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Security Sweep

Posted on Mon Aug 26th, 2024 @ 1:27am by Petty Officer 1st Class Enam Nemec & Major Clay McEntyre III & Lieutenant JG Xalanth & Ensign S'Niri & Corporal Eden McKenzie

1,001 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: What We Do With Second Chances
Location: Serenity
Timeline: MD 13: After Spello's Turn

* * * The Bridge * * *

On the Bridge of the Serenity Major McEntyre's team still had the seven Atarans detained at phaser point, including the queen, her two known associates, and four who breached the Bridge who claimed to be friendly, but the Major was taking no risks.

The Major glared at his prisoners, intimidating like. His arms, crossed across his chest, tail flicking back and forth.

"Be sure they're all ready for transport back to the Astrea. I want to do this by the book so that there is nothing that can be used against us when we bring them before the Federation Council." Clay told his marines, and he meant it. Anything else happens to his charges and this whole lot could be freed on legal technicalities. He didn't think that would look good on a resume.

Eden piped up, "What's our ETA on when we have to have them before the Council?" She was more of a behind the scenes kind of marine, preferring to fix everything from transport to weapons, rather than being on the front line, so to speak. It was definitely an opportunity to be here though, she wouldn't deny that.

“I believe once we secure the Serenity, we’ll be underway back to Starbase” Clay replied his ears flicking as he hears the shrill whine of a transporter beam.

A federation beam lit up the room as Xalanth and a security team beamed over.
"Status?" He asked the marines as he indicated his team to restrain the prisoners before begin transporting them over to the brig.

Clay turned, walking over to the Dragonian. “Lieutenant. We have the queen, her staff and security in custody. The rest of my team is sweeping the ship now for anyone we missed. If you could have your security forces assist them, it would be appreciated.”

Clay's commbadge chirped immediately afterward. How convenient! =/\= Ensign S'Niri here. We caught a few daring ones trying to get into Engineering. Good thing the people here made quick work of them. =/\=

=/\= "Understood. We're finishing up here. I'll send a couple of my marines down to you, Ensign," Clay replied.

"Get down there and back them up." Xalanth said to his team who nodded and hurried off.

Caprin looked at Jaren and gave him a small nod causing him to speak up. "And what are your intentions with us?" He asked.

"You're going back to the ship. We have some very nice cells awaiting you. " Xalanth replied as he flicked a transported beacon onto Jaren who vanished in a federation transporter beam. =/\= prisoner received. =/\= came the coms in his ear as he prepped the next beacon.

"The queen we'll have to isolate from her soldiers and entourage. We don't want her getting any ideas on escape." Clay commented to Xalanth as he turned to lift up another high ranking Ateran to his feet for transport.

"Let your security officers know that they are to be treated with respect and not injured. We don't need any flak from the Council on how we handled this."

"Respect? Is that what you call this?" Caprin scoffed. "How'd you do it?"

" Will do." Xalanth said as he pulled out another transporter beacon. " That's for us to know your highness." he said calmly as he clipped the beacon onto her arm. " Energising," he said as she disappeared into a ball of blue light.

* * * Lower Decks * * *

Petty Officer Enam was with the group reporting to engineering. When he arrived he saw that Ensign S'Niri had three people in custody, and he counted a group of eight others huddled against the wall with the supporting bulkhead. Judging from their dress and appearance they could have been slaves, but they couldn't be too careful at this point. Anyone could be disguising themselves as one thing when they were really another.

"Ensign S'Niri, would you like us to prepare everyone for transport?" Enam asked.

"Yes, please. Three of us here can't handle everyone." S'Niri grasped one of the Atarans by the arm and pulled him up. "Right, you lot. Move." She barked at the rest before padding out the door.

"Alright, single file. Don't try to touch anyone or anything. You first." Enam counted three who were against the wall and gestured them over and started scanning them over. When the first three were set they notified Astrea they were ready for transport and moved on to the next three.

"There are people in engineering. Don't you want in there?" One of the men that S'Niri held at phaser point asked.

"Move along." S'Niri grabbed him by the arm and handed him over to the personnel manning the transporter before walking back into engineering. "Next three. And don't try anything funny." She snarled, pointing her phaser at the other Atarans there.

Kelo flinched in response to the tactical officer's snarl. Though she held a phaser, it seemed that she could tear them limb from limb without a weapon if she'd wanted to. "Okay, okay. I promise I won't," he said eager to get to a holding cell or wherever it was they were being taken.

S'Niri shook her head and turned away to call up one of the others. He was probably no older than twenty by the look of him. It made her heart ache to imagine him being roped into this endeavor by the wrong company. "Follow." She ordered the next one, as they were brought to their feet behind her.

The guilty were slowly learning to give in to the fact that they had been defeated. Their ship had stopped working and even if they could get to shuttles they wouldn't be able to sustain themselves for long enough to find a place to go. Even those who actually were innocent didn't bother to try to explain. They had heard how Starfleet had healed Raz-keth's hand, and hoped that they truly were good and would help them out of this life. Anything to get off of the ship would be an improvement.



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