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The newly christened USS Astrea is dispatched to explore an abandoned ship, drifted in from Romulan space, though clearly not Romulan in origin.

Mission Group Season 1: Where No Shakedown Cruise Has Gone Before
Start Date Mon Jan 22nd, 2024 @ 2:35pm
End Date Sat Apr 13th, 2024 @ 2:35pm

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Title Timeline Location
Civil Chaos
by Commander Maxun Spello
MD3 1600 Hrs Civil Operation Planning Room, Deck 2
Goodwill Reception Part 5: The Children
by Captain Remy Johansen & Civilian Alexandra Winters & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters & Lieutenant JG Ta'Feel Anith Usskik & Civilian Brunel Winters
Day 6, 1430-1930 hours Deck 10, All Purpose Room
Goodwill Reception Part 3: Getting to Know You
by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters & Lieutenant Jules Mundy & Commander Maxun Spello & Lieutenant JG Thivi & Civilian Brunel Winters
MD 6, 1430 hours After Part 2 Deck 10, All Purpose Room
Goodwill Reception Part 4: To Ice Water
by Lieutenant JG Thivi & Captain Remy Johansen & Commander Maxun Spello
MD 6, 1430 Hours After Part 3 Deck 10, All Purpose Room
Goodwill Reception Part 2: The Mingling Begins
by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters & Lieutenant Jules Mundy & Commander Maxun Spello & Lieutenant JG Thivi & Lieutenant JG Ta'Feel Anith Usskik
MD 6, 1430 hours After Part 1 Deck 10, All Purpose Room
Goodwill Reception Part 1: Before the Doors Open
by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters & Lieutenant Jules Mundy & Commander Maxun Spello & Lieutenant JG Thivi & Lieutenant JG Ta'Feel Anith Usskik & Civilian Jheva
Day 6, 1400 Hours Deck 10, All Purpose Room
Department Head Meeting
by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters & Major Clay McEntyre III & Lieutenant Jules Mundy & Lieutenant Chrysanthe Capulet & Commander Maxun Spello & Lieutenant JG Ta'Feel Anith Usskik
MD 5 1100 Hours Bridge Conference Room
Down to Brass Tacks
by Captain Remy Johansen & Commander Maxun Spello
MD 4, 1100 hours Conference Room Suites, Deck 2, Astrea
The Engineers
by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant Jules Mundy & Ensign Rilaxa Moxx
MD 4, 1800 hours Serenity
Group Therapy Part 3
by Captain Remy Johansen & Commander Maxun Spello & Lieutenant JG Thivi
MD 5, After Part 2 USS Astrea, Deck 12
Group Therapy, Part 2
by Captain Remy Johansen & Commander Maxun Spello & Lieutenant JG Thivi
MD 5 USS Astrea, Deck 12
Auxillary Cryostasis Bay, Farik and Nalima
by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant JG Malcolm Beckett M.D. & Commander Maxun Spello & Lieutenant Dr. J.R McEntyre, M.D.
Day 3, 1500 Hours Serenity
Freeing the Nostromo
by Ensign Kash th'Kaasniik & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters
MD 3, 0800 Hours Serenity's Docking Ring
Vaccination Lab
by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant JG Thivi & Lieutenant JG Ta'Feel Anith Usskik & Lieutenant Dr. J.R McEntyre, M.D.
MD 3, 1600 hours Serenity
Group Therapy, Part 1
by Captain Remy Johansen & Commander Maxun Spello & Lieutenant JG Thivi
MD 5 USS Astrea, Deck 12
Sorting the Birds
by Lieutenant JG Jason Williams III
MD 4 / 1231 hours USS Astria, Starfighter Squadron Commander's Office
Searching the Catacombs, Part 2 Transporting Working Units
by Captain Daniel Jackson PhD & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters & Civillian Sara Winters
MD 2, After Part 1 Serenity
Finding the Atarans a New Home
by Captain Remy Johansen & Commander Maxun Spello & Ensign S'Niri
MD 3, 1000 hours The Serenity,
Our Best IT People
by Captain Remy Johansen & Ensign Dani Harper & Lieutenant Jules Mundy & Ensign Rilaxa Moxx
MD: 2 1500 Hours Serenity
Cryostasis Bay 1, Part 2 Continuing the Revival
by Captain Daniel Jackson PhD & Lieutenant JG Malcolm Beckett M.D. & Ensign Charlotte Dawes & Commander Maxun Spello & Lieutenant JG Ta'Feel Anith Usskik
MD 3, 1200 hours, After Part 1 Serenity
Searching the Catacombs, Part 1, A Thorough Search
by Captain Daniel Jackson PhD & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters & Major Clay McEntyre III & Civillian Sara Winters
MD 2, 1400 Hours Serenity's Lower Decks
The Captain's Logs
by Captain Remy Johansen & Commander Maxun Spello
MD 2, 1600 hours Alien Vessel Serenity, Captain's Quarters
Fly Boy Physical
by Lieutenant JG Ta'Feel Anith Usskik & Lieutenant JG Jason Williams III
MD (TBD) / 0900 Hours USS Astrea, Main Sickbay
Good Drink, Better Company...
by Civillian Samuel Wynters & Captain Remy Johansen
MD 2 / 2200 Ten Forward "Paddy's Loft"
Cryostasis Bay 1 , Part 1 Galvin & Malada
by Lieutenant JG Malcolm Beckett M.D. & Ensign Charlotte Dawes & Commander Maxun Spello & Lieutenant JG Thivi & Lieutenant JG Joey #640 & Lieutenant JG Ta'Feel Anith Usskik & Civillian Sara Winters
MD: 3 1100 Hours Serenity

Mission Summary

The Romulan Star supernova has caused significant shifts in gravitational fields and general orbital patterns for a vast area of space - far beyond the areas obviously impacted by the supernova. Starfleet has been discovering various space debris of scientific value drifting from Romulan territory into Federation Space. Included among the debris there have been various cargo containers, and even loose items of archeological and anthropological interest, and most of what has been located does not appear to be Romulan in origin. Theories are that these are from a race that predated the Romulans moving into the system, and there is speculation about whether members of this race may still exist today.

Recently an abandoned ship has been discovered, believed to have belonged to this same civilization.

Commander Johansen and Commander Lorut had an unfortunate encounter with one of these artifacts in the week leading up to launch. Science Officer, Lieutenant T’lenn was the first Starfleet Officer to make any headway on deciphering the hieroglyphs found on the artifacts. There still is not enough data for the Universal Translator to work fluently, though her work has sped up the progress.

The Astrea is being dispatched to investigate under the Command of Acting Captain, First Officer Remira Johansen. The abandoned ship is currently dead in space without power. The crew is tasked with trying to restore power, access communications, and learn more about this unknown civilization. They will learn more than they bargained for when they stumble into some crew still alive and on board the ship - trapped in stasis.