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Everybody Loves the Winters

Posted on Thu Jul 4th, 2024 @ 3:34am by Civilian Alexandra Winters & Civillian Sara Winters & Lieutenant Commander Razka Kas & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters

869 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Helping Brunel
Location: Winters’ Quarters
Timeline: MD 12 1700 hours

Nash and Sara Winters were cleaning up after dinner while discussing the latest developments with Brunel and his recovery.

“Alexandra, I’m proud of you, little girl. You got all your work done before dinner. Thank you for not making us ask over and over. Thinking that talking to Brunel over comms was an incentive,” Nash said.

Alexandra rolled her eyes. "I'm not a little girl, Dad," she protested.

"You're our little girl," Sara retorted squeezing Alexandra's arm as she brushed by her.

“You should be aware that even when your mother is wiping the drool from my chin and helping me find my teeth, I’ll still be calling you “little girl”. Nash walked over to his daughter and kissed her forehead.

"Gross," Alex said giggling. "It's open gym at school tonight, can I go?"

The door chime rang.

"Come in," Sara said looking over at Nash with a shrug.

“Good Evening,” Kas smiled. “I hope your  all doing well.”

"Please come in, we just finished dinner," Sara said. "Can we get you anything?"

"Hello," Alex said to their guest(s), then she turned to her mother, her eyes wide as she made a motion with her head indicating she was still waiting for an answer about open gym.

"Just a minute, Alex. Kas just got here," Sara said giving Alex a warning look.

“Kas?! It’s…..good to see you. What brings you here?” asked Nash.

"If Alex has someplace to be, I don't wish to keep her," Kas smiled at the teen. "I need to ask for a favor. I'm going to be unavailable for a few days and I need somebody to look after Keena while I'm gone."

Kas gave Nash and Sara a meaningful look, he was under orders not to discuss his mission with anyone. Even to people he was risking so much to help.

“We’d be happy to….Sara? We can handle it, right? Alex can have a friend to spend some time with, they can get to know each other. How long will you be gone? Is it something you can talk about?”

"Of course we can, we'd be happy to," Sara added with a smile.

"The less I say the better," Kas said. "I told her I'd be doing training exercises for a week. I don't think we'll be more than three days, she doesn't like when I'm gone."

"Alex can help keep her entertained. I'm sure we'll be just fine," Sara said reassuringly.

"It can't be helped," Kas sighed. He didn't like lying to his daughter and he knew she'd miss him.

Nash threw up his hands, palms facing out. “Say no more. You can be assured Keena will be, as the human expression goes, safe as a bug in a rug. She’ll be fine. Just take care of yourself out there.”

"I thank you," Kas smiled at the way Nash expressed himself. He liked this family. "I will be leaving early tomorrow so Lt. Rodriguez can drop Keena off here in the morning. Rodriguez will give her breakfast if she has time."

“It’s our pleasure. If Rodriguez can’t feed her, we can get her something before I go to work. It really is no problem. Your warrior princess will be in good hands. Do what you have to do, Kas. She’ll be treated like family. Keena likes Alexandra; she’ll be so busy, she won’t have time to think about the fact that her dad is not here.”

"Make sure she eats her protein," Kas said, "Rodriguez will bring her prayer lamp, she's afraid of the dark. She won't admit it, but she is."

"She can stay with me if she gets scared," Alex offered.

Kas turned his face away for a moment, he didn't like being away from his 'Little Star' either. He thought about how his father had left one day when he was younger than Keena and never returned.

“You can count on it. Any food preferences or allergies of which we need to be made aware? Oh, and one more thing, Mr. Razka. Anything you need…anything,” Nash proclaimed.

"Keena can eat just about anything she likes human cuisine," Kas smiled. "If I let her, she'd eat pancakes for every meal. A growing girl with Klingon heritage needs twice as much protein as a human. You have to watch her she's far too curious and clever for her own good."

Kas looked Nash in the eye, "When I return I like to have a drink with you, I need to socialize with other parents."

“Just a drink?” Nash joked. “Come on now, bubba, we’re taking care of your daughter while you’re away. Least you can do is have a meal with us. Don’t forget about Sara, she’s a parent, too. And our family has grown by one since you first came aboard. What do you say, my fellow brother in kinship?”

"Very well, I have to have two for dinner when I return." Kas smiled.

Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters
Chief Engineer
USS Astrea

Lieutenant Commander Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Astrea

Sara Winters, PhD
USS Astrea


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