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Searching for Rebecca Lange Part 2, The Truth, and Nothing But... Kas

Posted on Sat Jul 27th, 2024 @ 2:53am by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant Commander Razka Kas & Lieutenant Eirly Andersen

2,101 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Helping Brunel
Location: Earth, Somewhere in the Himalayas
Timeline: MD 14, After Part 1

While Kas and Eirly were being drugged by the food stand, Remy suffered a similar fate behind the wall of people that had formed between her and the others. They were each walked -- escorted to nearby transports, where they were each transported to the same location. Remy caught a blurry glimpse of Kas before she was placed in to small shuttlepod.

She tried to say, I'm sorry, but in her state of mind she couldn't tell if she had spoken the words or not. Her mouth and vocal chords seemed frozen, her mind and body barely hanging on to consciousness.

Kas realized what was happening the moment he felt the needle, the chemicals were working quickly. Kas took a deep breath to prepare for his involuntary rest. He could feel himself being carried by someone and could smell the vessel he was placed in.

The ship that Kas was placed in left first, and the captors made sure that Eirly watched it leave. The shuttles were all going to the same location, but each shuttle gave the previous one long enough to drop off the passengers, get them situated in a private location, and clear the area before the next would arrive. One the shuttle that Remy had been placed into left, Eirly was finally placed into her own small craft with her escorts, and they took off en route to the location, buried in the side of a mountain range not far from where they were.

Whatever she had been injected with had started working quickly and Eirly was feeling groggy and light at the same time. Her vision was starting to go blurry as she watched the other shuttles leave without her as she was placed into her own one, but her brain was unable to comprehend what was happening so she simply slurred out "What's..." before she found she could no longer talk and the edges of her vision started going black.

On her own shuttle, Eirly had the thoughts of what Remy and Kas were going through and if she'd ever see them again. The anxiety and anticipation of the unknown was starting to make her feel sick and she did everything in her power to keep from what she'd recently eaten coming back up.

Kas's limbs felt heavy… He was in no position to fight… So he had to bide his time. He relaxed the muscles in his face with his eyes shut. He was on some sort of makeshift stretcher… Not the anti-grav gurneys  the Earth EMS used. He could heard two… No three voices as they secured him to a flat surface. He felt someone press two fingers to his neck taking its pulse. The person's scent was familiar… They were  Bajoran and they seemed nervous. 

“What's the problem back there? We need to take off!” A gruff voice said.

“His vitals seem off,” The Bajoran woman said. “His pulse should be lower; he's got 15ccs of kayolane in his system.”

The universal translator was doing its magic and the woman was speaking Bajoran. ‘She wasn’t Starfleet or she'd most likely have answered in Federation Standard.’  Kas deduced.

“Give him more!” A man said, “I don't need him wakin’ up while we're in air.”

“I'm not risking an overdose,” the woman said.

“Oh for fuck sake,” The gruff man said. He was definitely human and a fairly large with the deck plates shifted when he moved. From the brash attitude, Kas braced himself for what he knew was coming. Suddenly he felt a sharp pain as a thumb was pressed into his eye socket. Kas managed not to flinch.

“He's out cold and strapped down so get this job done.” The man said.

“We're supposed to deliver him unharmed!” The woman said.

Kas tried to stay awake, but the pain from the man's death check was too much and drifted off…

Inside the shuttle Remy was placed in loose restraints. She tried to kick against them, but was moving in slow motion, and it didn't take much effort for her captors to get her seated before they took off.

"Where?" Remy asked groggily, unable to keep her head up, or speak in a full sentence.

"What are you doing in Lhasa, Captain Johansen?" A voice asked. It was male, not deep or gruff. Remy tried to see which person spoke the words, but she couldn't tell which of the men had talked.

"Looking..." She answered groggily before passing out.

* * *

Anticipating that Razka Kas would give them the most trouble, he was brought into the facility first, and taken on a turbolift to a room on of the lower levels. Inside his room was a simple, but substantial floor cushion for him to sit on, and a drone camera followed them inside as he was being escorted.

"You'll forgive the seating arrangements, Mr. Razka," a sharp female voice spoke. "We needed to take certain precautions. I don't think this type of arrangement will be unfamiliar to you."

“If you wish to be cautious you should dismiss those contractors. They managed to get the drop which is impressive, however, the Bajoran woman doesn't have the grit for extractions. As for the other two they lack the discipline to carry out your orders and left to their own devices will get some killed.” Kas stated.

“Now, you seem to have a good deal of intel on me. What do you want from me?” Kas asked, sounding bored. "I have a life I'd like to get back to."

"You'll get back to your life. I have no intention of holding you here," the woman responded. "But I do need some information from you first. Are we going to do this the easy way or the hard way?"

“It seems you already know most of the information I would give you willingly, but time will tell.” Kas said as took in his situation weighed his options. “Ask me your questions.”

