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Black, White, and Gray

Posted on Wed Jul 3rd, 2024 @ 3:03pm by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant Commander Razka Kas & Lieutenant Chrysanthe Capulet
Edited on on Wed Jul 3rd, 2024 @ 3:08pm

1,121 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Helping Brunel
Location: Senior Officer's Lounge
Timeline: MD 12, 2200 Hours

Remy had just finished telling Kas about the research project her team had been working on before Starfleet had shut the project down four years ago. Attempting to recreate it would be in direct defiance of Starfleet orders. Finding out where Starfleet had it stored and breaking in to steal it would violate even more laws. But the research could save Brunel's life, and Kas was offering to risk everything to help her do it.

Remy took a deep breath. "There's someone on board with the skills to cover this up. Maybe it's worth letting her know what we're thinking about doing. I would never ask her to participate, but she might have thoughts, and I'm confident she wouldn't turn us in."

"Capulet?" Kas smiled at his old friend, he knew his friend well. "I believe the three of us could mount a successful mission to retrieve the research. I'm sure you don't want to involve any more of the crew than that. I can call in some favors if we need support."

"We'll see. You know how I feel about favors," Remy said skeptically. "Let's see what Capulet is up to."

Kas smiled politely at Remy nodding in approval, they had had many debates and discussions about their cultural differences. Reciprocity was the oldest form of currency in the galaxy. He’d told Remy to be careful accepting flavors from his people, is it was good to see she remembered.

Remy tapped her communicator, "Johansen to Lieutenant Capulet. Are you available? This isn't ship's business, so if you are busy let me know when a good time would be."

The response came through a few moments later ["Captain, I am available. Where do you want me to meet you?"]

"Commander Kas and I will meet you in the Senior Officer's Lounge on Deck 3," Remy responded. "We'll see you there.

["On my way"]

A short walk from the Captain's quarters later Kas and Remy were in the currently unstaffed lounge, which was quiet as Remy had suspected - most of the officers gravitating toward the central decks where there was more to do.

"Let's grab a table away from the door," Remy suggested. "I'll grab something to drink. What do you want?"

Kas smiled at Remy; he wanted something stronger than the ridiculous regs would allow. "Raktajino with a shot of Chech'tluth."

"Syntheholic, of course." The large Hybrid sighed.

"That's probably the only kind we have up here anyway," Remy commented as she went to the replicator to order the beverage.

Chrys entered, dressed in what she classed as her off duty clothes of black jeans and a dark blue tunic top and sneakers on her feet. She walked over to the pair.

"Thanks for coming," Remy said as Chrys walked in. "Can I get you something?" She asked, still standing near the replicator.

Thinking she would need her wits about her, Chrys merely said "Just water thank you." as she moved to join Kas. "So... whats this about?"

Remy ordered Chrys' water and her own coffee and brought the three drinks over the table.

"Have you heard much about the Ataran boy who is staying on board with the Winters' family?" Remy asked.

Chrys looked at her and shook her head. "No but then I have been busy."

Remy took a breath and looked at Kas. "Well, he's 13, and was born with some genetic defects. We didn't really know the extent of what those were until recently. He's not doing well. There are some protocols that have him stabilized, but it's not a long term solution."

Chrys listened. "Ok so what do you need from me?" She asked. "I can get you lab space without any questions as you know."

"We'll have to obtain the research first," Kas stated.

"I was working on a project at Daestrom in '85 that was meant to treat something similar. It would use a synthetic positronic matrix to reprogram an individual's hypothalamus. Like several other very useful medical tools, it was swept away with the synth ban. Dr. McEntyre has my data, and thinks it can work," Remy explained. "That just leaves Kas and I to track down a matrix, without Starfleet realizing what we're doing."

"It will be like old times" Kas smiled.

"I'm not asking... or ordering by any means," Remy clarified. "We have another place we can turn, it would just be... smoother if there was someone here on the computer who knew how to erase any trace of what we're up to. If we do get caught, I'd claim complete responsibility."

Chrys waved a hand at that. "When do you need me in the system?" she asked as to her it was a forgone conclusion.

"We're taking the Holana out early, if you could make sure she's completely off grid before we go that would be helpful. It's Razka's personal runabout, but you'll know better than us what could be sending or receiving signals that the Federation could catch wind of," Remy told her. "We have some equipment on board that we will intend to use to get by security, bypass locks. We could probably benefit from an expert taking a look."

Kas paused a moment before speaking, "The Holana is 'my lady.' She has enough automation for Remy and I too execute the mission that said the optimal is four. I think you'd do well with us Chrys."

"While I understand it would be best on the shuttle for you. I would have better access to the ship from here. I can hunker down in the tubes." Chrys replied. "Once I get you to wherever you need to be, I will join you then."

"Understood, but hopefully we won't be gone that long. I'd like to do a quick in and out," Remy responded. "We're less than a day from Earth, and the Atarans are giving us a good reason to hang out here for a while longer. I'm not going to risk making contact with her until we are there, but I have someone who will know where we should go."

"Lieutenant, is there anything I can get you? What do you need?" The Captain asked as they were getting ready to wrap the meeting up. "Alos, if you are staying here, Commander Spello could definitely use you tomorrow. He got something from one of the Atarans that should help us help them."

Chrys nodded. "Sounds good."

"Okay, 0500 hours - Spello's clearing the Bridge for us. We'll try to be back in 72 hours," Remy said curtly. "The clock will be running."

Captain Remira Johansen
Commanding Officer
USS Astrea

Lt. Commander Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Astrea

Lieutenant Chrysanthe Capulet
Chief Science Officer
USS Astrea


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