was an unmistakable raw power about him.

Looking at the two women standing before him, he turned his gaze to the one on his left first. "Captain Johansen," his eyes then pivoted over to the other woman. "Commander Vila. Lieutenant, junior grade, Maxun Spello reporting for duty. Permission to come aboard?"

"Please do," Commander Johansen said stepping forward. "Welcome aboard, Lieutenant. We're in the middle of something a little unusual right now, once you get settled we'd love to get your take on it."

Stepping forward and out of the transporter chamber, Maxun nodded to the Captain. "I've read some of the reports that have been sent back to Command, since you found the derelict. Before I give an opinion on anything, I'd like to get fully up to speed with any new information that has been gathered."

Vila simply nodded. "Certainly. That'd be Commander McEntyre you'd speak with," she said. "Let's go," the Bajoran said, turning away. "I left Winters with the Bridge. Ready room?" She asked.

Maxun nodded as he replied. "I will go speak with the Commander, then report to your ready room."

Vila nodded. "Excellent. See you there. Fifteen minutes," she said. She turned to Remy.
"Should we go?"

"Yes," Remy responded. "We'll see you shortly then."

Once both senior officers had left, Maxun placed his bag on the transporter pad. He then moved over to the transporter operator. "Chief, would you please store my bag in the buffer? Once I have quarters, I'll ask to have it transported there."

The Human chief petty officer gave Maxun a quick, flirty smile. "Yes, Sir." She then operated her controls again, and the bag vanished. "Just let me know what cabin you're assigned, and I'll personally ensure you get your things. I'm Rebecca by the way, Rebecca McWinters." She extended her right hand to him in greeting. She liked how he looked, especially those eyes...

Maxun reached out and shook her hand politely. He noticed, of course, that she was flirting with him. But now was not the time. He did, however, give her a slight head dip as their eyes were locked on one another. "The pleasure is mine." He then released her hand and said. "And now, if you'll excuse me." He then turned and left the transporter room.

As soon as the doors slid shut, McWinters made an approving sound. Nice eyes, polite, warm hands, and a great ass! This might just end up being a fun tour of duty after all! She then returned to her work, though a certain set of blue eyes kept interrupting her thoughts.

Once out in the corridor, Maxun quarried the computer as to the Commander's location. Once he had it, he made his way directly to him.

Vila turned to Remy. "I'll get the coffee, and meet you in the Ready Room," she said, with a sigh.


Commander Remy Johansen
Commanding Officer
USS Astrea


Commander Vila Lorut
First Officer
USS Astrea


LtJG Maxun Spello
USS Astrea


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