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Brunel Shares His Secret

Posted on Fri May 10th, 2024 @ 2:56am by Civilian Alexandra Winters & Civillian Sara Winters & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters & Civilian Brunel Winters

2,058 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Mission Interlude Starbase 76 & Serenity
Location: Winters' Family Quarters
Timeline: MD 8, 1700 Hours, After Asylum

Alexandra watched until Lieutenant Cyn was a safe distance away, then turned and threw her arms around Brunel. "You didn't tell me they would kill you," she cried. "We have to go tell my parents."

Suprised by the sudden embrace, Brunel quickly recovered and wrapped his arms around Alexandra in return. For a few moments, the two young teens simply stood there, holding each other. Finally, Brunel relaxed his hold and gently tapped Alexandra to release him, so he could respond.

Alexandra let go and looked at Brunel. "What do you want to do now?"

He thought for a moment, then asked, his eyes looking questioning at her. "We should tell you parents, shouldn't we?"

"Do you want to come to my quarters with me?" Alex asked? "Right now?"

He smiled and nodded. "I trust you, Alex."

"Come on," she said reaching out for his hand.

Nodding, Brunel reached out and took Alexandra's offered hand and allowed her to lead him where she wanted.

* * * * Winters Residence * * * *

Sara arrived home to empty quarters. Nash would be home soon, but it was unusual to not see Alex yet. Even though she'd been spending more time with friends lately, there were usually at least signs that Alex had at least come and gone at this hour. Sara decided to wait until Nash got home before checking in on Alex. She went to the bedroom to change into something more comfortable before dinner.

Nash finished work a little later than usual and was relieved to finally get back to his quarters. Sara was relaxing in the living area when entered and greeted her with a kiss.

“Hi, sweetheart. It’s….unusually quiet around here. Where are the kids? I would have expected some flurry of activity from the two of them. It’s been fun seeing them together.”

Sara smiled and took Nash's hand to stand up from the couch. "It doesn't look like Alexandra's been home from school yet. I thought I would wait until you got back to check in on her."

Before Sara finished talking the doors opened and Alexandra stepped inside with Brunel in tow. "Hi mom. Dad," Alex said turning to Nash. "We just got done talking to someone from Intelligence. Brunel just asked for asylum. He needs your help."

“Hey, you two! Intelligence? Hang on…. did you say asylum? I understand that Brunel planned on staying with us, but why would asylum be necessary. Tell me. Come sit. I want to know everything that you told,” Nash said, sounding troubled and concerned.

"Phaedrae from Intelligence came when we were hanging on the monkey bars after school and said she had questions about why Brunel can't go back," Alexandra started. She looked back at Brunel. "Do you want me to tell them?"

Sara stepped in, "Why doesn't everyone come sit down for this," she said gesturing the living area. "Just take a seat and slow down. I'll get you something to drink, and you can tell us everything that's been going on, okay?"

Brunel seemed a nit stressed by it all. He stayed close to Alexandra, as if he drew strength from her mere proximity. He then nodded to her relay to her parents, what all had been said. He knew that it would be easier, as he was still learning their standard language.

Nash began the conversation as his family and Brunel settled in on the large L-shaped sofa.
“So, Alexandra….Brunel….. please tell Sara and I what you talked about with Phaedra. Try not to leave anything out. Anything she said, all the questions she asked. All of it. Take your time and just talk to us. Whatever is going on, we want to help.”

Alexandra looked frustrated at her father's insistence to detail as her mom brought them both lemonades. "She just wanted to ask Brunel some questions about why he wanted to stay, and he wanted me there. He said if he goes back they'll kill him, daddy! You can't let them have him."

“And if he’s granted asylum by the Federation, the Atarans can’t get to him. Of course. So why would they want to kill him? Brunel? Why were you….rejected by your people? I won’t let them hurt you.”

Brunel seemed a bit hesitant to answer, then, he signed, "I was born deformed, Sir." he rubbed the front of his throat to emphasize his meaning. He then continued, "The Elders ensure all babies that are not completely normal are terminated before they are born. I only survived because my parents hid my birth. They were both very respected and in the upper caste of my people." He paused again, before continuing.

"I was smuggled aboard the Serenity. My father had been killed in the Green ship attack, and my mother managed to get me aboard and into the tube meant for my father. As I grew up, there were many fights about having my life terminated. However, my parents stopped each attempt. If I go back to my people, now that my parents are gone, I will be killed! Please don't make me go back to them!!"

Nash sat there for several seconds with his head in his hands, angered and frustrated by what Brunel had told him. He ran his fingers through his hair as if doing so would offer a solution.

“We will not let anyone take you or hurt you. Do you understand that? We will protect you. Captain Johansen will protect you. But we have to tell her what’s happening. In the meantime, if you’re serious about the asylum thing, we could start the process.”

Brunel nodded, his eyes starting to fill with emotion. "Thank you, Sir."