"How long have you known Remira Johansen?" The woman asked, her brown eyes studied the Klingon hybrid as she waited for his response.

“I've known Remy for many years, I consider her kin.” Kas said. “I owe her my life, so when she asked me for aid. I agreed without question.”

Half of Kas' face had numb from whatever medical treatment the woman had administered for the damage to his eye. Now it was wearing off and he could feel pain, and the light began to sting, he had to concentrate to keep his vision from blurring.

"We're off to a good start at least. Now tell me why she brought you here and we'll see about taking care of that eye," the woman demanded. She looked up to the camera and snapped her fingers once before turning her attention back to Kas.

“You are my captor, I have no intention of accepting your hospitality or aid.” Kas said calmly.” Kas said. “Have one of your errand boys bring me my goggles. The light is too bright.”

Kas stared at the woman for a moment, he wasn't restrained… However, even if he got past the guards he didn't know where the others were. He also wasn't ready to do any serious damage without more information.

“I was on a need-to-know basis. We're here to get what we need to save a child under my protection.”

"What is it that you seek in order to save this child you allege?" The woman asked. The two guards in the room stepped closer to her as they watched Kas trying to size the situation up.

"We're looking for a scientist," Kas stated.

There was a tap on the door and then a person entered with Kas' goggles and a small medical kit. The door shut behind the older female. The woman took a look at Kas and made a clucking noise with her tongue. "Tsk, tsk." She took a few steps toward Kas. "I can take care of that for you. Most like a broken blood vessel somewhere. Why don't you let me take a quick look."

The younger woman who had been questioning Kas hung back, and watched him curiously to see if he would take the aid.

Kas sized the newcomer up, the fact that she was asking for his consent spoke well to her ethics and those of their captors.

"It could also be a reaction to the kayolane I was drugged with, I'm mixed biology is unpredictable. I'll let a doctor who isn't part of imprisonment figure that out." The Hybrid explained as he slowly rest his hands in front of him. "I'll take my goggles, I do not consent to be examined during this unlawful detention."

The older woman didn't leave, she simply turned to the first woman and waited. The fist woman took a deep breath and step forward.

"Well then, some answers. Why do you think this scientist would be able to help you?" she asked.

“We need equipment that is… Difficult to obtain. Thank you.” Kas said as he accepted the goggles from the older woman and secured them to his face as spoke. “We are looking for Rebecca Lange.”

The goggles filtered the light bringing Kas instant relief from the pain. He did his best not to show it, but he felt a little better about his captors.

"Starfleet has some of the most advanced medical equipment in the Federation. If it's not in Starfleet's hands why should you think that this one person might have it?" The woman asked.

“I am the I've gone where I've been asked to by someone I trust.” Kas smiled politely. “I have told you what I know to do as you please.”

His expression was one of peaceful resolve. He took a deep breath and began the Quath’Gi.

I am a child of the stars, I am life in the void. I was conceived from the stars into the stars I will return. I and my kin seek our way through the dark guided by the Cosmos.

His eyes glazed over as he recited the sacred words of his people.

"Treat his eye, and make sure the drugs the extraction team gave them are properly out of his system," the woman said. "We'll have to try something else." She motioned the guards over to Kas.

The guards stepped forward, each taking a firm, though not painful hold of each of Kas's arms. The physician approached slowly. "I'm Dr. Phillips. It's best you just let me take care of this. The other option is that they put you in restraints." She took out a tricorder and began to scan the hybrid.

Kas didn't struggle and continued reciting ancient texts. Without responding to the Doctor, he had no intention of harming this woman. It was not the time to fight so he allowed the guards to restrain him. One of the guards removed the goggles and the doctor got to work. Kas said a silent prayer to the Cosmos. That he would get out of this alive, his voice became softer as his conscious mind retreated further into his subconscious. Now he would only feel the pain he chose, he was entering a state of nothing.

The doctor scanned him and quickly assessed the situation. "A few minutes with a vascular regenerator and his eye should be back to normal in about an hour or so."

"When you're done have the guards set him down gently over by the cushion so he doesn't fall and hit his head." She looked up to the camera, "And have some water and fruit brought for him if he decides to wake up." The Bajoran walked to the door and stood and waited for the doctor to finish before leaving.

The Bajoran stood watch and supervised as the physician left, and a server came in with a tray of food and a cup of water. "Leave the plate and cup, make sure to take the tray," she reminded him.

Kas had allowed his body to go limp when the guards began to move him, it was clear they had medical training from the way they moved him. The Bajoran moved closer to him as she spoke to another person who entered the room. He felt her hand on his neck as she gently checked his airway. The woman squeezed his hand in a comforting way. Kas was too deep in his mind to react.

Once Kas was seated the Bajoran followed the server and the guards out of the room, leaving behind the camera.



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