Welcome to the USS Astrea!

It is early 2389, approximately 18 months after the Romulan Star went supernova. The major superpowers of the Alpha and Beta quadrants have all but fallen. Starfleet still hasn’t recovered from one of its darker moments in history. There is still a ban on all synth research and the fleet is still regrouping after the Mars shipyard was destroyed in the synth attack. The USS Astrea was pulled out of retirement and among other updates, refitted with an early version of the slipstream drive. The Astrea’s official assignment is to patrol the Federation worlds along the Romulan neutral zone in the vicinity of the supernova’s impact. Starfleet’s official orders are to maintain security and order, and to ensure that Federation law is being complied with.

However, the Command Staff of the Astrea took their oaths before Starfleet lost its way, and they firmly believe that it will find its way back. Despite its primary mission of security, and its persistent message to stay out of Romulan affairs, the senior staff look for opportunities for their crew to provide humanitarian relief, engage in positive culture exchanges, and experience the wonders of science and exploration. This is not an easy task in the current political climate as there will be roadblocks, including rogue criminal activity, enemy forces gaining power, and internal conflicts within Starfleet.


Mission Status: The crew has rescued an ancient civilization that had been cryostasis for over two millennia, and in the process of taking them to their new colony, the crew became aware that there is a group of elite that is enslaving the majority of the Ataran people. The enslaved are still aboard the alien's vessel, and the crew is trying to free the slaves before engaging in anything that may be perceived as hostile to spare their lives.

Meanwhile, an Ataran orphan who is set to be adopted by a couple on board has fallen ill, and the treatments that could save him have been outlawed by the Federation since 2385.

We are always looking for fellow writers interested in taking their character(s) on a journey in this world by participating in mission assignments and developing their own stories and writing side stories and character developments pieces with other writers. A lot of the writers here keep a fairly fast pace, but we only ask that you be involved with a minimum of two posts per month, so there are opportunities to write a slower place if you choose.

We are an inclusive, LGBTQ friendly group and welcome all players 18 and older. Please join us on Discord to meet other players and learn more about the sim. We are a 2-2-2 18+ Sim in Theta Fleet.


Latest News Items

» Astrea Bingo - Now Live

Posted on Thu Jul 11th, 2024 @ 2:47pm by Captain Remy Johansen in Sim Announcement

Our first round runs from 7/11/24 NOW through 7/22/24 at 3:00 A.M. UTC. I will still only check my promised four times, so you actually get an extra 3.5 days or so to get a Bingo post accomplished than what our proposed intend to give you for future rounds.

Astrea Bingo Rules

1. Characters who play must be an ensign or below. (The Captain will temporarily link an NPC of hers to anyone who doesn’t have a character in this category who wants to play without creating someone new.

2. The goal is write a joint post with at least one other lower decker (can be more), and accomplish a Bingo item without getting caught by the Captain. I recommend not naming your post anything with "Bingo" in the title, until you are written safe just to make it more difficult for me to catch you.

3. Joint Post Rules:
a. Total words minimum = 850 Words
b. Must involve at least two players, and you can’t write the entire thing off site and then post it. (Tagging is obviously done privately, but there has to be some back and forth.)
c. The Bingo item can’t be written as accomplished until 501 words. At that point you can write into the post the successful hijinks as complete, and characters safe. If you are caught after the characters are written into a safe zone, then it will be written as such and you got one over on the Captain. (You can take longer to get there, but that is the earliest your characters are safe.)

4. Game play will be for one week, (and we will announce weeks we are playing). When we play it will be from Midnight Saturday Night/Sunday Morning GMT through midnight the following Saturday.

5. Captain’s Rules:
a. The way I will catch someone is by checking “saved” mission posts, and trying to find you before you have finished your task.
b. Week 1, I will check 4 FOUR times only. So, only four single times out of 7 days to write.
c. If this proves too easy or too difficult, we’ll modify the rules for Round 2.

(See Discord for list format of Bingo items.)


» Six Month Anniversary, Open Positions, Mission Status

Posted on Sat Jul 6th, 2024 @ 4:45am by Captain Remy Johansen in General News

Happy Six Month Anniversary to the USS Astrea est. 2389

A heartfelt thanks to the entire crew of talented writers and friendly people for getting us this far, and for building an entire world in such a short amount of time. This is a great accomplishment, and I am looking forward to six more years of writing with everyone.

We are close to wrapping up our current mission, so now is a good time to apply and join if you are looking for a new sim. There are a lot of potential positions to fill and ways to join the sim, but some traditions spots that are open include:

Chief Medical Officer

Chief Operations Officer

Ship's Counselor, Chief Counselor

Join our friendly discord channel to meet our team and learn more. We don't bite. (Unless you ask.)

In the meantime, we'll be (hopefully) having fun with a friendly competition of Astrea Bingo, and a simulated ship hijacking during the mission interlude. For those in the U.S., I hope everyone had a happy and safe Fourth.

Happy Writing, Live Long and Prosper.

~Nicole (aka Captain Remy)

» Mission Day Timeline

Posted on Sat May 25th, 2024 @ 2:03pm by Captain Remy Johansen in General News

MD 13:

1. "What We Do With Second Chances"

2. "Helping Brunel" Brunel's second day in Sickbay. We will realize current permissible medical parameters will not be enough to save Brunel long term. A plan will be formed to obtain old research and cure his condition, and cover our tracks.