"Lieutenant Cyn was doing that with us today, but how do we know they will accept it?" Alex pleaded.

Nash felt his heart soften when he saw Brunel’s emotions surface. He sat next to him, put his arm around him and pulled him close.

“It’s just a matter of waiting. Atara is not a member world, at least I don’t think it is. Whether that’s a factor in the decision, I’m not sure. But be sure, we’re not letting go of this easily. Brunel, our friends Captain Johansen and Lieutenant Cyn are on our side. You have us, and the whole crew to support you. Please don’t forget that. We will face whatever comes….together.”

Alex went over to her dad and gave him a hug so she could whisper in his ear, "Can he stay with us?" she whispered. "Um, also, am I going to be in trouble for violating General Order One?"

“Oh, rations of bread and water for you, little girl…..” Nash waited and then smiled at his brave and generous daughter. “Of course not. I’m just pulling your leg. And the answer is yes, of course he can stay with us. He can be with us as long as he wants. Why don’t you take him to play in your room. Show him how the replicator works. Get yourselves a snack or something. I’d like to talk to your mom about all this. But I think we’re in agreement on how much we want to keep Brunel safe.”

"He already knows how the replicator works, dad. He's been on board long enough. Come on, Brunel let's get milkshakes and go watch music videos," Alex said.

Brunel nodded and grinned brightly as he followed Alexandra out of the main room, asking her, "Can we try the one called...strawberry?"

"You can have whatever you want," Alex said as they went to the family's replicator.

After the kids disappeared into Alex's room, Sara smiled at Nash and walked over and put her arm around him. "I'm glad you want to give him a home. To think of what he's been through. And it would feel like yesterday to him."

“Me, too. I feel horrible about what he’s facing. I don’t know why, but I just….feel the need to protect him. Do you see the way he looks as Alexandra? Like a little brother looks to a big sister. The way I idolized my brother Bobby growing up. Maybe that’s part of it. He deserves to have a home and a family. We can do that, right? Be here for him, nurture him, give him the guidance he needs. We could learn from each other as well. Pass on human and Federation values.”

Sara started to feel Nash's excitement. "Yes, we could. And it would be good for Alexandra. I always felt bad we didn't give her a brother or sister."

Nash squeezed Sara’s hand. “You can’t really mean that. We were a young family just getting started. We’re happy with just the three of us…..until recently. The prospect of going from three to four is exciting. If all goes the way we want it, we will get to see what kind of person Brunel becomes. And he’s lucky to have you as his mom. It sounds corny, but I’m lucky to have you. Thank you for being here for us. I love you.”

"I love you, too. And, I know we could have more of our own, but time flew and she's 13. She didn't grow up with anyone her age that was consistent with us while we were moving around. It's just something I've thought about for her as she's gotten older, and if something were to happen to us..." Sara trailed off.

Sara turned to look at Nash, her hands around his shoulders. "Let's say something to the Captain. Maybe it will help his asylum request, and JAG can get us preapproved or whatever needs to happen."

“I’m not sure, but it can’t hurt. Remy’s been pretty supportive since I brought up the subject.
If the whole thing can be expedited in some way….whew! I can’t believe this is really happening.” Nash was almost giddy now. “Can you just picture Alex’s face when she realizes this is done and really ‘for real’? Not to mention Brunel. I’m really trying not to get too excited, but….babe….it’s like becoming a dad for the first time all over again. Tell me I’m not thinking too far ahead.”

"IF he wants this, he deserves to have all of now. There's no way the Federation sends him back to his people with those allegations. Family isn't about the paperwork," Sara replied.

“Of course it isn’t. Family goes much deeper, more than just biology. A piece of paper or computer document doesn’t mean everything. So let’s get the ball rolling,” Nash said, agreeing with his wife.

From Alexandra's room a music video played in the background while the two had their ears pressed up against a barely cracked door straining to hear every word. After she heard her mom talking about the lawyers getting them preapproved for adoption Alexandra was so happy she started crying. She rocked back from here she'd been crouched on her heels and sat on the floor stunned that it was all happening tonight. She looked up at Brunel and smiled, tears still on her face.

Hearing what was said warmed his heart immeasurably. He was about to sign something to Alexandra, when she moved back and started crying. At first, he was unsure as to what he should do. Then, when she looked up at him and smiled, he reacted without thought. He moved to kneel on her left side and gently wrapped his arms around her, pulling her to his chest, protecting her like a brother protects his sister.

While he was unable to hum to her, Brunel did begin softly whistling the tune of an old lullaby that his mother used to sing to him.

Alexandra's tears of joy dried quickly. She listened to the tune he was whistling. "That was pretty," she whispered. "Now cross your fingers and make a wish."

Brunel released Alexandra and nodded, doing as she had asked.


Nash Winters
Chief Engineer
USS Astrea

Sara & Alexandra Winters
USS Astrea

Brunel Cal-Torin
Civilian Ataran orphan
NPC Spello


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