MD 12:

1. "Second Chances" First Officer Spello is put in charge of the Ataran crisis as the Captain shifts her focus to another problem on board.

2. "Helping Brunel" We will realize the scope of the diagnosis later in the day.

  1. Kinship 1100 Hours, Kas stops by Sickbay to offer his help. Remy pops in to quietly take a look at Brunel's records. Brunel's asylum is granted.
  2. Black, White, and Gray Remy sees who might be able to help dig out her old research, and what might be there to find.

3. "Security Alert: These Bugs Again" The parasite was only removed two days ago now, Mundy continues to try to remember. Tactical/Security on board continue to look for breaches, and particular signs of unusual behavior. Starfleet is conducting an "Independent Investigation" as to where it may have originated. But so is a select team on board Astrea under the leadership of Commander McEntyre.

MD 11:

1. "Second Chances" The second day at New Sausalito.

  • JP Options Civil Operations Planetside
  • Start Posts with Ataran Negotiations.

2. "Helping Brunel"

  1. Sweet Treats,... Brunel's Diagnosis
  2. 1830 Hours Brunel collapses and is taken to Sickbay,

  3. 1930 Hours Brunel awake for guests
  4. Later than evening they learn his immune system is attacking his own body, it will be touch and go. Visiting hours are limited, and family steps out after a short visit for Brunel to rest.
  5. Checking in on Brunel
  6. 2200 Hours, Nash has the first shift in Sickbay, and Eirly pops down to check in."

3. "Security Alert: These Bugs Again" Yesterday Lt. Mundy had a bluegill parasite removed. Counseling begins today. Security/Tactical can start interviews if they like.

  1. "J.M. Session One" Mundy's mandatory counseling session.

MD 10:

1. "Second Chances"

0130 hours, Astrea Arrives at New Sausalito

0300 hours, Senior Staff briefing

1400 hours, new Chief Operations Officer Arrives

1800 hours, ALL INVITED Promotions Ceremony in Main Cargo Bay

2. "Mission Interlude"

3. "Security Alert: These Bugs Again" .

MD 9:

"Mission Interlude"

0430 hours, Serenity arrives at New Sausalito,

0830 hours Remy promoted, USS Astrea officially handed over

1200 Hours, Astrea en route for New Sausalito

MDs 7-9:

"Mission Interlude"

Spello's team learns that the Atarans enslave their own people by way of a Caste system and punish and terrorize "disobedience." Spello reaches back and learns that the El-Aurians may have a history that goes even further back.

Brunel asks for Asylum. Has stated the Atarans will kill him if he's returned.

» Recruiting for these Open Positions!

Posted on Tue Jan 16th, 2024 @ 1:47pm by Captain Remy Johansen in General News

Recruiting for Villains! See our Alternate Manifest for evil openings. (Yes you can play both sides.)

Top Astrea Positions Available

Chief Flight Control Officer

Starfighter Wing Commander

Chief of Diplomatic Affairs

Mission Adviser

Assistant Chief Engineer, Science, Ops

Or come have fun in Cetacean Ops or chillin' on the Lower Decks. We have a fun crew of enlisted officers and ensigns to pal around with as well.

Latest Mission Posts

» Searching for Rebecca Lange Part 2, The Truth, and Nothing But... Kas

Mission: Helping Brunel
Posted on Sat Jul 27th, 2024 @ 2:53am by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant Commander Razka Kas & Lieutenant Eirly Andersen

While Kas and Eirly were being drugged by the food stand, Remy suffered a similar fate behind the wall of people that had formed between her and the others. They were each walked -- escorted to nearby transports, where they were each transported to the same location. Remy caught a…

» Meeting the new boss.

Mission: What We Do With Second Chances
Posted on Wed Jul 24th, 2024 @ 3:40am by Lieutenant Eirly Andersen & Lieutenant JG Xalanth

Xalanth sat patiently outside of the security office waiting to be called in. His hands were on his arm tracing a pattern along the gems on the bracelet on his arm. A dragonian bonding bracelet was a unique piece of jewellery each one was unique and made by the male…

» Interrogating the Bingo Players

Mission: The Menagerie: side stories & mischief making
Posted on Tue Jul 23rd, 2024 @ 1:44pm by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant Eirly Andersen & Lieutenant JG Xalanth

The Captain deliberately kept silent during their walk to the interrogation facilities where she would pass the pair off to her two most senior officers in the Security Department. She had refreshed her memory on their names from the PADD that Ensign Patterson had handed her, and bits of their…

» Reporting in.

Mission: What We Do With Second Chances
Posted on Tue Jul 23rd, 2024 @ 12:28am by Lieutenant Commander Maxun Spello & Lieutenant JG Xalanth

Xalanth's reptilian face did bear what looked like a face as he stepped off the transporter padd. A new ship. Another chapter in his life. His freshly regenerated arm twitched slightly as he slung his bag over his shoulder and griped the small case containing his personnel phaser and fang…

» Check-up.

Mission: What We Do With Second Chances
Posted on Mon Jul 22nd, 2024 @ 3:09am by Lieutenant JG Thivi & Lieutenant JG Xalanth

Xalanth sighed as he took a seat on the ship's med bay. He knew he had to get this done even if it did seem unnecessary. He flexed his arm a few times letting the feeling of his fingers moving flow through his body. It felt good to have them…